All you read about in the newspapers is children getting raped by Paki's in this country now, I was particularly hit by a report of a child being drugged, raped, tortured, beaten and traded as a slave between Paki's for 12 fucking years. The report was fucking horrific, and the Sub-Humans that did this are not only still fucking out there, they probably will not serve more than 8 years in prison IF they get caught. If this country was just, they would be publicly tortured and executed.
So what with all these Sub-Humans in this country raping children, hard Brexit on the horizon and the vast majority of Infantry men siding with Tommy Robinson recently (most of them I know are actually 14/88's in secret, or at least want to remove Paki's - the white men at least) Do you think, by showing newspaper reports like >
for example you could radicalise the millitary enough for them to at least *want* to hunt the Sub-Humans that did this and bring some form of justice to the police?
Is a Military Coup d'état in Britain theoretically possible
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you better hope so mohammed
military and police are the worst scum on this planet. my hatred for these domesticated dogs has no limit. they have EVERY power to overthrow any governments in the world yet they'd rather obey. This is their job. Execute orders. Kill migrants? They'd do it. Kill citizens? they'd do it. Force people into having a brainchip implented? They will do it. Drink a pint of piss? You bet they do it with a smile.
Epitome of cuckery. We should kill every single one of these cucks. I know a fucking retired GENERAL, one of the most prestigious rank in french army. He's against the government and waited till retirement to say things like 'we'll overthrow the government any day now". FAGGOT YOU SPENT 40 YEARS IN THE ARMY AND YOU DIDNT DO SHIT YOU LARPER KEK FAG TAMED ANIMAL
in france cops would rather brutalize farmers (ZAD) than step in any ghetto lmao. pathetic.
Britainistan sounds nice. If you are a muslim searching for easy prey.
And surely, it cannot be illegal to show people in the military legitimate news headlines? I mean, the standard MSM news is so fucking horrific its good enough to radicalise people in this country.
I mean, its just so fucking sick that these Sub-Humans will only serve something like 8 years in prison, which will be nice for them, as they will be protected by Paki's inside of prison.
The Sub-Humans that cut a little girl into fucking kebab meat didn't even go to prison, when they should have been killed publicly by a man with a handheld drill
Military is the most cucked profession in the history of humanity, wake up. All they do is follow orders. Could be a far left/far right/genocidal/pro migrants/transhumanist governement they will still do whatever they're told. DISGUSTING. THEY ARENT HUMANS. THEY SHOULD BE KILLED
Maybe the police and military of your country frog.
In other countries they will go rougue if shit hit the fan.
German jews on the throne are at the center of all of this.
They have made sure all of the government officials are compromised by child raping/murdering in order to keep them loyal to the corrupted crown
t. Macron