You can go to youtube and type, what´s it like to be black in . And you will find some nigger on youtube complaining that a) there's not enough niggers in that country, b) they are racist or look at them funny or something like that on the street. c) there´s not enough things in their society that caters to niggers.
Here´s my theory why niggers always go to places where there´s not supposed to be niggers. And then complain that there´s not enough niggers there for their liking, or they don´t like their culture or whatever. And ask them to accomodate niggers instead.
Niggers love being special. So they on purpose go to places where there is very few niggers. Because then they stand out. If they were in africa they won´t stand out, nobody would give a fuck if they were a nigger, they all are. And then they expect ofcourse to be catered and basically someone should just roll out the red carpet because the nigger has arrived. When other countries and people don´t do that. Because funnily enough those nations are about and celebrating their people culture values. And not about niggers. They get angry and call them racist. It´s ofcourse also the whole victimhood mentality and i think they also just like complaining about everything. Even if they are pampered to the extreme.
>switzerland doesn´t like people who are not from here. I´m not ashamed to say that. Switzerland do not like immigrants. Is it wrong yes. But that´s the facts. If you don´t like immigrants why do you allow immigrants. I don´t understand.
Bitch why did you on purpose move to switzerland. Pretty sure nobody asked you to go live there. Also we don´t want immigrations it´s something EU and politicians are doing against our will. And if we said we would not allow immigration you would still call us racist. Dumb fucking bitch.
If you know switzerland doesn´t want foreigners don´t move there nigger.
These people frustrate me!
Black people who move to non black country and complain about it
go fuck yourself racist
blacks are human too
Oh yes and the nigger has the audacity to say that swiss people or european people have no RIGHT to complain about niggers like her being in their countries. Since for whatever reason some jackass opened the door for her so now she is there. Do you think that meant we had a public vote to let you in? Or the swiss in this case. We have every right to say you should fuck off. There´s a shitload of people who don´t want any immigration whatsoever, who the fuck listens to them. And this bitch of a nigger that does nothing to complain should just go back to where she came from 7 months ago or how long she says it is.
They have an entire continent of africa with 99.9% niggers where they can go and be black all they want!
Sure, blacks are human... as long as they do the right things... like go to Africa.
Peru does not want peincess niggers migrating there from Haiti or the US or NIGeria.
You move to a country with people that are not yours. And then bitch and complain that everything in that fucking country isn´t about you and your people and your whatever. GO FUCK YOURSELF NIGGER! Build your own country. You don´t deserve a fucking thing in anybody elses.
So you got a sex change and a pet nignog? You're gross sven, you're gross.
>blacks are human too
Burden of proof is on you for that since you're making the claims.
Their culture of gang rap music and that stupid niga slang is what will newer give them a normal place in the world. They are just a tool in the hands of the elite for their political causes.
Africans are more civilized that afro americans.
I could just never imagine going to another country and then fucking complain that everything wasn´t about danes. Why the fuck would it be?
These niggers, especially niggers from america, they do this all the time.
Because the liberals told them that everyone must tolerate and accept their culture. They are programed to think like that.
It is a mind set this days.
If not than it is very rude to think like that especially when a country accepts you and let you live and work there.
>Because the liberals told them that everyone must tolerate and accept their culture. They are programed to think like that.
It is a mind set this days.
They should be lucky that anything whatsoever is about them at all in somebody elses country. That country is about that people and that culture, those values that heritage etc. Not about ANYONE ELSE. They are guests that are supposed to assimilate and they should understand since there´s no public vote or anything to let them in. And that most people don´t really want mass immigration. That people don´t automatically think they are fantastic, and will be sceptical in every way of them, for good reason. It´s in a real way up for them to prove that they even deserve to be there. Not the other way around. Otherwise they can pack their shit and go back to the country they came from. It´s doubly funny with american niggers that then go to say switzerland like this bitch in the OP video who has been there for 7 months and is just releasing video upon video complaining about switzerland and some about her job and swiss culture etc. Because a) niggers were never supposed to be in the US in the first place, but came because of black slaves purchased from blacks in africa. And should have never have been citizens either. b) niggers were definately never supposed to be in europe.
