All these liberal women work as waitresses, they make better than minimum wage because of tips. Stop tipping them immediately and they will go back to raising kids.
STOP TIPPING!!: Starving the liberal beast!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying I eat out any more
Honestly, Every time I go out, even to a really nice place it's a dumb nog waiter.
I can't do it anymore.
On the upside, I've become a pretty good cook.
don't lie its cuz ur poor as fugg
This actually has some good potential. #starvealiberal could both literally starve liberal waitresses and, possibly, empower the silent überright majority in the service industry to shed their shame and voice their true beliefs.
I dont believe in tipping.
deus vult
Well I'm not a fucking millionaire that's for sure.
The restaurants that I used to like and or love have become infested.
The level of service has dropped to a point where it's not worth it anymore.
But at least you called me poor right.
nah, i will keep my compassion no matter the life form
Stop eating at restaurants altogether.
Eating out is for (eventual/perpetual) poor fags. I haven't done it in I can't remember how long. Cook your own meals, starve the restaurant jew.
Literally this! But sometimes you have to...
I specifically give women that flaunt their bodies a lower tip.
Tipping shouldn't even be a thing
You have definitely eaten spit.
I refuse to eat at any place where tipping is a thing, it's such a disgusting kike practice. I'll only give in for very special occasions.
>don't tip and you fuck over the employee
>tip and enable Shekelberg to continue paying employees poverty wages
I was thinking the same thing the last time I ate out.
>All'a these-here librul wimmen
Get back to your double-wide and fry something.
tipping is a bullshit custom
>All these liberal women work
Liberals don’t work.
Yup, I just figure anytime I'm out eating and a nigger either makes my food or brings it it will contain some kind of bodily fluid not in the recipe. incidentally, I do not like to eat out.
>I refuse to eat at any place where tipping is a thing, it's such a disgusting kike practice.
I found the perfect place for you, nigger.
based McDonald's Ad.
>is this little nigga yours
>naw nigga it ain't mine
Dude, this. Why is it so fucking hard to get my order right? I had a long day on Friday, went hiking with the kids, dropped them off and just wanted a fucking steak and a few beers. I orderes it medium rare, came back fucking raw and room temp in the middle, and this was at a major chain know for steak (wasn't cheap). How in the fuck do you fuck up that bad when it's your fucking job? I can do that better and I grill every once in awhile these days. Fuck that, I know what I like and can cook, fuck going out. It's all the spic cooks that do it for $12 an hour, fuck them, and fuck supporting that machine.
Did he actually say this? Holy fuck.
Jesus. They're so disgusting. Just their existence is gross, and then they do this shit. I can't drink enough alcohol to sterilize my insides.
Eh, I put in 3 years in restaurants. It's pretty easy to fuck up your order if it's busy. Your steak might be one of a dozen on the grill, along with a bunch of other shit.
You're right though, sometimes the mother fuckers behind the line don't give a fuck. Doesn't matter if it's a spic, nigger, or white guy back there.
Also, don't eat out. It's WAY dirtier than you think, yes even at those "nice" restaurants. Sometimes up to like 3 or 4 people have touched their dirty bare hands on your food, and hands don't get washed as often as you think.
Oh, and I've seen an $80 dry-aged steak dropped on the ground, then the manager told the cook to wash it off, re-season it, then throw it back on the grill. Yeah... don't eat out. I could go on and on...
>But at least you called me poor right.
It's not an insult.
Hahaha this could fucking work
This is extremely rare. Don't worry, you probably have not eaten spit.
>career waitress
pretty rare in my experience, dems always trying to "fix" their wages when they make more with tips, also always getting stiffed by pocs.
Not a conspiracy, i read a while back that Obama put a law in order that pays businesses bonus to hire this sort of trash as to get them off welfare.
This is the reprecussions of such blind bullshit.
It's like padding affirmative action.
Nobody cared at the time and now businesses are suffering as a result.
>cock carousel
>beta orbiter
>clam meat
It reads way too much like a greentext to be anything but a greentext.
It's real
My wife is a bartender and uber fucking redpilled. Way moreso than most of nu-pol. Dont belive people do this newfags, this is a slide thread. Be a white person, and tip. Leave nigger culture to niggers.
Refusing to tip is nigger-tier.
Niggers and Jews get paid to start threads like this. Sad.
Only if you’re dumb enough to be a regular who doesn’t tip. Fucking niggers, Jesus Christ.
I fucking hate tipping. I'm so glad that we do not tip in Japan, or other Asian countries. I've gotten into arguments with American and Canadian friends over this. It's also why I hate travelling to Canada or the U.S., because the servers pressure and shame customers into tipping. Fuck the tipping system. It's a fuckin' shake down.
>Stop eating at restaurants altogether.
That's probably the best advice.
>Pay me or get the spit
You wanna know how I know you're a nigger?
In fact if you were in front of me meow I'd strangle you to death like a prostitute.
>I was thinking the same thing the last time I ate out.
Think of the decades during which one has eaten out. What are the chances that you have not had some nog, spic, pajeet spit, piss, blow snot, etc. in your soup, curry, pizza or pasta? It disgusts me to even think about it. We had a case here where the yakuza were grinding people up in ramen shops and making ramen soup out of them to get rid of the bodies.
See. That's what I'm talking about. What is he making?
Executive chef here. Don't tip servers. Even the best servers are scum and the whole concept behind tipping is fucked to the core. Hospitality is a one sided service. To expect a return from a hospitable act is contradictory.
