Is this the most "let's all be cucks" show around or what? Seriously...

Is this the most "let's all be cucks" show around or what? Seriously, they are literally pushing "Sharing my wife makes me more evolved" and let's not forget about the feminists that drive a giant bus around the city to "save women from pig men. No longer will we be taught to let them hurt us!" Led by a lesbian of course. Seems 99% of all those being purged are innocent dindu spics and niggers who hate the purge yet it shows scenes of them signing papers in favor of the purge because "Is free money!". Every purger is an evil white man, one is a black dude but hold up, he gives you a chance of escape on his TV show so he a cool dude! Fuck this shit

>Sharing your wife means you are more evolved
>All purges are evil white men
>All those being purged are innocent people of color
>Feminists are seeking out "pig men" led by the dyke in that gif of the blonde girl yelling and gagging on cock
>All the "free dome fighters" are spics, some of whom murder their white bosses who out food on their tables cause "revolutions gotta start somewhere"
I'm on episode six and I'm getting real sick of this shit

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I want fucking answers! I know you are reading this you Israeli kikes

So stop watching it. Problem solved.

Of course! I'll be a good guy and allow this to happen. After all, this show told me "Europeans invented madness with the slave trade and have you seen the Congo? White men are the problem"

This entire franchise makes me sad. The concept behind it is genius, but the poor execution and the obvious SJW bullshit just kills another thing that could be great.

I didn't even know that was a show, I thought they were movies? Either way why are you fucking watching it dude? Go read a book or lift some weights instead of validating liberal media by giving it views.

There's a screencap floating around that answers it more in-depth but essentially The Purge is just a view into leftist mindsets about neighborhoods and communities. They distrust them and believe everyone is violent & ill-tempered. It's a projection of their own insecurities about themselves as well as a projection of their ugliest characters. They would gleefully engage in this type of violence if they could get away with it. It's why purges in leftist governments are so frequent and so bloody. The people who write and enjoy the kind of crap the Purge pushes as entertainment are the same people who wish or would wish to be commissars.

These are your ideological enemies. These are the enemies of humanity in general.

Watching TV in general is a beta activity.

The USA network got the rights for a TV show set in the same universe.

>The Purge is just a view into leftist mindsets about neighborhoods and communities. They distrust them and believe everyone is violent & ill-tempered.
but the show is about the opposite

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