Who is your favourite conservative?
Mine is pic related
Who is your favourite conservative?
Mine is pic related
Joe is a Soros-defending faggot.
Joe Rogan is a kike puppet hypocrite wannabe intellectual pothead that should have stuck to getting kicked in the head repeatedly.
>pink nips
>brown eyes
Faggot-pussy told Alex he'd have him back on in September, then Joe ghosts him like the pussy he is.
He's a fucking coward.
Holy fuck what a gay OP
Let this thread DIE
>checks flag
>manlet rogan
>checks flag
The Proud Goy leader Gavin McChinless
Gas yourself. Rogan is a liberal masquerading as a libertarian
This guy gets it
Joe "I'm a liberal today" Rogan
>Dude dmt.
He says that he's liberal, that the environment currently is just so polarized that he seems/or is accused about not being left leaning.
He supports an ABI
Gay Marriage
He's not conservative
Tucker Carlson is my conservative ManBoo
Except he isnt a conservative
he's a liberal.
I love how gullible you faggots are
op is a fake&gay faggot
Yeah, Grug think
>Steps closer to rock
Grug think we only know how to make fire because we eat shaman berries sometime. Only by shaman berries and mushrooms does Grug look at stars. Jommie, show cave painting of how mushrooms make ancestors tell you secrets. What's that? Painting of saber cat? Whoa, that thing huge. Can probably take this many spears | | | | | | | | | | | |
The guy who's created the biggest podcast in the world, to the extent that his episodes get more views than every major media new outlet combined, is regularly mislabeled a conservative even though he says he's a lib....
yea the subject matter is kind of gay, but I think it's in the benefit of everyone to know what exactly he says about himself.
Maybe he can punch his way to having a father. Like every other MMA fan lol.
sage all NPCs
>Who is your favourite conservative?
Rogain must be Hitler compared to Swedish politics.
the birds did 9/11
I always wondered how people answer to end up in that green quadrant of the political compasses. I guess you just talk about weed and chimps all day.
if you think joe rogan is conservative you haven't been paying attention
Conservative is a worn out vague word that is meaningless.
Today's conservatives are actually liberals. We like freedom. Most political parties around the world with the word liberal in them are right leaning parties.
The left are authoritarians.