You're not taking into account that the factories that produce your food that you buy and cook, also hire these niggers.
Honestly the only conclusion I've come to is close the borders and kill or deport a niggers and shitskins.
Make room for Death Kitty, bitches!
You wanna know how I know you’re a nigger? Because you act like one.
If you're wife was actually good enough she wouldn't be merely a bartender. She would be a bar manager, service manager, general manager, co-owner or even owner.
t. nigger payroll
>Oh, and I've seen an $80 dry-aged steak dropped on the ground, then the manager told the cook to wash it off, re-season it, then throw it back on the grill. Yeah... don't eat out. I could go on and on...
Anthony Bourdain came to fame for his stories like the ones you mention in his book Kitchen Confidential. Yeah, eating out is just not a good idea, is it.
Consistent based poster. Probably working for tips. Much harder than it seems. I did it for 2 weeks, never fucking doing it again.
This thread is full of niggers
Shes been offered promotions, but she goes to hourly pay if she goes up higher than bartender. She makes more money as a bartender. It's not a career choice.
Not really all that common in the dr anyway sampai
I should tip a black for bad service?
Should I tip a white idiot for shitty service?
How am I a nigger for not tipping for the worst of service?
What color are you?
So many questions.
Nope. Just a guy who doesn’t act like a nigger. I have left 3 cents just to make a point though.
No, dumbass, you don’t tip for shitty service. That’s the whole point.
>I have left 3 cents just to make a point though.
That's fuckin' hilarious. I bet the bitch serving you was mad as hell after seeing that. I'd love to see the look on her face.
I've left some cents to get a point across too lol. "I remembered to tip, but fuck you" yeah. Happens sometimes.
But Exec chefs start screaming bloody murder the minute I suggest servers not be required to tip kitchen and food/waste costs be addressed.
Get fucked
I've seen a server receive a 1 dollar torn in half as a fuck you before. Haha
>tip like a nigger
>give conservatives a bad reputation
>give them enough grounds to cry discrimination and have the government step in
>watch thirsty white knight beta cucks tip your share anyway
Terrible plan.
You're better off just not eating out and/or leaving bad ratings that complain about the service. Total absence removes the business and cuts back hours which hurt a lot more than a table not tipping.
That said, most of the girls I work with have kids, and husbands. It's not just thots and roasties. I don't think we want to alienate the working class mother that picks up the lunch rush while the kids are at school to suppliment dad's income now that illegal immigrants are undercutting his wages.
Yup, 6 figures is nigger pay. Tell me how it feels to suck dick in unskilled labor day in and day out to ultimately amount to nothing?
That's what I've been saying the whole thread.
In fact, I said I can't do it anymore so I cook at home now.
I swear before god and Jow Forums I would gouge your eyes out in person because you don't really need them.
Bahahaha. Thats fucking awesome. Will try and remember that if its ever called for.
Servers tipping the kitchen is not a universal theme at all.
I don't know a jew that'd have the balls to say that.
6 figures... Yeah I'm calling Bs on that. Where do you cook?
If you guys don't want to pay me to bring you your pizza then come get your own damn pizza and I'll work inside. This shit is too rough on my car and gas prices are up in my state.
I like the idea
I like it
Imagine a fembot screaming at some normie about not getting a tip, calling him a nazi, and really going nuts.
This has YUGE potential, like the next big thing.....Fuck yea
I wonder why we used to hang them
This. Why should I tip someone for doing their fucking job? If I do my job I get a paycheck. If I don't do my job I get fired.
yeah this
Lel. Fucking sucker. You're allowing a business to not pay you a living wage, and then blaming others for not supplementing that wage.
Better yet just stop going out to eat
If i was rich, I'd put these in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore on giant Billboards in the ghetto
Kike using VPN to voice support for his own post detected.
Nigger why would I divulge something that can easily be googled on 4chins. A french/contemporary american restaurant in a high rated hotel in Richmond, Va. That's all you get
We do pay. We pay in delivery charge which you are reimbursed for in miles on your vehicle. This does not work via the honor system and you're a faggot.
The only people who don't tip are niggers. Don't be a nigger.
I assume I'm eating spit anytime I eat out. Just accept it and be ready to find a loogie and sue the pants off a company. I HOPE someone spits in my food, I'm behind on my student loans
> 6 figures
> high rated
> in nigtown va
Shill detected
>eating out
cringe and bluepilled
>You're allowing a business to not pay you a living wage
The system we have in the US is that you have the option to not tip if the service was performed badly. Sure the business could up the delivery charge from a flat $1.5, $1 to the drivers wage and 50 cents for gas, to 10% of the bill but it would remove your option to deny the tip if the service was poor, driver was an asshole and parked on your lawn or took an hour and half. If the driver does his job well and you don't tip him then you're just abusing the system. And next time you call we will tell you straight up that we don't want to deliver to you and to come get your food. Happens all the time.
I don't think you know what shill means but yeah it is a nigtown to the south. All the nigs from jackson ward are getting shoved out
You may want to delete this. I already figured it out lol. Well... checks out. Starts with an L.
I don’t listen to Jews, user.
This is why I don't eat prepared foods. Throw whatever npc dialog response at me you want, but I only ever cook for myself or buy frozen shit from the store.
Kek. What a nigger.
There's 3 others so may or may not be correct
Can the tip of muh dik be considered a tip?
Yay or nay?