Stop me

Stop me.

Attached: 37460101418.jpg (1840x3264, 575K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi mom.

Attached: gitd.jpg (980x705, 103K)

Bumping for curiosity. What is this OP?

whats that

Put me in the screen cap if you plan on blowing commies up.

I’m filing a report rn.

Attached: 0888C70D-BFA3-4669-A5CE-76719EEDDE3A.jpg (1600x860, 194K)

Kill'em all brotha.

Attached: 5151616161.jpg (541x461, 35K)

Attached: 39592758_248329666018590_3988559514445021184_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.33M)

Planning on attacking a hotel, faggot?

Attached: birb.png (549x420, 431K)

Ben Garrison strikes again!

Attached: garrison mocks the yids.png (452x550, 406K)

Can’t read any of it so can’t stop you I’m afraid

From what exactly? Drawing shitty floor plans?

Looks like floor plans/ad hoc map. user might be planning some sort of massacre. Honestly, best of luck to him. Hopefully he bags a few darkies.

I disavow.

Also, inb4 screencap

R+L Carriers is near Wilmington, Ohio

>activating autism
i'm gonna get you OP

nah i got fortnite to play SWAGYOLO *dabs on haters* YA YEET

posting in a nsa monitored thread


Attached: BiZ1Wiw.jpg (960x640, 259K)

what's gonna go down here? Doesn't look important enough to rob who's gonna be there?

Posting in a potentially ebig thread. Inner Heaven did nothing wrong.

Fellow 4channer I require your location now



what do these autistic drawings mean lads?


R+L Carriers is shit tier pleb

Attached: hotel2.jpg (1680x1050, 262K)


Attached: 1507068436460s.jpg (234x250, 11K)

Based amd Tedpilled

It's probably an abandoned building if it has a cracked floor

Fucking Lel it's siege map

Livestream or it didn't happen, faggot.

Interesting level design, is it a splinter cell ripoff?

Well it appears to be a building that has a decent viewpoint OP is going to lodge himself in with a gun.

Attached: hotel 3.jpg (1652x851, 277K)

Looks like he’s trying to shoot from the second floor of an abandoned hotel. Given that it’s abandoned, he’s an edgelord that is trying to go tactical bowl cut and start a race war. Look for depressed downtown sections of Cincinnati or Dayton that have 6 story buildings.

The left memeing. Words.

are you planing to an hero yourself afterwards lol?

Keked and checked. Which one?

>reporting a drawing to the FBI
Looks like someone drew a level in Pay Day.

>not recognizing an of Jow Forums meme
Down the hall and to the left faggot

based tabs. good post.

..-. .- --. --. --- - ...

Attached: 1539456751170.jpg (950x962, 48K)

I kind of agree, the layout appears to be in some kind of gated/walled enclosure similar to how a lot of these games level designs are. The building isn't very big and isn't very tall for a hotel either.

He is just a larper.

cia niggers hurry and terminate op

Fake, gay, and unoriginal.

> Not buying a blue fursuit and "it's her turn" t-shirt
> Not posting a fursuit selfie for Jow Forums
> Not showing your human feet in the fursuit selfue
Good effort drawing I guess but it is totally illegible on my phone.

Attached: witcher 3 geralt barber.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

܂Don’t do it!

Attached: this is bait.jpg (613x938, 124K)

Wear GoPro and stream on YouTube pls.

This post translates to.
>don't go to Detroit tomorrow, some of you guys are alt-right.

Attached: 1360373677601.jpg (241x251, 11K)

RL Carriers

Wilmington, Ohio

Attached: 1432680477853.jpg (182x183, 11K)

now the problem is, that we arent cops we cant get information for who rented a truck.

dont report this.

i want him to post more.

but it's all they've posted.

The fact that there is a cracked floor on Floor 2 that drops to the bar and Room 1 has a gun with a cracked wall. It's clearly level design.

Am I FBI watchlist for posting in this thread?

Attached: 235235235523523333.jpg (213x237, 5K)

too late already reported, he isnt going to post more. Someone needs to be a hero and stop him.

whether or not it's real, wouldn't be surprised if the FBI goes knocking on his door in a few hours kek

You just went up another number on the watchlist you were already on. Grats on leveling.

levels are designed so that if a player stands on a certain spot, they automatically drop to the next level below?

>1 post by this ID

>810 kings
This shit was good, thanks user.

This has to be a meme. an inn is a worthless target. and if you're planning on storming it then it's even more of a worthless target.

I wish you the best of luck with whatever you are doing.

we are all on their faggy list for just simply going to this website


Attached: 2335235.jpg (1280x832, 358K)

he wouldn’t be attacking a hotel, he’d be shooting from an abandoned hotel - probably at some PoC. this bad optics is the worst so close to the election.

i'm gonna go with level design too. locked doors, wide open door, usable door . . . it's forcing the player to take a particular path.

They can break the cracked wall or floor with a crowbar or by shooting it and move between rooms. Standard stuff.

fucking CIA niggers

A concentration camp just for Jow Forumsacks sounds comfy desu


Attached: 1524272059184.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

This is actually a test. If you can decipher what user posted you become an FBI agent.