You really think that Germanics that never managed to win a single war managed to conquer rome? It was clearly the work of though and warlike Slavs, Germanicucks do not have a history.?
Goths were Slavic
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do slavs have a 'th' sound in their languages like germanics?
don't think so
we call them goti / gote (singular: got)
there's also "barbar"
>It was clearly the work of though and warlike Slavs
>do slavs have a 'th'
>like germanics
germanic have this TH sound coz they got their teeth knocked the fuck out by based slavs
They were Turks.
Goths were anglos. g*rmans are subhumans
>singular: got
maybe 'goths' is just the english pronunciation. i remember reading that the ostrogoths settled in crimea but i dont think germanic/scandinavian haplogroups are any more common in crimea so maybe they were slavs or scythians. or maybe crimean haploshits havnt been studied well.
>$0.50 shekels has been deposited to your account.
Russians are actually G*rms.
didnt swedish vikings rule kievan rus and give russia its name?
Unveil your true flag, d&c nigger
day of the rake is soon near.
>divide and conquer shill
opinion discarded
the 'th' is a modern pronunciation, the original forms would be more like a literal t + h. Like a t with more breath behind it
There's plenty of other Germanic tribes with similar names, most of them being East Germanic speakers like the Goths. Geti, Gutones, the Getes who supposedly were ancestors of Goths.
Türk Pride World Wide - humanity came from strong wolflike Türk man. Turkic is the root of all languages from Africa to South America. The great Türk invented fire, the wheel, agriculture, and the atom bomb.
>the Getes who supposedly were ancestors of Goths.
oh, and these fags lived in Sweden before it was Sweden. The Svea lived North and West of the Getes, and either the Svea pushed them out or else the Svea occupied lands left (almost) empty after large-scale migrations of Getes to the mainland
The true redpill is that romans were slavs, and the barbarians were germanic niggers
had a look at a wikipedia page:
>In the late 18th century, Gothic tribes who remained in the lands around the Black Sea, especially in Crimea - then known as Crimean Goths - were still mentioned as existing in the region and speaking a Crimean Gothic dialect, making them the last true Goths. The language is believed to have been spoken until as late as 1945. They are believed to have been assimilated by the Crimean Tatars.
if they were speaking a germanic language even up to recent times i think its safe to assume they were at least partially germanic people.
once on a worksite i heard a croatian guy claim marco pollo was a croat and his actual name was marco pollovic.
It was Rurik and he was a Varangian Prince. Its debated exactly where Rurik and the Varangians were originally from but most think they were either Swedes or Danes.
We were literally niggers back then so writing things down weren't exactly our thing. Thanks to the rest of Europe for documenting, kek.
Etruscan = et-ruscan = Russian.
Also Prussia = P-russia.
Lots of things happened differently to what they taught us at school.
It was both. In Hague Sophia there is graffiti from vikings of the Varangian guard. One of them says something l8ke “halvdan was here.” Halvdan means half Danish, so it’s assumed he was mixed Swedish and Danish.
the slavic countries are the worlds largest trailer park
I understand the history of eastern europe much better now thank you
𐌱𐌰𐍃𐌴𐌳 𐌰𐌽𐌳 𐍂𐌴𐌳𐍀𐌹𐌻𐌴𐌳
Fucking retard, the word "slav" didn't even exist back then much less as an ethnonym for any organized peoples. The wends were eastern germanic
Pan-slavist LARPers are literally worse WeWuzzers than afrocentrists
your welcome friend
>Be retarded Slav with IQ of pond life
>Destroy a better civilization that you could ever build for yourself - or even imagine - by mass invasion and demanding gibs
Sounds about right senpai
>You really think that Germanics that never managed to win a single war managed to conquer rome?
Well they didn't really conquer it. Visigoths sacked it in 410 after a retarded Gothic general in the Roman army attacked the Gothic peace delegation near Ravenna. The Ostrogoths ended up taking control of Italy only after the Western Empire fell when a group of foederati overthrew Julius Nepos and his son.
Look at these "germanic" names like Thiudemer Valamir Vidimir.
Goths were 100% Slavic/Serbian/Scythian/Vendi tribes
germans are Slavic
Russia was heavily Germanic, you have it backwards.
Rurik ruled over slavs, and they elected him their leader. Flash forward to the last king, Nicholas II, and he comes from the Danish house of Oldenburg. Then on top of that the last six wives of the last six Tsars were all Germanic princesses. Then you have the Imperial figures like Witte, Rennenkampf, Withoeft.... The only reason it's less visible today is because the USSR replaced it's Germans for Jews.
It's just they've moved west when Hunns attacked
Missing Hellas, arguably the most important one.
sweds , vikings LOOOOOL
>Göta vs Svea struggle for supremacy
Sure feels Slavic with place names like that here in Sweden.
>be slav
>flee from the mongols into europe
>meet germanics who settled here for tens of thousand of years
>allowed to settle by germanics
>europe is slavic homeland gib back berlin and all other areas we invented a slavic name for
no they werent
I didn’t know slavs originated from east of the Urals
be germanic
live in central and eastern europe for 300 years
huns come
flee from huns into europe
ruin everything
reee give us back our lands
Gootit were a Finnish tribe. This is accepted paradigm among respected historians.
hello partajäbä how goes it
Hahahah they do that shit all the time.
Oh, how humbled I am being compared to him! Undoubtly the greatest living historian.
Goths came from Finland, you dumb fuck. Neither Slavs nor Germanic. That place on the Danube that they settled, that's now Hungary. The most fucked up mongoloid speaking psudo-europeans you'll find. If you want to claim then as your own, good luck. You can have them