*sips tea*

*sips tea*
try to refute this Jow Forums
why is making the workplace representative of the population demographics bad!

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I thought police were evil racists

Because the population is full or stupid people. Hiring should be merit based.

you hire smart people that represent the population

Move on .Sage and kill it with fire.

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>Hurr they made too good of a point

There is underrepresentation of the 8 year old girl demographic on the police force. I need more 8 year old girls to give me speeding tickets.

im talking about sex and race retard not age

Very often, people post these things to make people pay attention to how insane the liberal left has become in the West. The guy posting it is trying to show you some fucked up shit, and it works, even tho its apain the ass.
Wish I was in beautiful Greece

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Just because women are half the population doesn't mean they should be given guns and authority lmao.

You are a fucking BIGOT. Kill yourself Nazi.

And what if all the smartest (and best qualified) people come from an unrepresentative sample of the general population?

>female police



>police are brutal pigs who are shit at their job
>also the police are a good example of diversity hires being a good thing

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gas them before they get uppity

Fuck off. I'll reply to whatever shit-thread I want.

it works better that way. it makes females and POC feel more comfortable with the police force

cops should represent those who want to become cops, not the population.

If 20 men and 2 woman want to become cops there will be a m:f ratio of 20:2.

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Leaf, there is no wind.

Your suggestion means nothing, those are utility sex animals for the men.

the absolute state of this bait
checks out

Because a vagina doesn't automatically make you qualified for anything. if a woman wants to be a cop she can but trying to force women in so you can have half men and half women is fucking stupid. it's how you end up with a random guy getting murdered because a female cop can't even locate her own apartment.

>representative of the population

I am sick of this canned line, It makes me want to hit.

there are a surprising amount of women who want to be a cop and you can reject less skilled males in favour of women to better represent the populous

>you can reject less skilled males in favour of women

Yeah, you can do a lot of stuff to reward an inferior part of the population

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you guys are truly pathetic. you can't even refute the most simple of liberal talking points so much for
>muh facts and logic

>muh facts and logic

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that's a good thing. it will encourage more women

The example to look at is the auto making industry in the US...

Before EOE and Affirmative Action policies were instilled decades ago, auto assembly lines were made of white men. And when you think back, or research the 60s, 70s and 80s American car making history...there were next to zero recalls.

Fast forward to today, where you have ill-equipped women and POC filling positions,any are not qualify died to do...and we see massive recalls of automobiles today.

When you do not have tgw best person for the job...the quality of products and services are lessened to the buyer.

Encourage more women to humiliate themselves when trying to arrest a criminal?

I've been a cop.
Women officers a not respected by criminals or children.
Men are.
That is just how it works.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be/UK4b6tGThI4 )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be/zRrkUymeST4)

BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.

OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.

Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.

Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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If representation matters so much why should white people should ever vote for non-white politicians?

Leftists would say the quality was due to muh unions.

Roughly 80% of violent crime is committed by men...who physically overpower the vast majority of females....but sure, let's respect the wammen and get them ragdolled by niggers.

They don't actually mean representation matters, everything is code to the left.

They mean having more non-whites matters, but they don't want to say that.

I don't want the police in the first place, so why would what people who I don't think should exist do be something I need to accept in other areas of life?

>t. christcuck
women do good in the UK

This discourages hiring based on merit and encourages hiring based on identity.

That can only result in less quality.

post the webm of the female bobby crying while a nig humps her and all his friends laugh

>That can only result in less quality.

That is the actual point, all of this is about weakening this former nation.

The thing is for shit like the police its necessary due to the different approaches. A psycho feminist screaming about rape is going to get hostile with a male cop way more than a female cop. You have to take the logos approach then it starts to make sense.

Now, that being said, when you talk about diversity quotas in the military, in civilian intelligence, in NASA, you're talking about destroying our capabilities. It should be merit based and only merit based.


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It’s an admission that they weren’t hired on the basis of merit. You’re implicitly saying they’re not good enough as white males.

Then certain aspects of your work force are overrun by jews.


What does that mean?

