Tech crash has begun


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Other urls found in this thread:

>tech people
cant wait for them to not find jobs
as a network engineer there is nothing I hate more than some skinny jean wearing hipster faggot that thinks hes smart with a 110 IQ coding javascript or python




>tech crash
It's a little garbage studio that made abysmal hiring and financial decisions, let's not get ahead of ourselves


of all the things to throw into a brief description of people to get them hired, she chose "empathetic" instead of, say, "hardworking"

>telltale employees still jobless

wonder why

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Getting laid off happens all the time in the gaming industry. Why are they surprised

"Empathetic" is code for "easily brainwashed" -- Long story short it means you can pay employees with emotion. This doesnt actually work very well when you over do it. Empathy is how shit like this makes it out the door without anyone speaking up about it being total shit.

>most skilled in the business
>cant find a job

What exactly is their business? Are they retarded?