> Man who put abortion-inducing drug in girlfriend's drink gets 22 years in prison
>Man convicted of attempted homicide in spiking of girlfriend's drink with abortion pill
I though abortion was not murder? Wtf?
> Man who put abortion-inducing drug in girlfriend's drink gets 22 years in prison
>Man convicted of attempted homicide in spiking of girlfriend's drink with abortion pill
I though abortion was not murder? Wtf?
It gets worst:
>At the time, Patel said, he justified his actions because their other child had a lifelong medical condition.
So the poor guy had good reason to not want another kid and the mother was the retarded one.
>Manishkumar Patel, 45, was convicted in August of attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child. His girlfriend didn't ingest the drink, but miscarried weeks later.
>didn't ingest the drink
this is virtue signalling of women's right to choose.
22 years of tax payer money down the drain for literally nothing
who cares
>His girlfriend didn't ingest the drink, but miscarried weeks later.
Even the average American is a net drain on the country's finances user. Don't know the threshold but if I had to guess only like the top 30% contribute more than is spent on them per capita
>18 years of financial servitude or 22 years in prison
Assuming he's got a chance of getting out early he may come out ahead in this game.
>His girlfriend didn't ingest the drink, but miscarried weeks later.
She probably aborted after she realised he wasn't going to support the probably disabled baby. So basically this story is
>tricks husband into having another baby against his will
>tries to guilt him into taking care of it
>husband refuses and escapes
>wife throws him in jail
Do you not know what working is? If this is true then why employee people at all?
>August...September...sentience? November...
It's not murder when NPCs do it themselves.
Spoken like a Pro-life fag
So what is it, a clump of cells or a unborn child? Can feminists not decide on anything?
Do you not know how much the government spends on the average person? A person making $50k a year only pays between $10k and $20k in taxes depending on where they live. If they have just two children (cost on government = $10k per), they're already a net drain.
Wow, thats bad. Poor guy.
So what? That is how society works. The government has always subsidized labor. The people are creating much more wealth than what they pay in taxes, but most of that wealth is captured by the private sector.
Stupid meme flag faggot.
As an autist I think the death penalty is the only sentence possible for contaminating someone's food.
He poisoned the mother, which was the offense.
>she didn’t ingest it
>So what? That is how society works. The government has always subsidized labor.
19th century America disagrees
>The people are creating much more wealth than what they pay in taxes, but most of that wealth is captured by the private sector.
You mean more than what they take in taxes? Because them paying hardly any taxes is my point.
>Poor guy
>Trying to murder innocent people
Pick one.
i dont understand. fetuses are not humans. it's just cells. if anything this is just assault.
He could just avoid having sex, or pull out.