What is with these people and this fantasy shit?

What is with these people and this fantasy shit?

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What do you expect from a child?

It's just NPC behavior, why bother making a thread about it?

Harry potter is my favorite

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it's their pathetic attempt to unify against the angry white male coalition.

Can’t say I blame them given that the whole of American politics is essentially a fantasy.

Real answer:
By and large, a leftist can only believe all the outlandish, contradictory shit he believes because he has virtually zero actual knowledge of history (And what he thinks he has is propaganda).

Given this vacuum of relevant anecdotes to draw from, they turn to things they ARE familiar with (like the modern equivalent of traditional folklore).

>”Death Eaters”
I can honestly say I’ve never read a single page of, or seen five minutes of, Harry Potter anything and it never fails to sound stupid every time it is presented to me.

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liberal middle aged women are obsessed with being young again. Go read yelp reviews in your city's bar district. It's pathetic.