Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Countdown To Establishment Tears Edition

>upcoming state elections
Bavaria: Oct. 14 2018 #ltwby
Hesse: Oct. 28 2018 #ltwhe
>Bavarian and Hessian goys may sign up as election observers


>Meme Collections

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


Make memes and propaganda for Germany
Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media
Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people
Beware of defeatist and leftist trolls

Attached: afd_nog.jpg (2048x1365, 423K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: E876D62C-85DC-4129-BB12-5251FA9FD231.jpg (1114x629, 253K)

INSA (16 Uhr):
CSU 35%
Grüne 16%
AfD 15%
Freie Wähler 11%
SPD 9%
FDP 5.5%
Linke 4.5%

If the mails really are from Weidel, how would some blonde Bimbo even get redpilled on that?

>INSA (16 Uhr)

Source? This is bullshit you made up, right?

Government with the Greens incoming

It’s the future you chose

>mfw Greens at 20%

Attached: 1539523395381.png (1185x783, 1.06M)

>INSA (16 Uhr)
Since when is this allowed?


Attached: 1527769705769.gif (500x324, 494K)

It's bullshit I saw on twitter, doubt it's true desu


It's not.

Either this guy leaks the data given to parties beforehand or he just makes them up.

It probably isn't true, because INSA isn't allowed to publish anything before 6pm CEST.

Shut the fuck up.

>We live in a world where center right (CSU) would rather team up with fucking extreme left (green) than moderate right (AfD)

Attached: 1478214164880.gif (140x178, 1.03M)

Thanks for reposting it.

Attached: heartwarming.png (2894x2300, 162K)

Mach mich

cucked and bluepilled

CDUfags need the bullet.

I actually would like to see this.
I just want to see how Greens turn into "le new Volkspartei".

Reporting in, :).

Attached: eternal.swiss2.png (640x574, 33K)

Was machen eigentlich die frisch geretteten "Flüchtlinge" während der langen Überfahrt nach #Italien? Na Fussball spielen, Gitarre spielen, tanzen, singen und mit den Studentinnen auf dem Schiff gleich das erste Date im Club klarmachen. Sehenswert!

Wenn Frauen Staaten zerstören und andere unbequeme Dinge

Tja, es sind die Weiber, auch wenns manchen schwerfällt zuzugeben.

Attached: kr2.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Nice flag, faggot.

Attached: martin.jpg (940x528, 70K)

Kann ein Technik begabter mir ein Bild zusammenschustern? Dachte an einen blauen Pepe mit AFD Logo und son smug lächeln links und mehrere der npc Gesichter rechts mit den altparteien Logos und nem Spruch oben oder unten wie "Lass dich nicht kontrollieren, DU hast die Wahl" oder ähnlich. Würde die dann bei der nächsten Bestellung als Sticker entfertigen und dem Ersteller auch gern n Stapel zusenden

Heres your "Volkspartei".The majority of Greens hate Germany, white people and straight men.

Green + AfD alliance when?


*photoshop begabter nicht Technikbegabt hahahaha, müßte das sonst mit Paint in schlechter Qualitst selbst machen

Der Schulzzug ist unbremsbar, denn er fährt mit hoher Energie! Make Europe Great Again MEGA

Attached: 457A2E17-B541-4256-8B0C-7598C30A1AF3.png (600x600, 183K)

(((shilling intesifies)))

Ich lass euch einfach mal mein Antifa OC da. Beseelt den Geist und Seele. Habs bis jetzt immer nur Nachts zur Ami Zeit gedroppt und es scheint jedenfalls den Zoggols gut zugefallen. Auch einiges aus DE und Europa dabei.

Ich wollte eh mal was spezifisches über DE machen aber da der politische Diskurs hier zu Lande kastriert und zum Kotzen ist fehlen mir die Ideen. Wenn euch was einfällt, gerne teilen.

Grade über Süd Afrika was am basteln. Mal gucken was Open Gates V2 angeht.

Attached: JoinTheLeft.webm (480x270, 2.74M)

when do we get to know the results?

