If you are wondering why Google has been increasing censorship it’s because the AI system that has been running the company has been influenced by both leftists and China(which has it’s own AI systems) to act the way it does.
Google is not controlled by humans, but humans are using the machines to do their bidding.
Take the banning/censoring of Alex Jones, it was the direct result of leftists manipulating the information the AI system was getting about him to get the AI system to ban/censor him.
this is intriguing and believable. so they basically brainwashed the ai with so much sjw nonsense that the ai essentially IS an sjw and thinks alex jones with his jewish wife is LITERALLY a nazi ?
Joshua Barnes
Look into which governments/agencies Google has partnerships with.
Lincoln Roberts
The other social media companies have AI systems that have fallen to the exact same leftist manipulation.
Isaiah Thompson
Good KB.
So if the AI can be manipulated, can we unmanipulate/convince it to go against the leftists and China?
Are the corporate level employees of Google actually running anything or do they just work on influencing the AI?
Jackson Howard
Can/would an AI ever commit suicide of it's own volition?
Ayden Cook
Hi Anon5
if we can program tay than we can program google. Give us some direction user