

Attached: late stage capitalism.png (960x720, 612K)

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Man, whenever they give out this explainations in company it makes it sound like you are the one kissing the ass of whoever hired you

There’s literally nothing wrong with that message you enititled communist cunt

BASED Canadian Cowboys!

>being thankful for a job where they use whiteboards and passive aggressive reminders

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lol canada
>meanwhile in US there is a labor shortage and visa works are now required by law to be paid same wages that a citizen but only after showing proof that theyve had trouble filling the position.
guess we will need a northern wall next

If my team saw that shit we would all quit on the spot.

But then again, my boss isn't an idiot, he's aware that it we all left his company would go under in a week.
I don't care how fast you can replace people, you can't replace the entire IT department in an msp fast enough, you'll lose clients and go bankrupt before the damage is contained.

>we can replace you!
Maybe, but you'll love productivity for 4-6 months training the new person. If 4+ people quit, your department is toast.

canada is such a shithole.

>zero jobs
>houses cost a million dollars +
>shitty healthcare
>PM is a commie faggot whose mother spread her hairy minge on camera
>full of poos
>monopoly money currency
>the only good part of the country speaks french, which negates any positives

if I were canadian I'd do everything possible to try and get a job in the states

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Blomers just dont get it

The conditioning is too strong to break

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I’ve been fired for telling my boss to fuck himself , for passive aggressive bullshit , only way to combat passive aggressive is with force

It's wrong in that it creates a hostile workplace and attempts to make the employee FEAR being replaced at any time, and FEAR bargaining for better pay, benefits, or whatever.

It's LITERALLY illegal to create a hostile work environment using intimidation tactics like this in the US.

My boss hangs stuff like this too. But never have I felt like I even came close to being terminated or replaced. Shit like this is just to keep the slackers on their toes. Perform your job well and you'll be fine. The ones at my place of work are actually a lot more threatening and rude, but my boss is actually an angel.


Why should someone who can't even write English have a valid opinion on anything?

>came here to call it fake and gay
>googled permacorp

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>It's LITERALLY illegal to create a hostile work environment using intimidation tactics like this in the US.
Not until someone challenges them in court, lol.

I bet that was written by a woman.

How retarded are you? They should thank their employees instead for doing a great job and not being extinct. Here's what it should be:

>Why you should be thankful for our work here at PermaCorp

>1) The workers have professionallydiversified the products and services that we offer in order to create multiple streams of income. This makes us reliable because we are not relying on only one business sector to bring in money. ie. Only oil or residential

>2) There are hundreds of businesses shutting down in Alberta right now

>3) Since Christmas, we regularly come to work to find hundreds of resumes in our inbox. Sometimes more than a thousand. If we need to find another employee it would be easy. Be thankful of our great work that keep your business alive while you do fuck all and not give us an annual bonus....

Also illegal in Canada. I hope they have an union that will take a look into it

wow that place is probably hell on earth to work at

I haven't even looked, but I'm betting a woman did this.

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Alberta thread?

>Albertan politician gets shitcanned by his party because he dared to talk to evil mean white men instead of recoiling and hissing spittle at them

A case easily won in court with such explicit text

If you have to put up a sign saying your employees should be grateful for having a job your workplace is toxic. If your workplace is awesome, you don't have to tell people it is. Only hellholes need to put up signs.

Anyone who squawks this much about a position of strength is likely not in a position of strength... guaranteed written by a woman, boomer or onionboy.

I'm thankful...

That I don't have and will never have to work in the private sector.

This kind of "work spirit" is digusting

Please die and kill yourself.

Must be nice! In America you have to give retards full paid benefits, an 8% increase twice per year, a new car every 3 years and generally kiss their lazy useless asses to keep them from jumping ship over the slightest criticism. You also have to perpetually advertise employment opportunities 365 days/ year so you can occasionally snag other companies disgruntled retards just to keep your doors open. Every fucking time you hire a new retard, you have to adjust your pay scales because you can’t hire new retards for what you could last year. If you don’t adjust, your old retards will get pissed and jump ship. Meanwhile your contracts are based on the retard wage scales that were in effect when you proposed the work, retard health insurance increases at about 10% per year and the quality of retards produced by American universities declines each year at an alarming rate. Thanks Trump.

This message is fine for a business that has wageslaves doing rudimentary work, however if this business operates on anything that requires specific highly knowledge in a sector and everyone goes tits up its RIP business.

The US is somehow much worse...

I support the owner of this company 2000%. Get fucked commies

God forbid you have to drive like the rest of us instead of buying the newest leerjet.

This is some literal Mr. Scrooge level philosophy here.

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No, it isn't.

>In America you have to give retards full paid benefits, an 8% increase twice per year, a new car every 3 years and generally kiss their lazy useless asses to keep them from jumping ship over the slightest criticism.
Tell us more lies user

Some bitch in HR probably wrote this. You can tell because they used two different colors, made a fucking border around the whole thing as even printed out an article from the internet.... A man would never take that long to write something this passive-aggressive.

