What should the age of consent actually be?

18 being the age of consent strikes me as being really ridiculous. I remember when I was 15 thinking it was ridiculous and I would tell people it was silly and they'd say "you won't think that way when you're older." I then replied saying I'm specifically telling people this now because I am 15 and there are no social consequences for challenging the age of consent when I'm under it. Well, I'm now several years over the age of consent and I still think 18 as the age of consent is fucking stupid but if I told people that I think it is I would just be called a pedophile.

This tells me society has perfectly set things up so that a rational discussion cannot be had. If you are a young person, people will dismiss your opinion by saying you're just thinking that because you're young, if you're older, its even worse because people will dismiss your opinion by claiming you're a pedophile.

Most countries in Europe have an age of consent between 14-16 and in South American countries it is 14 with some countries putting it at 16. This seems much more reasonable to me.

In a way we almost secretly acknowledge that the law is stupid. I've heard people say for example, "the sex was consensual but she was underage." Well in my mind if the sex was consensual then somebody's life shouldn't be fucking ruined over it. We shouldn't continue having stupid laws that ruin people's lives just because we're too lazy to change them.

Attached: 1200px-Age_of_Consent_-_Global.svg[1].png (1200x530, 171K)

It's 15 here if you are under 18, 16 otherwise. I find it too young, but youth fuck at 12 by now so no one cares.
Imo the Americans do it better: 21 for the age of majority, 18 for the age of consent.

n+9 where 'n' is the age of full emergent sentience, emerging no earlier than 7 and no later than 9 years of age

solve for x

21 isn't age of majority it is just the drinking age. 18 is the age of majority. Age of consent is actually 16 in most states contrary to popular belief but it is 18 in the biggest ones so a lot of people live in states where the age of consent is 18.

x isnt in the equation you retard

So you can vote at 18?


You are technically correct
The best kind of correct

Since you say a lot of people are fucking at 12, then why do you think 16 is too young for the age of consent to be?

I'm a bit old-fashioned, first I don't like sex outside marriage. But times have changed, and now the idea seems a bit ridiculous, I get it. Still, I don't think underaged should have these kind of stuff, it's too distractive. I'm also in favor of sex-separated schools until the age of 18, in that logic (like it used to be there).
Also, the age of majority at 21 would be so much better. Here kids who vote at 18 or 19, with no life experience at all, usually go full commie or at least leftist. It's a very nocive electorate, just like women.
Btw, they could be fucking at 6, I wouldn't adapt myself and lower to 12.
You might be technically able to fuck at such an age, as the prophet Muhammed showed, but that doesn't mean it should be morally accepted.
So the remaining of American puritanism, which has historically been quite hypocritical and rightly criticized, is perhaps the most sane thing to have subsisted nowadays. But I don't know the topic too much for the US, so I'll stay on my country.