After seeing 47 years worth of Africans kiling the fuck out of each other on the news I beg to differ
no, they are not. but as you are from sweden your propaganda filled NPC brain can't understand
you literally just ripped this from another thread
They are a sub species of human. Human, yes, but very different than white people and the differences are usually a poor fit for a white society.
races shouldn't stay divided
countries shouldn't be based on race
we are all humans
What a convenient excuse to not improve your own nation isn´t it. You don´t deserve a god damn thing what someone else have multigenerationally built for THEIR PEOPLE for generations. You don´t. It´s a priveledge not a right, to be able to immigrate to another country. And if they don´t want you there, you should not be able to complain about being kicked out or rejected.
>races shouldn't stay divided
We want to be majority in our own countries. So there should be strict limits to immigration. And then you can go to other nations in the world instead. There are 192 to pick from. So that it is evenly distributed, and so that they also stay majority in their countries.
>countries shouldn't be based on race
Why not? It´s their ethnicities that built those countries. That is what makes them that people. Again that´s just an excuse for others to not improve their own nation. That´s the only fucking reason niggers like you say that. If africa was filled with 1st world nations and you had actually built something for yourself over many millennia. You would be saying the exact same thing. But since you don´t want to live there, you find this excuse.
>we are all humans
There´s all kinds of subspecies of birds. Saying they are all birds is irellevant. Birds are very different.
Here´s a black guy also saying that.
It´s very annoying the literal amount of unfairness and misunderstandings people like you have about things. You have no right to be in sweden. It´s not a right to pick whatever country you want to live in and then just demand they let you in and make you a full citizen. Why should they want you? Well question number a) why do you leave your own people behind, why do you not improve your own nation? Ah you want better life. You knwo who built that better life. Other people. You are not entitled to a better life. Because you didn´t build that. You can build a better life in your own nations.
why should we stay divided based on race?
Niggers are cancer.
What the fuck is that thing?
>niggers are humans
>why should we stay divided based on race?
Why should you be entitled to what someone else has constructed and created? Should i say.
>ah great grandfather, you remember that stuff you and your great grandfather etc. strived to create for us in this nation?
>well this nigger from africa thinks he deserves that, eventhough it was meant for us.
>tell him to fuck off.
>he says we are not allowed to do that.
>tell him to fuck off anyways. If i wanted to build something for niggers i´d build it in africa
>why should we stay divided based on race?
Why should we not. See i actually celebrate diversity. Therefore i don´t want my people to be overrun by a bunch of niggers who already have an entire continent where they are 99.9% of the population. And niggers are also different tribes etc. They also don´t want to be overrun by the others. Everyone is like that. Why should we be mixed? It´s fine with a few who can live in other countiries but then even distribute it put a max cap on it like 15-20% tops or something like that. Then you have to go to other countries, because the one you want to go to is full.
Fucking NIGGERS. Go back to the Jungle.
rapestamp or GTFO
Nigger countries are a disaster because they are full of Niggers so niggers move to white countries and complain bcs this is how entitled we have made them with leftist politics
Look up all the black English teachers in Korea. It's out of hand. They've got KPOP fever and they are showing up in droves to blog about "Hey ya'll". Dare I say they're over-represented in the applicant pool lol.
niggers are stupid and lack self-awareness
you'll always be discriminated everywhere you go if you are not a local and more if you area filthy stinky uppity nigger, maybe they should try 100x as hard to fit in instead of being a lazy nigger that wants everyone to simply bend over and say you a good nigger, you one of us now.
i saw this video a while ago,
she was crying because they fired her for being a nog
They are spreading their genes and doing so quite successfully
Look at it from a biological perspective this is one of their mechanisms
Here´s the thing. There are more blacks in africa than there is europeans in entire europe. They do not need to be more places. This is the place where my people are. We don´t need niggers here when there are already so many in the world. Same with korea. This is the place where koreans are. Why do niggers have to be in korea? Infact the only ones who seem to care about preserving biodiversity seems to be nationalists. I want koreans to have place where they are, danes are place where they are, the various south american countries and their unique people where they are etc. So when there is already a shitload amount of a certain people then you can´t just say they should also be everywhere else. No it should be very strict and they should not complain about that when they are somewhere else and should be a cap like 20% tops of foreigners. And then evenly distributed in the 192 countries in the world. Instead not only blacks go where they should not be. But they have the audacity to complain about the people there, the culture, and the nation and all kinds of things. And start acting as if there should be even more niggers or 'people of color' there. Why? They clearly have their own countries. It´s an unfair demand. And you should just be glad you even allowed to be in someone elses nation.
