Anyone else voting dem midterms?

Hey everyone. Anyone else sick of the Republican establishment and ready to vote it out of office? Honestly after realizing that trump is just another neocon shill and after some of the stuff hes done in office I think I'm willing to give the dems a shot. He hasnt kept a lot of his promises to be honest

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Fuck off shill.

No not a shill bot, I would consider myself the average american

I agree with your sentiments

Why yes indeed, fellow racists of Jow Forums Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect, I myself am also a disappointed Republican and will be voting Democrat as well. Down with Drumpf!

Oh definitely user!

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That is a really terrible graphic.

I don't like Republicans, but I hate Democrats, so no I will be voting all GOP. I used to actually listen to what Dems had to say, but given they are totally nuts and whatever they say is generally a lie I can't in good faith give the ones who may have been moderate the benefit of the doubt anymore.

Good for you but you're not. The dems are The establishment and have been since the 90s. I prefer my country to have borders and laws. Fuck off, you and your 44 million illegal immigrant "voters."


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Bombs are going to be set off across Democrat offices and gatherings and will be set off on election day. Enjoy

Fuck off to you too, gigafaggot.

All Dems had to do is not be crazy for two years and they would have had their blue wave.

Interesting that they left out the second half of "no ban no wall", which is "no USA at all".

I'm voting for the OP is a faggot party

>Wow trump is a faggot kike shill just like literally every other zogbot candidate
>Let's vote for the other Kosher Kike Party, surely this will change everything


In all fields

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I'm not voting Dem, but I'm not voting GOP either.

House: gop-controlled
Senate: gop-controlled
White house: gop-controlled

What did we get? Tax cuts that helped higher income earners more. That's it.

Trump couldn't help work out a deal
Trump wasn't forceful about it and allowed lower level courts to block it without much of a fight
Trump has supported DACA for over a year now
>arrest the deepstate traitors
Trump has taken no action to bring equal justice back to America.

Trump is protecting Hillary just like Hillary would be protecting Hillary . No one is going to prison (except republicans) and the deepstate will still be running things when Trump leaves office.

We need civil war, not elections

>(((Average american)))

Fuck off shill.

There should be a red wave version with these slogans.

"American Pride"
"Law & Order"
"Gun rights are human rights"
"Taxation is theft"
"Life is sacred"
"Jobs not Mobs"
"Let freedom ring"
"Borders make America Great"
"Strong families, strong nation"
"Not Tired of Winning"
"Keep America Great"

Complete opposite.
Identify as dem but voting full red because I honestly don't understand what this party has become or what the democratic platform is (I haven't since 2016), and all they do is talk about Drumpf and not about what they'd do differently for the better.
My politics are starting to disalign with them as a whole and I don't think they have a clue what they're doing.

Borrowing "respect our existence or expect our resistance" could also work.


Need super majority user. If they screw that up I’m voting libertarian for the lols

Are you making all the shill threads or just a few?

I'm voting dem midterms toward the right

Hell yeah. I decided after 2 years of Trump I now hate: borders, guns, and white people. Saged; Fuck off OP.

Kek. Fucks sake; brock is getting desperate. The personnel budget for shill faggots must be much lower these days because the quality is sub-human.

>tfw dems are broke or suffering from diversity-hire syndrome.

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Did someone say vote? Maybe i can Interest you in direct democracy? What is direct democracy you ask?
Oh its the best kind of democracy there is! Direct democracy or double dees is i like to call it is like a pair of juicy double d tits. Sure sometimes you when you see it naked it sags but hey hat least you can lift it up with your own hands!

Yeah, totally brah. Trump is just like those wankers who sat by on 9/11, and then plunged us into two wars that cost thousands upon thousands of lives. It's just like that now. Only worse, right? RIGHTT!?!?!??!?!

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