If you're gonna try to have a bizarro conversation, where we pretend that diversity hires are competent next to their colleagues (lets call them "Merit hires"), then of course you're not going to see anything wrong with is.

the pigs dont hire that way

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Who created the unions...dindus? cunts?


Why? I hire exclusively female police because I want more guns being pulled. :^)

And what if no women apply for the position? should we force them to work there to meet these diversity quotas?

You're compromizing optimization for diversity which means odds are, you're rejecting more qualified applicants for less qualified applicants because of gender, race, sexual orientation, pizza topping preference, sportsball teams, favorite Mozambican antelope horn snorting forums, etc.

Because I'd rather have the best choice for the job. If that ends in a diverse hiring, fine whatever, I don't care. However I doubt thats the case

That's not representative of all the dumb people or the retards though you fucking bigot.

Diversity is good.
The demographics of bank, media, universities and the state department should reflect the exact demographic of the US population: race, religious affiliation, etc.

Because the population demographics consists of fat-fuck feminist, weak beta basedboys and brown/black rapists and robbers.

Gee, who' d know.

But in doing something stupid and racist like diversity hiring you cant pick out people primarily for things that matter like intelligence, honesty, or work ethic.

People should be hired on merit. Hiring someone based on their race or their gender is called racial discrimination and sex discrimination respectively.


If you want women police officers that have a specialist job description which involves talking to women in various communities, that's fine. But they are not suited as standard police officers. Sure, they do fine so long as there isn't any sort oh physical altercation. But guess what, those happen in that line of work and there are reasons why stringent physical standards are (were) there in the first place. If you're lowering these standards to let in women, you're literally creating an unqualified police force.

Copfag here.
Women just amplify whatever qualities they have. Normal female cops are normal. Aggressive female cops make you think they're in a gunfight every time they key up on thr radio. Useless female cops don't do any work, at all, then bitch about being shunned by the team for being useless.

As a city cop I don't mind working with women, the few that aren't completely fucking insane are just as capable.

I make a clear distinction between city cops and county/highway patrol. Our highway patrol only used to take men who were over 6ft. This was done to intimidate drivers because troopers may or may not have any backup coming.

In the city with backup right behind you, doesn't really matter if you're male female, tall short etc. But if you're going to be alone for 10 minutes before any help can get to you, it's morally wrong to put physically inferior people in that position.

... are you retard? Then we hire them. Why is the majority of the NBA nigger? Because they are fucking good at bouncing balls and jumping high

It's strange, because there are a lot of jobs that are overwhelmingly female... so if females get the male jobs and the female jobs... men will have 1/2 of thier options taken away.

Certain things men just aren't going to be doing.

the NFL should be half women, dont be a bigot

I know there are idiots who actually think that meritocracy is a bad idea.

No shit.

>*sips tea*
Forbidden to do such postes, reported.

So should Hollywood only be 2% Jewish?

Why does representation matter???? Who gives a fuck ?????
Why employ people who dont belong or arent qualified ??????

If qualified its fine.

Because women are more likely to be injured and use deadly force as police and they’re not equal in skills and abilities

Because, in this age, People are to stupid to understand hire on merit.

Yes lets fill a heavily physical role more suited for men with women. And have no regard for actual efficiency.

Using this logic means that half the players in the NFL need to be females.

Since the vast majority of the people aren't qualified to be brain surgeons then that job should be representative to the population.

Hope that house you live in or that car you drive wasn't built by the vast majority of people who don't know the difference between a screwdriver and a dildo.

Hopefully every job is being filled by the best person for that job instead of the population demographic.

It's not their job to represent the population retard. Their job is to catch criminals, give traffic tickets, and occasionally cull the urban ape population, and certain segments of the population are better at those things than others.

When we have female coal miners and female garbage collectors, and white men in human resources, the system is working. Women shit up too many good jobs.

Especially in the age of technology women should return to kitchen and give more jobs to the good men

>What is objective merit?

Because even when freddie gray got the (((rough ride))) instead of blaming the 3 black cops they blamed the 2 white cops.
