What will be the opinion of Adolf Hitler in years to come? How will future generations perceive him?
What will be the opinion of Adolf Hitler in years to come? How will future generations perceive him?
Less negatively, but still the bad guy.
Gonna beat off to armpit porn now. Thanks jew.
As our lord and saviour
The war for Adolf Hitler memory and the holocaust RSM (root social matrix) lies in the crimes of the soviet union and all the jewish komisars.
There is no point arguing "Hitler wasn't evil".
You need to attack.
Show all the crimes of the evil jewish bolsheviks, then the rest comes with it.
Have to agree with you kraut bro.
He will be remembered as one of the greatest characters in history. Doesn't matter which side wins.
I always wondered.
Jung analyzed Wotan as the archetype of the german unconcious mind.
He analyzed the archetypes of other peoples?
Like romans, greeks or jews?
Hitler conquered almost all of continental Europe. He's one of the greatest military leaders in history. No exaggeration. Future generations will compare him to Napoleon, Caesar, Hannibal, etc.
Probably like how we remember Genghis Khan today, no matter what (((they))) try and do.
Eventually any and all personal connection will be entirely lost, and people will be able to judge him in a more objective fashion, which will cause his name to stop being the defacto "Satan" like it is now
If we were to prevail.
If we lose, Talmudic zionism is going to erase history of their enemy "amalek".
Unironically this.
Coolest kid on campus
Hitler was a legit autist who wanted to meet alien life at the center of the earth.
History currently favors him as a ruthless dictator rather than the spergy basedboy he really was.
In time it will only get worse, knowledge of his autistic /x/ obsession will fade even more and he will become even more defined as some kind of supervillain final boss that the good guys defeated through the power of friendship.
>wants dominatION
>small penis
i cant wait until we have pop songs about hitler
At least change your flag before you sperg out like that.
Difficult to say. Take Napoleon Bonaparte, he was hated as much as Hitler during and immediately after his final defeat. The destruction he caused his army striping the country's bare as they passed. He was considered a monster by many. Yet now he's considered a hero by many.
his legacy will always be one of ultimate failure, but it will be contrasted more and more with his earlier success and political achievements and be a more accurate and balanced view of him rather than the current take on him that he is more evil than satan
If you were born in Germany in the last 80 years, chances are you are largely of Slavic blood
Your "lord and saviour" pretty much single handedly wiped out the German race.
>trying to gather information for (((them)))
Hitler was a fucking faggot that attacked every European country and Germany should have ceased to exist and be divided and its land given to France(West) and Poland(east). Also using German language should be considered as a crime punished by sending to Siberia.
He was a good boy.
Same as Napoleon.
As a great man and a hero.
This to the majority of the world.
In Germany he will probably be remembered similarly to other historically terrible authoritarian leaders. Caligula, Ivan IV, etc.
Among the global Jewish population, he will probably occupy the same place as the pharaoh of Exodus.
as a meme
Invariably positively.
Remember, most of the world already views him in a good light, it’s only in the West he is reviled.
So, either the West continues its slow death, and proportionately more people like him, or we snap out of our hypnosis and will therefore also view him in a better light.
So, no matter what, his future looks bright.