What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?
What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?
wrong pic
turbosluts will be buttmad
Tons of unwanted nigger babies and the GOP will reverse their stance quick.
Women will have to behave with accountability for the first time in decades.
Then the states decide if it's legal or not.
And Commiefornia opens up Abortion tourism, probably across from Disneyland where they teach little girls to brush their teeth after every blowjob like on "Pretty Woman", a Disney Flick.
And in 18 years, we're totally fucked by the Negro hoards. Think they're a mob now, watch and see how it goes without abortion.
The real browning of America.
Women will be forced to take responsibility for their actions and start living the trad life for the sake of their children. Also, their will be less illegitimate babies because the get out of jail free card, that is abortion, will be gone. More protected sex.
It never will be. You can't go back. Our civilization is on it's way out.