Heil Hitler

dont reply to shills and Incels

Attached: tumblr_p7q47miVzh1x9wyvvo2_1280.jpg (1200x1200, 227K)

>es sind die Weiber
Und die "männlichen" Cucks, Betas, Boomer, NPCs, Normies, Gutmenschen und alle Männer mit liberalen Ansichten. die den Feminismus zugelassen haben.
Frauen konnten sich ja nicht selbst das Wahlrecht erkäpfen, wollten es Anfangs gar nicht.
Letztlich sind es dann doch (((die))).

Es ist unsere Verantwortung diesem Weibertum Einhalt zu gebieten ;)

Der Schulzzug ist schon bei 9%! Die 5% schafft er auch noch! MEGA!

make a thread about the fucking election or talk in english germans

Around 18:00 you will see the first Prognosen.

Attached: s20zzzmdkhcy.png (620x350, 132K)

>Weiber, cucks ....

Call it neoteny. On average it is simply stronger in females.

Forgot pic

Attached: neoteny.jpg (1819x1469, 518K)


Reconquer Pepe from the AfD, comrades and ensure DANKEST memes!

Praise kek, hail Emperor Schulz xD

Attached: afdgekapert.jpg (800x511, 52K)

>Es ist unsere Verantwortung diesem Weibertum Einhalt zu gebieten ;)

No, it's marxism as an ideology, gender roles are shit for both, i will not play wageslave for a woman who does nothing in return except for spreading her legs and having the privilege to raise her children.
She can go to work, has to vote, and for her lack of responsibility there is only one cure in the long term: The bloodshed it causes.

Eugenics will take care of this, i will not accept anything else than equal rights in the future.


Attached: btfo.jpg (587x359, 33K)

Das paradoxe ist, das die Neger und Araber sich den Femi- Scheiß nicht bieten lassen und den Schlampen gehörig die Möse polieren werden

Es ist im Grunde die Stadtbevölkerung, dieselben die immer progressiv sein wollen. Das war 1848 schon so, und es wird auch immer so sein. Wenn wir keine dauerhafte Lösung für das Stadtproblem finden, werden wir nie irgendetwas erreichen können, das nicht in 10 Jahren wieder zunichte gemacht werden kann.


Attached: 1462785396504.png (849x724, 65K)

>Eugenics will take care of this, i will not accept anything else than equal rights in the future.

Plays into I by now tend to subconciously judge facial bone structure in women (and also in men).

Attached: thal.jpg (312x450, 24K)

How the fuck does the CSU still have 34% of the votes?

>HUGE for the right-wing
They got as much as they did in the federal elections. How is this huge?

Different reproductive strategy. Circumventing male/male competition by societal pressure on the 'reproductive assets'. Dysgenic in the long run if you abrogate the Red Queen scenario of mating.

Attached: Angry_Konrad_Lorenz.jpg (381x272, 18K)

>Grade über Süd Afrika was am basteln.
So trifft man sich wieder

Attached: Seen A Little On TV.jpg (700x465, 65K)

When can I watch the results come in and where?

This >Eugenics will take care of this
:) I hope you're right on this one.

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The last time the AfD got like 4 % more than the polling said. That would give the AfD 18% and this would be great. Probably 2nd biggest party.

Nun, wir sind ja im Westen

Nigger you are a baby party not even 10 years old. In 2008 No one knew who the AFD were.

Braise Chulz :DDDD

You can be highly neotenous and manly, like Nordic males.

Beta-males are neotenous because they lack manlyness, but being neotenous doesn't equal being less manly, that would be a "after which, therefore because of"-fallacy.

Thought at a certain amount of neoteny, larger parts of the population lack testosterone if not enforced through good habits.

Grüne will never ever reach 16%. What the fuck. Media is shilling it so hard but it won't happen.


Thread Theme

Attached: moonman.jpg (680x544, 35K)

This is so exciting

They might. Greens had a good result in both Luxembourg and Belgium with Social Democrats getting annihilated by the Greens there.

>it's marxism as an ideology
>gender roles are shit for both
>Eugenics will take care of this
>She can go to work, has to vote
Get a load of this guy.

Attached: this guy.gif (464x240, 2.65M)

This, the Greens are Umfragehelden, because the lefty press loves them

Yo Bernds
Could you explain to me why the fucking protest graffitis are 90% of the time written in english, bitte?

I try not to be overly optimistic, but remember that polling institutes always calculate in previous results, which they don't have for the AfD since they didn't run in Bavaria in 2013.
That's reason enough to be completely wrong about their numbers.

