What’s the real reason? Is it lack of self-discipline? Is it capitalism? Is it lack of church going?
Why does obesity exist?
Burger and fries aren't even that bad. It's all the fucking sugar we consume.
>getting worse
not that i've seen.
bitches are working out more and more because they want that figure because they're sex starved.
they have a weird notion that they deserve to fuck around for working so hard to look hot.
No one in this society believes in anything anymore. They just go about their daily lives like machines. No one cares about their health because why should they? Whats there to live for in this dystopian hellscape? Why shouldn't i just stuff my face with something that tastes good? Its probably going to be the only good part of your day anyway.
Come back when you have a serious country
niggers, and especially sheboons, almost every black women are fat
That’s what the burger industry is trying to tell you. Sugar is just sugar, it doesn’t matter at all. The total kcal intake is what matters and the total exercise / activity profile.
The reason people are fat is because they burgers and fries and other chunk food all the time. These obese people then drink diet coke with these heavy kcal meals...
I blame the jews
And the sitting.
Fat has become that “normal”, that slightly obese women are often seen as “thicc” or “normal”.
A BMI of 20 is normal for a woman, not 29.