What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?

What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?

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wrong pic

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turbosluts will be buttmad

Tons of unwanted nigger babies and the GOP will reverse their stance quick.

Women will have to behave with accountability for the first time in decades.

Then the states decide if it's legal or not.
And Commiefornia opens up Abortion tourism, probably across from Disneyland where they teach little girls to brush their teeth after every blowjob like on "Pretty Woman", a Disney Flick.

And in 18 years, we're totally fucked by the Negro hoards. Think they're a mob now, watch and see how it goes without abortion.

The real browning of America.

Women will be forced to take responsibility for their actions and start living the trad life for the sake of their children. Also, their will be less illegitimate babies because the get out of jail free card, that is abortion, will be gone. More protected sex.

It never will be. You can't go back. Our civilization is on it's way out.

Then the libs will have to go to mexico to kill their children

Nothing because stairs and coat hangers haven't been banned.


If RvW were overturned (highly doubtful, even if it is unconstitutional) abortion wouldn't become illegal, it would be up to each state's discretion

>What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?
your mother will think of the life she should have had

the big blue dildo of white birthrates being positive
that's what happened to us in the 50s

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Abortion won't become "illegal" even if there was discussion on the topic. The decision would fall to the states where the decision should be.

Realistically what happens is conservative states will heavily restrict it and liberals will totally allow it so the net effect is a higher conservative birthrate and lower liberal birthrate

gypsies still used coathangers, only welfare makes subhumans breed

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no women will be whores anymore

Bad news if we take into account current abortion rates.

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We will build more prisons to house all of those unwanted blacks.

>Women will be forced to take responsibility for their actions
And men aren't responsible for not getting the snip or using a fucking $1 condom?
Not to mention that the "day after-pill" might be restricted as well.
The anti-abortion legislation only hurts poor people: The people who can't afford to get an out-of-state abortion, unlike the upper middle class.

>start living the trad life
Oh you starry-eyed idealist, you.

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More nigger babies.

>What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?

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well be really over run with retarded nigs and spics

women will be more reluctant to spread their legs and every nignog in the world because they know they can't just have an abortion to get rid of their mudbaby when the daddy disappears.

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We get overrun with the worst blacks you've ever seen

It'll be turned back over to states rights and 70% of the people bitching about it will still be able to kill their baby.


It'll get worse before it gets better
But it's not going to happen, nobody really cares

Megabus makes money off of taking women to adjacent states. A Megabus ticket can be as low as $1.50. Any woman who wants an abortion will be able to get one in another state.

Then we shame women. We shame them for all the babies they killed. They committed the worst genocide in history. We will build museums to make sure this never happens again.They owe cosmic reparations. But ill settle for the 19th

Can everyone just read this and understand. Most people dont even want it illegal they just want it to be recognized again as the loathsome practice that it is.

Who wears gloves when it's 70 degrees?

No way that bitch makes it 6 more years.





Single mothers that didn't abort sure haven't learned their lessons you faggot.
Non-whites birth rates are down and the GOPiss keeps trying to restrict access to it.
States most likely to ban it are the nigger infested states of the South.
Abortion should not only remain legal but I would spend tax dollars making it more affordable for more poor mud women.

America becomes brazil

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>>libs will go to Mexico, get massacred then the remains get dumped into barrels followed by a nice steady flow of cement.

That's several problems out of the way

Ginsburg, as well as 90% of the left's politicians, have their supply of fetus organs cut off and die within 3 months.

We would be knee deep with niglets. Abortion will stay legal as long as niggers keep breeding.

Race war?

According to the WaPo 2018 Police Shootings Database there have been "746 people have been shot and killed by police in 2018". Leftist love to claim police are mass killers and stage protest shouting "Hands up don't shoot". Meanwhile 500,000+ babies are aborted because of a "woman's right to choice" and those who protest the literal genocide are labeled as misogynistic, outdated, and against women. Really shows the priorities of society and the nature of politics.



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old jew has winter gloves on inside to keep her skin from falling off

>South becomes majority black/Hispanic
>they perma-elelct democrats
>abortion gets relegalized
>in addition you get a massive increase in crime, welfare and gun control + tax hikes and hate crime laws

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I love how this is the democrat response to republican voters.

