Why do NPCs laugh off evidence backed conspiracy theories?

Why do NPCs laugh off evidence backed conspiracy theories?

I showed the Bohemian Groove stuff to my coworkers and they all went "DUUUDE COME ON IT'S ALL STAGED".

Attached: IMG_1617.jpg (220x229, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> 1 post by this id

"Staged for what? What exactly are they doing there?"

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It is staged you brainlet

Its programmed into their brain. The active side has never talked to the right side - never has the NPC reasoned.


People who use the NPC meme are the real NPCs

NPC memers cannot think for themselves. Their only “functions” are to repeat the script of whatever narrative is popular at that very moment, and to repeatedly call anyone who disagrees with the narrative an npc.

They cannot think critically about complex topics in a nuanced way. They are just like the non-player characters in video games: they can only stick to the pre-programmed script options and argue using popular memes. This is why npc posters are themselves the npcs.

Want to know how to spot the real npc? Take some hot topic or event that Jow Forums is obsessed with, and offer a well-argued but slightly alternative take from what the hive-mind is saying. Immediately you’ll get bombarded with people calling you an npc just for thinking differently, meanwhile they won’t offer any substantial counter arguments or analyses to your position. When you ask them to offer a real argument instead of just meme posting, they will say things like “look, I would argue with you, or discuss the topic at hand, but what’s the point, you’ll never break out of your programming.”

Just remember: NPC memers are programmed to say things like this. It isn’t their fault that they cannot make sense of things on their own. It isn’t their fault that they are the real NPCs

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Reminder that all NPC threads are predictive programming and setting the narrative for the next Jewish Mossad Democrat false flag. The narrative will focus on video games and right wing white incels.

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>thinking differently
>=/= being a faggot.
Well there's your problem.

thsat or have their ego shattered.

Because that shit is crazy user, crazy occult shit and human sacrifice only happened in the entirety of human history except for the past 100 years or so stop being so paranoid
Haha I mean who would worship an ancient god, it's 2018 for chrissakes