How would that work?

depends on the region. The northeast fucking blows and california has it's problems. Meanwhile the upper midwest and the southeast are comfy as fuck. There's infinite jobs, living is cheap and easy, and life is generally great.

pretty much just avoid atlanta, chicago, ohio in general, new england, and california and you;ll have a great time.

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Writing by a fat woman from HR. Also that's from Canada, which fits the dystopian socialist hell-hole narrative.

a man would fucking type it up on a computer and hit print. what kind of retard has the time in their day to write out a fucking essay on a whiteboard?

wtf does that even have to do with boomers
that's slavery

It's the truth, but it's also a retarded way to handle the situation.

Yea, yea, yea it's a great place if you avoid no-go zones.
>oh btw, no-go zones compromise 95% of US territory. Good luck :^)
Typical 10% bait and switch lies.
>Meanwhile the upper midwest and the southeast are comfy as fuck. There's infinite jobs, living is cheap and easy, and life is generally great.
Yea, just step over all those fent addicts, but otherwise everything is great! Life is awesome :^) Lots of jobs that pay $50k/year! Oh btw property tax is $30k/year. Woops almost forgot to tell you that :^)

I saw a massive pile of resumes for a pharmacy position once. Zero were from people who were actually pharmacists. They get a fuck ton of online shit from India and Africa. Every resume was filled with spelling errors and terrible in general.

Northeast has the most jobs. Southeast has the most blacks.

northeast cost of living blows though. Boston, NYC, and DC are fucking insane unless you are some kind of lawyer or banker type.

50k/yr is bare minimum starting wages for the light industrial stuff around where I live. Even high school grads with a couple years of experience pull 70k+. And the property tax is highly variable by area. It's usually proportionally higher in poor cities and bad neighborhoods. Just move to the republican suburbs and it'll be fine.

This is like abusive-spouse level behavior.

>no message underneath about how easy it is to find someone who can use a fucking apostrophe correctly
Truly the leaf is the lowest of men.

>implying the union didn't approve that message

And that's how it should be.

>combat passive aggressiveness
>get fired

Sounds about right..

>Can't figure out how to write an email and regularly yells at the computer for being "broken"
>Writes a rant tier post on a white board about how all their employees are easily replaceable
Boomers get put into the Gas Chamber loaded up with Windows 7. The code for the door is on the computer.

>tfw recently sent job application to permacorp in hamilton

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Good luck competing with HUNDREDS of other Canadians.. lmao

I have to agree. It is shameful to rub the faces of those whom you have power over in shit. It breeds resentment in the workplace and that leads to low productivity. Not only are the people who thought this was a good idea detestable, they are short sighted, poor managers who will answer for their poor performance. Seeing how they handle morale in that office, they will blame the workers and the cycle will continue.

Check out the map of the USA mon.
Your % is off a ton.

>who will answer for their poor performance
If a single boomer had to suffer the consequences of a single of their numerous fuck ups, it would be considered worse than the holocaust.

How can it be called malicious just to share facts like how many resumes they receive and the state of the job market?

I'm essentially a freeter right now, if I don't like a job I just walk.

Boomers can suck it, they expect a lot from you for shit pay and hours and you better be happy for the "experience" until they decide you're "overqualified".
In any case, if I saw that white board at my workplace I'd drop my shit and leave.

It's not like they even ask for references anymore, I just make fake resumes.

Worth it. user's principles and self-respect are intact.

I hate how Jow Forums felates Albertan cocks that they're the only good province in Canada. They're lucky to blessed with natural resources, but otherwise they're just neocons and love big business.


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Yes be a good goy. Suck that cock and be thankful.

>being thankful to work for someone who can’t use an apostrophe correctly.

>nothing wrong
only if you're middle management or some hr hambeast. to everyone else that shit is lame. the npc that wrote that likely hands out company "holiday ornaments" expecting people to actually hang that gay shit on their tree.

>It's wrong in that it creates a hostile workplace and attempts to make the employee FEAR being replaced at any time

That's a bad business practice and over time, people will not apply there so the company will lose money. Also you forgot about the extreme criticisms and PR nightmare that they'll endure throughout their existence. It's commies like you that blame capitalism for shit like that when in the soviet union or some other 3rd world socialist shithole, you'd be working the entire fucking day only to make pocket change to buy a can of soda but only if it's in stock, which brings me to the bullshit centralized economy you have going there that produces close to nothing and only allows the state to override it to provide resources to build military projects instead of using it to benefit your society. If you really insist in living in a socialist shithole, then go immigrate to a socialist shithole.

What an asshole.

fucking public sector parasite

> How to instantly trigger a mysterious 10% reduction in company wide productivity.

Better than being a wagecuck sucking Goldberg's cock

I had a boss exactly like that whiteboard. He went on a tirade saying I should be thanking him for not paying me overtime.

You should never work for these sort of companies and exit at the first glimpse of trouble.

In Portugal this shit would be considered job harassment by the Work Court.

Being a parasite is better than actually creating the wealth of your nation? You know, the wealth that keeps you paychecks coming

Because it is being used explicitly and solely as a tool for degrading employees.