Attached: Meme.png (800x600, 454K)

Wird derb, das kann ich dir sagen. Schwierig zu zensieren, man will ja die Brutalität auch rüberbringen. Das Antifa Video war an sich auch nur ein nach 2 jähriger Pause Wiedereinstieg ins Editing. Viel Raum nach Oben. Gestern Schädelweh bekommen vom stundenlangen Grind.

Attached: PoliceVsAntifa1.webm (320x180, 2.64M)

>Red queen
I'm waiting for a Black Swan event

remember to keep calm and praise Border Control Barbie

Attached: bordercontrol-barbie.jpg (500x844, 115K)

yes it is.
what makes the play go for the juggular is their absolute reliance on it for their self worth, esteem and their persona construction.
the programmer owns the npc

and what would be strange about that???

Why do the paid anti-putin protesters carry protest signs in English?

Because these lefty faggots hate the german language and want to make it world news

Honestly? The voter turnout seems to be very high. The last time I saw an "unnormal" turnout was Trump. That makes me optimistic.

AfD 20% inc

Is germany toast? Is it too late for Germany to recover from Merkel and her mass migration scam.

Why do most Germans refuse to see what is being done to their country? Reunification was a great thing for Germany, but the mass migration is destroying it. why don't Germans react?

ive set my 4x afd now aswell

Westen ist eigentlich nur Nodwesten(NRW, NI, SH, Bremen, Hamburg) und je nachdem dann noch Rheinland-Pfalz.

Außer man spricht von ex-BRD vs ex-DDR.

You shouldn't get your hopes up i think they will finish third.

There's a ton of cucks going out to vote "against" AfD though.

State controlled media.

Merkel broke the law so any of the migrants can be retroactively deported including their children at any point in time.

its all about bodily fluids with them

Attached: ripper.jpg (747x411, 32K)

Because German is the language of opression.

Attached: 2048043_ProvidedCHO_Universit_t_Osnabr_ck___Historische_Bildpostkarten_9793.jpeg.jpg (1110x1703, 584K)

funny, we vote FOR something, they vote just to be contrarian.

why does katie have exit polls earlier than german journos tho?
is the afd shame factor now officially recognized by pollsters?

>Only colonial power that didn't impose its own language on colonies but invented a regional one.

imagine being an amerinigger with all his amerispics and amerinigger presidents and whatnot, going on about europe

Solange die Zensur nicht den "Man weiß was passiert" Effekt nicht wegnimmt passt es. Die Zensur kann auch dazu genutzt werden um es noch dreister zu machen. Zum Beispiel wird Blut mit dem Emblem der EFF überdeckt oder Tweets, dass in SA alles in Ordnung sei.

Attached: Enemy Transportation.jpg (1920x1080, 650K)

German media have them, too. They just don't make them public till the closing of the polls.

>one hour until the polls close
>still no idea what rep to vote for with my second vote
Everyone's a literally who.
Should I just mark the list?
Because I can do that, it does nothing to the priority order of reps, but I still don't know if that's the best choice.


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Germany has been toast for over 70 years
since the JewSA annihilated 90% of good germans

It's Germany, mate
It's German politics, yet the protesters are almost always expressing themselves in English, with a message that usually goes against the interests of German people
Don't you see something odd about that?
Exactly, mein kamerad
It seems like that fact is not being pointed out as much as it should be, it's very telling

We all vote for one party, these anti-AfD-voters vote for all kinds of shithole parties, so we will have a better turnout, no matter what

Attached: DpeWvD9X4AAqxq9.jpg large.jpg (1024x682, 113K)

Just pick the first one in the party's list of your choosing.

because those are phrases copyrighted by "think-tanks" like george soros foundaition.

you think it's coincidence that every left-tard around the globe scream refugees welcome with the same flag?

>subconciously judge facial bone structure
I read a lot out of faces. I'm aware that it's not deterministic and one could be prone to judge unjustly, but I find many character traits correlate with the outside.

Search for "physiognomie und charakter."

>The Amerifats
>Annihilating anybody without chink eyes
Dude if anybody annihilated anything here, its the russians

Most likely I've sent you this before

Hey Mulatten, wann kommen die Ergebnisse?

if AFD gets over 20% tay user has to send nudes