Trump: "[Mattis] is sort of a Democrat."

>President Donald Trump said he is unsure whether Defense Secretary James Mattis is planning to step down from his post, but told CBS' "60 Minutes" in a pre-taped interview that the retired general might and that he regards Mattis as "sort of a Democrat."

>"It could be that he is" planning to depart, Trump said, according to an excerpt of a transcript released on Sunday before the show airs. "I think he's sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth. But General Mattis is a good guy. We get along very well. He may leave."


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anybody here r/whitepower/?


Any generals deemed a threat to the communist conspiracy were purged during obama's 8 years. how did mattis survive? oh, right...

When he says 'sort of a Democrat' it sound to me like he's saying, Mattis resists and obstructs (sort of).

Something's up. Is Mattis much pro-Israel or pro-war-with-Iran?
The kikes are trying to push Trump into nuking Iran.

Hes gonna be replaced by Gen. Michael Flynn.

Is Ivanka sort of a democrat?

Yeah no shit. Notice how leftists were fine with his appointment 2 years ago, and how since then all he's done is shill for fags and trannies in the military. I think he's a fag himself.

The media tells you more by who they don't / won't criticize in the Trump admin

link to full interview

hasn't aired yet

He might be a crypto-gay, but I can assure you that he has a lot of clout in the military. It’s a net negative if he leaves the administration outside of some blatant scandal.

Mattis is a homosexual that stopped Trump's transsexual ban in the military.

Fuck him.

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he's always been a shill and unpopular member of the cabinet here on Jow Forums. the guy is a snake-in-the-grass deep state plant donning the disguise of a *muh marines* patriot. I knew it the moment that fake as fuck story surfaced about standing watch with Lts and privates in some Afghan shithole.

>it's negative if a tranny loving faggot leaves

Fuck off kike.

Fuck off, obvious non-veteran faggot.

I dunno I never trusted that guy. What has he done?

>Brave defender of Israel

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Since you claim to be a veteran give me ONE reason transsexuals should serve in the military.

>he's always been a shill and unpopular member of the cabinet here on Jow Forums.
2016 Jow Forums loved Mattis even though people knew he was closeted, his warrior monk cult of personality justifies US aggression around the globe as opposition to China
If anything he was one of the most liked cabinet picks, compared to the (((other choices)))
> meme flag
> 1 post by this id

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2018 Mattis allows trannies in the military with free conversion surgery and hormone therapy.

fuck. we honestly cant lose mattis.

>If anything he was one of the most liked cabinet picks, compared to the (((other choices)))
he was liked by retarded (((civic nationalists))) like Kike Shapiro who sneaked onto Trump's train. People like Bannon were the true champions MAGA campaign needed, not this fucking wet noodle boomer general whose only competence is/was being an object of masturbation for 80IQ jarheads

> 1 post by this id
based retard, my posts make up 10% of the thread

It's not like it matters. Every top guy that was on Trump's shortlist for the positions are all the same, there's not a single guy that might question their tactics in Syria for example.

muh St. Mattis approved having fags and trans so its A-fucking-OK.

>there's not a single guy that might question their tactics in Syria for example.
who is Steve Bannon?

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he will be replaced by a BASED neocon

That’s not the point, you paid shill meme flaggot.
The point is that firing Mattis without a good reason WILL shift politics in the military to the left. He has cult like devotion amongst infantry and the marines specifically.
You can’t get rid of Mattis without adverse consequences without a damn good reason, regardless of his political beliefs.

>pol npc niggers don't follow middle eastern politics that have cost us 7 trillion dollars since 2001

yeah who gives a fuck about Muslims lmao I hope Mattis bombs all of them

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Trump won’t fire him he’s too much of a pussy to do that. See Kelly and even his show, he wouldn’t do those scenes where he yelled you’re fired with the people in the room. But based boomer amarite MAGA

Only if Israel wants us to though.

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War with Iran means 2 terms. Trump will never accept a loss in 2020.

>[Mattis] is sort of a Democrat.
>[Mattis] isn't 100% supportive of a War with Iran for Israel.

We need more (((based))) generals like pic related

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>James "Moderate Dog" Mattis

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He did get fired and was very critical of Obama after he left. I like him. Trump probably wants someone who will speed up the departure from Syria and will cut spending down in the Pentagon.

He did get purged brah, I remember Marines literally breathing fire over it

>Mattis is based
>Lowers standards so women can become Infantry Officers

I'm not buying it.

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This is BS from a shill. Mattis needs to fuck off.

Chelsea Clinton is her bff so yes

You NPC fuck, this has nothing to do with his politics for the third time. It’s about jettisoning a golden idol of a collective that’s 70% conservative.
How are you this stupid?

I really doubt they're still friends.

>If you are not Republican, then you are a Democrat
US politics are so fucked up.

If you actually think Bannon would get the position of Secretary of Defense, then I have bad news for you bud.

It's more important to fix our country than to worry about whether military people are Republicans or Democracts. Sorry.

Trannies and women need to be barred.

