>we dont talk about antifa on reddit because antifa isn't real
I have a couple more too
>we dont talk about antifa on reddit because antifa isn't real
I have a couple more too
why is your text retarded looking
I think because I zoomed out to screenshot more
so, if its not even an organisation, then its even more of a gang and a mob. "Its an action taken by many individuals and groups" ok, so its synonymous with lots of people behaving badly in one place and one time. Lol. And this is supposed to be ...good? or at least ok?
How do people become this confused?
that commenter is right though. connecting these guys to hillary clinton, who is a neolib, is retarded. they're progressives and anarchists, they hate neolibs.
Just like the #occupy movement wasnt a movement, right? Just a bunch of random people, nothing to see here.
Fuck these people. They spew vitriol and nonsense all day and pretend the truth isnt true.
They have outfits and a logo. They are definitely group.
Aren't Proud Boys usually a bunch of nationalist brads and chads, not to mention rarely ever white?
I just find it funny that reddit will shit talk anything they don't like as incels.
How about journalism cringe
It looks like you screenshotted the reddit pages, printed them out, xeroxed them, scanned them, and posted them to the board. wtf is wrong with you
just hearing about reddit makes me cringe
whenver I read it its like I can feel their annoying voices echoing in my head
Why are these so lo-res
>they're progressives and anarchists, they hate neolibs.
Except they only come out and attack those who oppose neoliberal policies, like border control or opposition to military action in Syria.
Progressives and anarchists are the foot soldiers of neoliberalism and global capital.
>these are the same people who want to take your guns away
Reddit disgusts me
This was from the case of the Australians thinking hunters were shooting them while fighting the California fires. Turns out the hunters were about 3 miles away hunting some of the animals that were fleeing.
they will side with liberals on some stuff, but not everything. they will make fun of hillary and they probably support bernie. probably make fun of obama too. liberals somewhat unite over their hate for republicans though, but still very divided. know your enemy a little, guys.
Seems like just yesterday they were complaining about certain terms being dehumanizing. Hmmm.
I flew out to Salt Lake City for the week to do some hiking/camping, thinking I wouldn’t see these blue haired freaks in such a red state. They’re fucking everywhere.
Antifa doesnt really exist as a real organization. Its a mishmash of leftists, different groups and anarchists who dislike the far right and fascism.
>antifa not real
>it's only been a year since the Hamburg riot
Is everyone a newfag here?
>be me walking down the street
>black guy stops his hoopty next to me and asks for directions to a gas station
>I spend a minute or two giving detailed directions
>after I'm done he says thanks and asks for a cigarette
>say I don't smoke
>he looks annoyed and drives in the opposite direction I told him to
>it was all a ruse to try to build enough of a relationship with me that I'd give him cigarettes
damn, some totally authentic, grassroots comments from regular participants right there
Antifa are literally neolibs larping as anarchists. They never read Bakunin, they have no anarchist convictions, their politics are those of the DNC but dressing up in black and smashing things makes them feel big