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Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/VGLG1-ETH!/trade/VGLZ1-ETH

how do I buy gold? Can I just show upto any gold merchant in paris in buy some?

It will raise at maximum by 120%
Either buy stocks or real gold

Why though based frogman? Is this just for frenchfags or will amerigoys benefit?

Precious metals will be valueless in the future. Diamonds can be created by pressurizing carbon & gold can be created through nuclear reactors & particle accelerators. As the price of this technology decreases so will that of precious metals. Alchemy is real

diamonds are already worthless you stupid leaf
You can create perfect diamonds in a lab. Their value comes from a monopoly that vastly chokes the supply to the market

The dollar will be the main reason, especially for the Americans, also buy a gun if you don't have just in case


how do you know it will go up so much? I was thinking of buying some but I'm worried about the capital gains tax I'll have to pay and how hard it will be to sell it if I need too.

Nothing's stupider than a commie. Kys and thanks for proving my point.


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Fuck your gold. I buy bullets. Easier investment I can use. Easier investment I can sell. Easier investment I can trade.

>Banana cream
Absolute faggot

Goys goys isn't the love of gold what got us humans into this mess in the first place. We need to figure out another way.

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An inside guy in the foreign ministry told me that stuff will get so much ugly and the American dollar will definitely be affected so much and will raise gold prices to the ceiling

And you can get gold or anything else for free!

>buy stocks

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go ahead and "invest" in diamonds then you stupid fucking faggot. I dont give a shit if you lose all your money but dont tell other people this stupid shit so they lose their money

Don’t buy from a store. Go online and buy from a gold/silver supplier that supplies to commercially to companies in bulk. You’ll get a better price.
Obviously do a little googling first to make sure they are legit.

If you think about it, it's the only thing you can give to niggers for free and keep a smile on your face.

You are larping.
The only thing that could affect the US dollar is if you frogs started bombing Saudi Arabia.

Okay. I'm going to buy gold. I'll tell them some user from France said it was a good idea. That they heard from a guy who said it was a good idea. This is smart investment.

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As you watch the world burn around your golden paperweight.

Pump n dump shill
Enjoy your bags

Insider here, do not buy gold! Huge reserves found, Boggs dumping heavy, don't buy the bags!

stocks are going to crash again tomorrow so.... I'd hold off on that

If you like cryptos you can get
Ve Gold G1 (1gram)!/trade/VGLG1-ETH

Ve Gold Z1 (1 ounce)!/trade/VGLZ1-ETH

>if you frogs started bombing Saudi Arabia.

>stocks low
>don't buy stocks

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Good alcohol similarly. Whisky, brandy.

>gold can be created through nuclear reactors & particle accelerators

most brainlet thing I've ever seen.

Are we going to bomb Israel or Iran?

>yes goyim just put your money in a bank account. You don't want a tangible investment that can be cashed anywhere in the world or stored compactly. Money is just a number.

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Particle accelerators and nuclear reactors aren't what I would call cheap.

I hate to agree with a commie, but I have to in this instance.
Sorry leaf bro!

I need to get a particle accelerator.

It has to do with the Chinese and Saudi investments and holdings in your country

>stocks are going to crash again tomorrow
China and the elites are crashing the market before the midterms. Markets spike at the beginning of the month.

Market will go back to normal after the midterms. Buy near the end of October and you will have transferred wealth from the ideologically communist rich to yourself.

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Oh yes! Is there going to be a war with Chinks? We’ll have to put them in concentration camps here for sure!

Send some to me then

Isn’t this election meddling?

Economic war, but in the long run it could turn ugly

Yes this is just what we need! This will turn all the people against the government, elites, bankers, and Jews!

that may or may not be the cause, but the time-table does work out.

Kind of started

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>The only thing that could affect the US dollar
Have you considered that China is trying to undermine the US's status as the World Reserve Currency?

user, I went on a 19 state road trip this summer and was totally unfiltered. I initiated political discussions with men in every state. People are pissed off. I drop redpills, name the Jew, and they just nod in agreement. These normies just need a little push, we’re almost there. I think this will push a lot of people over the edge.

Don't buy gold.
Learn now about Modern Monetary Theory.
Thank me next month.
>The gold standard ended on August 15, 1971