Any notable rapes yet? As if I really have to ask.
Oh i´m well aware they are full on intruding on other peoples turf/territory, where they know they shouldn´t be whatsoever. And then playing dumb and asking why anyone has a problem with that.
Blacks are human?
That's a very radical idea, you could scare people if you say that in public.
Noice bait. Now fuck off.
I don't even care what' she's talking about, it's just the way she's talking. Of course you're hated.
How do you call that type of American girl, is it valley girl?
So when do we get to purge these retarded shitskins? Hurry the fuck up, climate change.
> Monkey says this as he collects gibs from working people.
You niggers are literally subhumans. Feral animals that need to be put down. Get the fuck back to somalia you fucking nigger
crying on tv about muh racism has been successful method that's why they keep doing it. they purposefully take advantage of it because they know that they're better off in white countries but they fail to understand or intentfully ignore for sake of their own agenda that they're the reason in every aspect of social life that those countries are going down the drain.
>that Iceland
Top kek
There should be NO nonwhites in Europe whatsoever to begin with
Stop giving a shit about literal non issues
This happens because, since niggers hate being niggers and the sole existence of non-niggers is enough to remind them that they are niggers, the only solution in their little dysfunctional nigger minds is to turn every non-nigger nation into a nigger shithole so the whole world will live in nigger mediocrity and niggers will be happy in their nigger squalor
hey i recognize you btw, you are the Dane who started off not hating nigs but just being anti-immigration and then, realizing how much niggers are spoiled, arrogant and self-centered came to hate their childish behavior and entitlement
welcome to the club buddy
So, anyone firing up the Spurdo avatars to tell her to "FUGG OFF DEN!!"
>If you don´t like immigrants why do you allow immigrants
actually a good point, the Swiss are just half-arsing things
>Implying it isn't big noses ruining everything.
Low quality b8
> a) there's not enough niggers in that country, b) they are racist or look at them funny or something like that on the street. c) there´s not enough things in their society that caters to niggers.
Ive seen one black dude video series about living in russia, he didnt complain about any of that.
Lol black people don’t move. They can’t afford it. Swear if it wasnt for the dirty useless south we would’ve got rid of them. No doubt about it.
You confuse cause and effect.
Slavs act more niggerish than western euros so niggers are warier of what they say around you, generally
lol niggers
>go to a random country
>hurr I can't just go back
>actually a good point, the Swiss are just half-arsing things
Well again i have to say, it´s not a public vote. And when these people come in they act as if every single individual in that country gave an ok for that particular person to come and be citizen in that country. And act surprised if that´s not the case. This might surprise you but even in the US. Which is ofcourse now sold as this multiethnic hodgepodge that it never really was. 90% western european till 1965 where immigration changes. They did census polls. At no time did more than 10% of americans want increased immigration. Just think about that. And the video that says this is here.
>Ive seen one black dude video series about living in russia, he didnt complain about any of that.
Ofcourse they don´t all complain that´s not what i am saying that, that´s unfair to imply that. I´m saying if you search a little you can find a nigger complaining in just about every country that they moved, which nobody asked them to move to, to about such matters.
Don’t lie.
t. Literal Negroid
Even worse they are propagandized to act this way and they are either too stupid or just mean and selfish enough to act on it. I couldn’t imagine doing this to another established country.
I am a whitey living in Japan. People stare and talk shit behind my back all the time. I am fine with that and will continue to be the goofy fucking stereotype their children need for English class while banging all of their women.
>came from a nigger hole
>AAAOOHHH let me tells you what I don't like...
How about you fuck back in your nigger hole and get a tire necklace?!
