What foreign language should I teach myself? Tired of being a stereotypical American and only knowing one language...

What foreign language should I teach myself? Tired of being a stereotypical American and only knowing one language. I learned German in high school but I've forgotten most of it. Should I learn Russian or Polish? I'm kinda disappointed in how cucked Western Europe is so I thought learning about Eastern Europe might be more worthwhile.

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How about this one? steen.free.fr/interslavic/

How abput magyar nyelv?

>learning Polish
my sides
why not learn another useless language like Lithuanian while you're at it?
at least you must learn Russian if you want to be an astronaut (for now), but still kind of useless unless you're planning to move there or work or want to study their literature

Spanish obviously. Why would you learn non-languages.

>Tired of being a stereotypical American and only knowing one language.
Are you also tired of being a stereotypical American and reproducing? This shit reeks of Jewish subversion. English is all you need, if you want to learn Hebrew, get the fuck out of my country crypto-leaf.

Why Hungarian? Just curious.

What’s so hot about Spanish? All the second gen Mexicans are learning English, so it will be pretty useless in another generation.

>English is all you need
Spoken like a true low-IQ piece of trailer trash.

t. Fluent in 4 languages

Over 30 percent of Russians speak English, and it's the same with Poles. Why not learn a language that is not spoken by bilingual English speakers, like.... uhhh...... help me out here guys.

>my hobby makes me superior guys

Congratulations on wasting your time. What language are we speaking right now shitdick?

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you only need to learn multiple languages if you speak with foreigners if its useful in your homeland you are retarded

Only froeigners need to be bilingual

>waste of time
Wow. Maybe it's part of my job to be multilingual? Do you retards even know what a job is? Jow Forums sure is pathetic nowadays.

Learn Russian. Russians have a great literature: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Lermontov, Pasternak, Nabokov, Solzhenitsyn.

Dude, stop bragging about your job as an International Phone Sex Operator.

I didn't want to learn Spanish because I refuse to learn the language just because of Mexican invaders. Fuck, I'd rather learn Portuguese and travel to Brazil than learn Spanish.

go on with russian, re-learn german, it will help with nordic languages, if you want try spanish, then you'll ve able to learn portuguese-italian (even french) more easily

It's easy ameribro

If you wanna go on vaca down south, Chile or Argentina are pretty nice countries to visit

Well you learned it in Highschool so you should be able to relearn most of it easily, but most austrian, german, swiss people speak english anway.

>Slavic ones
Russian never hurts, you would be able to enjoy a lot of literature that loses some meaning when translated into english.
The others ukrainan,czech, polish are pretty local so unless it's for a vacation idk.

>Magyar, finnish, estonian
They are pretty "foreign languages" and I don't think that there would be much to gain when learning them.

Chinks only try to cheat foreigner anyway, but it can be fun if you are into old text like "the romance of the three kingdoms".

Moonrunes for Animus and Mangos.
Or again literature if you are into that.

In my opinion learn spanish, unless you want to learn something for business.

Dutch is easy, and the Netherlands are really great for mid-level sex/drug tourism without having to talk to Asians.

I don't know, but it seemed as if you wanted to learn some exotic language and, personally, I think Hungarian sounds pretty cool.

>Doesn't want to learn western European language because people on Jow Forums said that Western Europe is dying
>Wants to learn some language from eastern Europe

I mean... If you wanna be useless , go on , learn Russian or Polish

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Budapest does seem like a cool place to visit. I want to visit Romania as well some day because of the Vlad/Dracula stories.

Read whatever you can see yourself using everyday, be it reading newspapers, book, watching shows, etc. You need a reason to use it. Try and speak it with people also. Learning a language and not using it is exponentially harder than for instance, emersion.

latin or greek.

Disce Latinam.
Cum maxime Europae linguarum intelligere non possis.

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Spanish, of course. How else are you gonna communicate with your grandkids?


Learn Spanish or Russian

A language that over 100million speak is an amazing asset

Spanish is EZ but Russian requires more IQ
I'd learn Spanish then Russian

Every white man with an triple digit IQ should learn 2 foreign languages before 40

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Would you really recommend Spanish or Russian over German for English speakers?

It's literally not worth it, invest your time in something else like learn to play guitar or something, or get into DIY. Why the fuck would you learn a random language? For internet points lol?


Literally want to learn ether some scandycuck language or finnish or colombian spanish.
Chinese is sadly the future tho.

I personally think you should learn Cornish. A once forgotten language that has made a comeback.

Learning a language is basically learning a culture. What culture are you interested in, OP? Thats the one you should go for.

Guess how many can call you out on being the number one expert on that.

>Fluent in 4 languages
Just to be clear. Is English one of them? Or do you subscribe to the muttish grunts and ebonics on that one?

I'm learning Dutch but it's for no particular reason than just something to do. It's pretty fun though. Not good enough to attempt to really try to talk with it yet though since I haven't been practicing that long.


Spanish or French would probably be the most practical, in terms of the number of speakers, potential opportunities to use it, and difficulty of learning for a native English speaker.

Consider these facts
>Other than English, the dominant languages in The Americas are Spanish, Portuguese, and French

Aside from English, Spanish and French are some of the most common second languages learned because of their colonial reach

German could be useful if you plan to go into business. Mandarin, Russian, and Arabic would all be very difficult, but will all remain globally relevant into the foreseeable future, and beyond.

If your goal is to woo women learn Portuguese. French is for pooftas.

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30% of Russians know English? That is complete bullshit :)

Russian is more accessible than Mandarin and Arabic imo, the alphabet isnt that bad to learn

No - latin is retarded. Declensions are so fucking moronically stupid, and latin vocabulary is horrendously tiny.

>I learned German in high school but I've forgotten most of it.
Refresh your knowledge of it, THEN pass to Russian or a latin one.

Learn Cajun, preserve a dying american culture.

Also, play music with us! dubtrack.fm/join/hitler-hangout1488

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Mandarin chinese

nah, because their idea (along with most other east europeans) of speaking fluent english is.
>no unnerstan
>where is toilet?
>where vodka i cigerette?