Jow Forums is inbred

Racemixing isn't bad.

The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding. Think about it.

>If you are currently dating or married to somebody who is from your own country and is of your own ethnicity, there's a one in five chance that the two of you share a common family member fewer than 10 generations ago.

Attached: 1498328762445.jpg (700x415, 116K)

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At least you changed-up the picture and turned on a meme flag to keep reposting this.

Everyone is a racemixed mutt somwhere in their family tree but I believe mixing and racial preservation are both important
Excess of either is unacceptable, especially when it's being facilitated through malignant social engineering

True. I have one Swedish speaker in my bloodline from Vaasa, Finland in 1724.

Baby sure is light compared to the "dad". Did the man get cucked?

Incest can be thought of as speciation. We do it with dogs to ensure a pure breed. The only difference is we kill retarded puppies that came about as a result of inbreeding. So you are right. But the opposite of race mixing is just as bad as race mixing. Maybe we would consider introducing small trickles of migration in white areas but we are no where near that point so having this discussion now is pointless.

lmao Western European Whites and Slavs are the most out red groups on the planet
t. subhuman mongrel

Not necessarily, dark skin is actually recessive.

Attached: 51DA1BE8-083C-488A-AA2D-115686A0FF4C.jpg (450x286, 56K)

not quite. 1/64 negroid subhumans are known to occasionally birth almost fully blooded looking negroes

There is no justification to pollute European bloodlines by mixing with inferior races

There is nothing actually wrong with inbreeding. Race mixing, on the other hand, has large and measurable health and quality of life of offspring issues.