You literally are a muh dick muh pussy nigger.
you have forgotten to mention that they will never think that what you do is enough (gibs maximization instinct bread into them from evolving in the jungle). amerimutts litterally bend over backwards to not be racist, racists are frowned upon and often enough get fired and niggers still call everything racist and all bad that is happening to niggers is the evil white racists systems fault. also the double standard of whites are not allowed to say the word nigger, and whites would be deemed racist if whites told niggers that they are not allowed to use the word cracker for daring to tell niggers what to say and what not to say. UNBEARABLE im glad that i live in germany and we will deport the niggers soon enough again.
also, niggers need racism to exist, it distracts away from their niggery behaviour!
blacks are the result of polygamous and incestual genetic bottlenecks. read below:
>Tower of Babel ends
>A white (adamic genome) tribe moves into subsaharan africa
>Very easy living, food grows year round, no winters to worry about
>Animals are easy to hunt, just chase them until they tire; bipedal vs four-legged is gg
>Become lazy
>Idle hands are the devils play things
>Start worshipping demonic tricks: animism, voodoo, etc
>Society turns polygamous
>Only the brutes rule
>Only the brutes breed
>Brutes tend to be dumber; the dumber you are, the more violent you are
>Race to the bottom
>Polygamous society amplifies any beneficial genetic mutation; the "superior adapters" to their environment breed with ALL the women
>Tanned men are universally attractive to women on a subconscious level because tan = worker
>Men with more melanin aren't being affected by the sun, but more importantly look more attractive in this society full of brutes
>tfw niggers used to be whites but polygamy fast tracked their demise into black skin and low iq
>tfw monogamy would never let a drastic mutation to take hold, because one man with one wife would limit family sizes and thus the spread of such a mutation
>tfw whites are the closest genome on earth to adam
>tfw not following biblical principles literally turns you into a nigger
>tfw if christian whites lived in subsaharan africa they would remain white even through thousands of years
Yes i agree, especially american blacks act as if every european ancestry country should be like the US with regards to catering to blacks. They even act that way with a lot of non european countries aswell. It´s like they can´t fathom that other countries in general aren´t about catering to anyone else but themselves. Just as african nations cater to themselves. That´s part of the 'culture shock' to them, that this isn´t the case. It never occurs to them that it´s totally unfair to suggest. They have it exactly 180, they have it completely backwards. When you say, you want to move to x nation. It is not that nations job to cater to you. Because they are not asking to join you. You are asking to join them. You are essentially going, when you apply for legal immigration. Where you should have a very clear realization that there is high chance that your application will be denied. You are going.
>I come from other place, but i really like your nation and want to be part of that. Will you consider me please?
They think it´s like they are a tourist, and everyone should just be nice to them as you are nice to tourists. The reason people are nice to tourists is because. THEY LEAVE after their visit. They don´t ask to be part of nation, to get a share of the multigenerational work, of taxpayer money into a system they paid nothing into and all these things. Also what they aswell don´t do is this which is what they should.
>I understand i am a foreigner, so i will play by your rules, adopt your culture and your values, not try to subvert them. And stand with and for your people. I understand that this is necessary otherwise why on earth would you ever accept me. Consider my application.
Especially the last part, and that´s for immigrants in general. They don´t do. They think roll out the red carpet there´s an immigrant here. Why the fuck should you matter to to them, why should they want to make you citizen? They think they are entitled to things they aren´t.
>Looks at flag
opinion discarded
You have a really feminine dick.
>lives in the european country with the highest cost of living
>cant leave
these niggers i swear bruv
I'm a foreigner in another country, there's a lot of shit that frustrates me, and I vent, but I do so with people in my immediate surrounding and I try to challenge myself to do better in the society I live in, like learn the language or atleast use a translator and not try to expect that everyone speaks English.
You're way the fuck over thinking this. These primitives complain everywhere they are regardless of who is around them. Not like the ones in Africa, Detroit, or Haiti aren't always bitching and moaning, blaming whitey and holding out the begging bowl.
And it works with nip thots as well as it does with white wimmenz.
>I'm a foreigner in another country, there's a lot of shit that frustrates me, and I vent, but I do so with people in my immediate surrounding and I try to challenge myself to do better in the society I live in, like learn the language or atleast use a translator and not try to expect that everyone speaks English.
