Politics death matches

this guy would destroy any right winger in a physical fight. if debates were combat, this man would be the champion of the left and you alt right babies would be terrified.

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I don't know, he looks like a big nerd probably drinks S O Y too.

Wasn't he your favorite conservative A little while ago?

say that to my face

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>if debates were combat
but they aren't, user. you're kind of an idiot

>Jaime pull up that video of that jacked pygmy marmoset in Mozambique that climbs that tree and starts throwing kettlebells at German tourists
>here we go
>look at that
>look how quickly he climbs that shit
>he's got the kettlebells hangin' off his toes as he climbs, like, the fuck?!
>oh here he goes
>he's hurlin'em fear factor style
>look at those fucking arms JESUS
>Schaub you seein' this shit?
>yessir muh man hes flexin' on'em and he keeps on keepin son GADOOSH
>fuckin Vitor Belfort TRT status man
>that's really wild geez
>the world man
>such an amazing place god

his face*

Joe is a 5'8" manlet.

I'd hold his giant forehead as he swung himself tired then drop kick him out of orbit.

>those things could tear you apart