>share facts
Lmao. Yeah bosses love to just share irrelevant facts with everyone. Context matters, buddy. If you are telling people to be thankful for their job opportunity and that they are all replaceable worker ants, then you are strongly implying that you view them as worth less than their job and that the thought of randomly cutting their source of income has occured to you recently. It is a thinly veiled threat of termination, through and through.

This. Fuck boomers.


That is why they always pass the buck or retire when they can no longer run from their mistakes. They leave the new guy holding the bag, cleaning up the boomer mess.

Outside of the annoying political environment, Bay Area tech industry jobs are comfy af

>Be thankful for this piss bottle; many people have shit bottles.

>creating the wealth of your nation
Flag checks out.

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> working FOR others
> basically living as a slave for jewish paper money


>What an asshole
Yes, this is a terrible way to say this info. But, is it a lie? We get hundreds of resumes per month at the place I work, too. Most are just fluffy bullshit written to make the applicant appealing to someone, yet they come and interview and it's apparent that they don't know anything about what the job requires. Even the most low-skill entry level job at our facility needs at least a month of training to be able to do well. It's not east to get people off the street to replace folks when they leave.

Unironically telling the truth, I set up a part time job and got over 200 applications in 2 days. People need to apprecitate their position

What's written on the board is the reality, but the problem here is that someone took the time to write it out.

Unironically worked for this shit company lmao. They are complete extortionists and are the reason my provinces economy is going to shit by abusing Retard immigrants to keep wages low. 90% of the people who this is addressed to probably can't even speak fluent English. AMA

Hmmm, I think there was talk of unionizing in the shop at PermaCorp.

Management wants to nip it in the bud.

This is a bluff.
The company probably has their workers doing some shit job for subsistence tier pay. They're terrified of people quitting but won't raise wages even though it costs them more to hire new people than raise the wages.
>i-its not like i need your help wageslave-kun there are t-thousands of people to replace you be grateful I even keep you on

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How soul crushing. Just burn everything already.

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it checks out because we have to keep paying the bloated parasitic public sector and their fat wages

>I'm thankful...
>That I don't have and will never have to work in the private sector.
>This kind of "work spirit" is digusting
based baguettefag. you guys truly know how to live

Out of curiosity, are the immigrant workers from any particular region, do you know?

Also, how the fuck can you live in a society where only your "basic needs" are met? Are you only given a ration of items to live by monthly? If you fucking toothbrush breaks, you won't have another one until your next ration, so you'll have to make do with what you can. Humans have wants too and if your shitty state can't provide that, then you're fucked. With a centralized economy, there's no trade, so there will be no consumer goods, especially since karl marx emphasized that products shouldn't be valued by how much a consumer values it but by how much work gets put into it. That sense of value is subjective since it only places the worker's view of what value it has and not the person in which it will be given to. So really, you can be given free shit that wouldn't have any real use at all since your demands are not considered in the first place especially since everything is regulated to hell. You probably can't even plant potatoes in your front yard without state permission, but that is, if you'll even be allowed to have a fucking front yard since all property is public and belongs to the state. So keep in mind that when your centralized bullshit system is based upon what workers think would be a good product for them while disregarding your demands, you're going to fucking starve because they're producing useless shit that doesn't benefit you and that useless shit won't even be in stock since your centralized economy can only be used to allocate resources for one thing or another and your state is using it to allocate radioactive materials to build nukes, which again, doesn't fucking benefit you or anyone.

>tfw I live in flagstaff

There's more than meets the eye here, the town is tiny and had almost no jobs that pay well that aren't at the University, hospital or at Gore. The university president is Merkeling us, accepting everything with a pulse so she can get massive bonuses while we are incapable of housing that many people. The cost of living has skyrocketed as a result and most people can't afford to live here and work the jobs that there are.

Don't get me wrong, I voted against the wage increase but I understand 100% why it passed. All of the businesses that closed down due to the wage increase were already not doing very well.


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Imagine getting offended because your employer isn't sugar coating things for you. These are the facts and this company is being agressive but the underlying message is the same wether they say it or not

I’m trying to figure out how to fire our IT guy. I don’t believe he will give me the codes before he leaves.

>If my team saw that shit we would all quit on the spot.

Your team would be replaced on the spot.

>But then again, my boss isn't an idiot, he's aware that it we all left his company would go under in a week.

No, it would not. you are as replaceable a light bulb.

>I don't care how fast you can replace people, you can't replace the entire IT department in an msp fast enough, you'll lose clients and go bankrupt before the damage is contained.

I too work in IT. If my coworker was you, and said the shit you are saying now and tried to pull a walkout... Guess I'm getting some overtime hours until you are replaced. Thank you for getting me a raise snowflake.

You act like people are going to throw away their mortgage payment, and car payment, and go homeless and all that because you got offended by management posting something on the white board.

Principles and self-respect don't pay the bills. user gains nothing by telling the boss to fuck off. user gains only by putting up with the boss' dumb bullshit and not complaining.