Good man. Exactly. You are in a place where it is other people who built that, it´s their culture their values their thing, their people. And it´s fair that it stays that way. Now you may not like it. But that´s how it is when you are in SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE! You don´t go rearrange the furniture and what not and tell them they will just have to accept that. Nor ask that they need to change everything to cater to you. You´re different people. THIS IS ALSO why nationalists are so adamant of remaining majority in their own country. I´m sure everybody can find atleast one nation and people and culture/values that they don´t really want to be in forever. This is why we don´t want to be a tourist in our own country. And this is why we are so adament about controlled immigration, aswell as putting a cap on it. So it doesn´t just randomly by roll of the dice ends up where you are a tourist in your own country. With the added benefit of that you can never go home.
We have a saying here loosely translated, it can be nice abroad and home is best. And we want our home to STAY our home. And we want that also for others, because we understand that this sort of thing. Is REALLY IMPORTANT.
How long until the Chinese government imprison you for posting on Jow Forums?
Yeh this links in to the established wisdom of blacks in sports. The saying goes that they would "rather look good losing than sweat and bleed a bit to win".
>How long until the Chinese government imprison you for posting on Jow Forums?
Anyone who can post on Jow Forums with a chinese ip, i don´t think has anything to worry about in that regard.
this grill is exception, 10/10 negress
They are invaders
Dont overthink it
It's weird that they do this shit across the planet.
Do these people want to be oppressed?
This fucking asshole. @3:20 sheboon says "if you don't want immigrants here, then why let them into your country?" Does she really think the average joe has any sort of input on migration into Europe. Fucking soros and (((friends))) will hang
I think you misunderstood, when i said i want it also for others i mean. I want their respective nations for it to remain their homeland. Not to make accommodations for immigrants. I understand they are invaders. Infact i find the whole concept of mass immigration and no consideration for childbirth differentials, no consideration for cultural differences, no cap and no ethnic quota of any kind. Deeply disturbing. throughout history our ancestors fought bled and died to protect our borders. And now it´s just supposed to be free for all, can´t make any rules, can´t set no cap on it, can´t even decide which ones you want or don´t want to come live with you? Nah.. Mass immigration and immigration in generaly should be a rare thing, and they have to be some zealous people to want to be with you. Such is the only way to be sure that our home and others homes, stay their homes. And that what has been built and created, and fought hard for to be built up. Gets built upon, rather than teared down. I´m the almost ultimate biodiversity advocate in that regard. Like a biological preservationists. I want everyone to express their unique humanity in their respective nations. And i think that´s how we respect eachother best when we have no shame in loving our own people. When we hate ourselves, it becomes easier to hate others. And when people are threatened this way, this is why they hate others. I don´t think anyone would have as many problem with africans or others. If they were in their nations. I think they would be zealous infact of helping them where they are for their nations to improve. When they come and basically demographically the outlook is they take over their nations, whilst telling you you can´t regulate it so you remain in charge of your own peoples house. That is where this zealousness stops and people start going. Well sorry, i don´t really want to help you as much. Because you are kind of doing this thing in my nations now. And this is not good.
Black people who use the modern trappings of yesterdays imperial-system are just as responsible for it as todays white people are
They can cry and moan all they like, it's hypocritical and they're fighting ghosts long gone
>This fucking asshole. @3:20 sheboon says "if you don't want immigrants here, then why let them into your country?" Does she really think the average joe has any sort of input on migration into Europe. Fucking soros and (((friends))) will hang
Yeah exactly. Covered it here.
Haha hope you guys realise you took the bait with hook, sinker and line.
Denmark is a really cool country, really cool. If i was in tourism there is would make sure to be unusually more nice and respectful.
If i was to live there knowing I'm not a racial Danish i would make sure to spent hundreds of hours per month just learning the language, studying the culture and try really hard to fit it. But niggers don't have that mentality (not saying i want to move there just a hypothetical) good on you for redpilling yourself.
i was well aware that it was bait i just felt compelled to write that i never consider a swedes opinion
you really think people are gonna read all that?
kek. she got the swiss citizenship only due to her swiss parents who adopted her.
so she is cleary not a native swiss. moreover, she doesn't speak swiss german or any native language.
And hell no, english is and won't be a native language. last but not least, nogs will always be nogs.
Some might ven, already got one response.
Thank you that´s very nice of you to say. I´ve never been to Portugal, but if i went, i would be very nice and respectful as well for sure!
Your welcome anytime.