Either we don't give women the vote or we let them vote for democrats who don't talk about making abortion illegal.

someone play the gif where clarence stands up and her spirit leaves her body.

No, blacks will literally throw their unwanted children in the trash.

The population of America will expand at an accelerating rate as the next generation have more babies then the last. That's not neccessarily a bad thing. This means that theres more young to take care of the old. More tax revenue for each passing generation. No need to immigration as your population naturally increases... you guys get it.
>Pic is the demographic pyramids of india and the States. The States would look a lote more like india is no abortions was a thing.

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I'll laugh a lot at the women freaking the fuck out that they might have to be responsible for their own sexual decisions/mistakes.

And fingers crossed that niggers AND their babies will die going after illegal abortions.

Worst case, it's illegal in like 2 states. We'll be okay.

It has to coincide with welfare reform

states rights, faggot. states right

all your immigration efforts will be fucking pointless because native born niggers and spics will outbreed you and you'll still have a minority white country, good job christcucks.

Would it apply?

Didn't gay marriage get shoved down your throats via the Supreme Court?

Not until we get rid of birth control as well

yeah we'll build them with all that tax money you don't want to pay.

Thomas looks like he is one pulled pork sandwich away from a heart attack.

every state would have to individually illegalize abortion

it wouldn't be illegal in all states-- it really wouldn't be a big deal unless you're an idiot fucking communist

remember that digits says she dies

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And white cucks will adopt them.
Which states do you think are most likely to ban abortion? I'd say the red states of the South which also have the most niggers.

>if Abortion becomes illegal?

We're gonna become flooded with morons like OP.

Goddamn I hate Christian conservatives. You feign moral superiority when you cry crocodile tears for dead niglets while supporting foreign wars and sucking police state dick. Its fat mutts like you that make me so black pilled and not give a fuck that you're being replaced by Mexicans and Chinks.

What the fuck is that thing on the right doing in the SCOTUS?
She looks like a Jewish zombie

I'm not a christcuck. I'm pro choice because it kills niggers and spics in the womb before they can become criminals that I have to lock up at the cost of $30,000 a year.

as far as I'm concerned every nigger or spic woman who gets an abortion should get a crimestoppers badge.

Abortions are a thing in India you absolute retard. Notice how the "female" side is like 20-30% lower than the "male" side, especially for children?

Anybody else remember her not having gloves on in this picture? I remember a few anons even mentioning how her hands had weird sores on them, either that or she looks like she is about to fucking die in all of her pictures

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You laugh but I knew someone who was who did this very thing and admitted to it.

Morality/intelligence will decrease as the heartless cunts who would normally have an abortion have no choice but to spread their genes

Most prisons are Privatelly owned

salt market implosion

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and the money to house the inmates comes from the US and state governments.

Niggers will flood the streets, it will accelerate the race war.

then people will be forced to outlaw welfare for out of wedlock birth and then women will be forced to have less sex or become mothers

>What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?
Immigration in the U.S. will come to a halt.

I’ll land in the United States and become genghis khan

Just because a prison is privately owned doesn't mean its not a government institution. Prison wouldn't exist period without a government. Someone with an ancap flag should understand that

Helter skelter

Condoms are given out for free and they still don't use them.

No, you and your taxes will have to take responsibility for their actions. They'll still stay the same, use men for child-support + alimony, neglect their children, and raise their children to either be lesbian or femboy.

Baby Jeebus himself will descend from heaven and plant a big, sloppy kiss on the white christ-chucks foreheads for allowing millions of ghetto-niggers to procreate like rabbits.

These posts are what I call bullshit.
>ever taking responsibility

That's because Men don't like using them. Let's face it, we literally prioritize a little bit more pleasure in sex over safety. We'd rather risk an unwanted pregnancy, than downgrade fucking from 10/10 to 7/10.

>What happens if Abortion becomes illegal?

>More tax revenue for each passing generation.
Most non-whites use and abuse the tax system in this country at incredible rates. Most are a net-drain on society. They're the ones who get abortions so less tax revenue for us all.

I dont wish her harm. The lord is waitin- wait. She is Jewish? [redacted] what happens to Jews when they ded?

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Good times is what will happen. Can't wait for endless stream of THOTs ending up in prison or dead do to illegal abortions. It's a two-for-one

Rosties die via coathanger