I remember when Bush won reelection because of Iraq

i never understood why everyone loved mattis desu. he seems like a good cheerleader but each war he was apart of was handled terribly. i get that doesn't just lie on him, but still. remember trump's first military mission was a failure because of him too.

currently in the military. everyone has a hard on for muh mad dog mattis. this guy is a neocon deep state goon who everyone loves because he makes stupid quotable memes about "killing everyone you meet". the dude tries to act all humble but really he knows he is just trying to play patton 2.0 and loves the attention

Based on your autistic shilling, I gather you were rejected from the military for being a faggot and now that Mattis lets them in, you're all butthurt. But you like that feeling, don't you faggot.

>Mattis leaving
>"He's sort of a Democrat"

Trump wants to go to war with Iran and Mattis is stopping him. Now he Mattis gone so that he can destroy Iran for the Israelis.

>faggot is a democrat
You don't say.

Trump seems to be concentrating on China, not Iran. Sorry shill.

It did confuse me why Mattis fought Trump on the transgender ban. It was such a stupid hill to die on. But Mattis is very popular, or seems to be, with the military. It just doesn't match when you have him saying "I don't get afraid I make others afraid" one minute then the next fighting to keep transgenders in the military and women in the infantry.

Mattis has always been a neocon, the guy is on the record stating he admires Tony Blair’s interventionist views

Literally 75 IQ. Turning the military against you is just about the dumbest political strategy I’ve ever heard.

He won reelection because John Kerry is a nut job.

>Secretary of Defense
you said positions not DoD specifically. had Bannon remain in the administration I can guarantee you that other departments would be filled with better candidates

go buy a Camaro and raise Jody's son retarded jarhead

Trump multi-tasks. He's just waiting for Iran to collapse.

the military is like any other government job. 50% of people that join the military as officers leave as colonels. and yet we still treat them like they're hot shit.

I think it's clear that Bannon has shown that he only cares about himself. He kind of inserted himself into the campaign at the last moment, but then tried to take all of the credit.

fuck off kike

Trump is hurting Iran more than China relative to the size of the economy

>I care what a group of 50% spics/niggers think


Trump wants war with Iran and fires anyone who stands in the way of that

Why would the secretary of defense care about China? Sanctions and economic matters are not his department. It's no secret that Trump and Bolton want war with Iran and I suspect that Mattis was against pulling out of the Iran deal to avoid such a war.

literally fucking khykes

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Apparently Trump calls him “Moderate Dog” Mattis because it turned out the guy is a complete fag and his “reputation” is just that. I trust based Don over some homo with a gay lisp.

Mattis is a fag who relies on his stupid boomer bad ass quotes to hide what he really is.

only kikes hitlerpost
only kikes nazi post
only kikes ancap post
only kikes natsoc post
only kikes plebbit fag post
don't be a kike
jews > kikes
blacks > niggers

Because China is the second strongest military in the world and rapidly growing, not Iran, you fucking moron.


>t. Unstable lolbertarian kike

>”mug niggers”
>has demonstrated lack of delayed gratification and long term thinking
user, you might consider getting a DNA test.

There is no reason for the US and China to go to war you fucking moron.

It airs tonight.

they were already in the military, maybe you and can pound eachother in the ass together about how mattis ruined the military you aren't a member of and how much you miss Bannon

Goddamn that pic makes me embarrassed to be an American. You would never dream that Putin would ever allow that. What a joke.

aaaand there we go
only kikes lolbertarian post
that's the final form

>All this retarded motherfuckers that thinks "he's a democrat" means that he's anti-Iran intervention
>Not the fact that he's a full blown retarded progressive due to his rejection of the trans ban

If he ever goes out, nobody would shed a single tear. What the the fuck is he thinking lowering the barrier and standards of military training?


service member here. you're delusional if you think the typical enlisted service member, pog or not, would give a fuck about trump getting rid of mattis

grunt life is already shitty and subpar, so besides dealing with and engaging in our day to day lives a real grunt is already cynical enough know that whoever is in charge the suck would still be the same

the suck never changes

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Well of course he is. the military is an institution that exists regardless of which political party is in power. it cannot side with one or the other if it wants to survive.

Reminder that ANYONE with a meme flag in 2018 is a shill.
I think trump is gearing up to destroy Iran. It’s not what he wants, it’s what the guys behind the scenes want. And they will get it. Trump is preparing the American people for war

the madness of why they do this
no work requirement
instant reason to sue if dismissed
it's all a con
fucking shoot them as chicom traitors
film their eyes bulging and their skulls shattering in ultraslowmotion with the slomo guys
and fucking play that shit 24/7 in every faggot kindergarten
that'll stop the fags turning boys into girls

>Reddit spacing
Greetings, my uncommon democrat serviceman.

Unironically this

i would unironically execute them all as traitors, 1-2-3-4 pibpibpibpib out of my pocket 22, just enough to peephole their skulls, quiet as a mouse, they'll all be confused for a second and then dead

Post CIB or POG confirmed. Its not the military this would effect its the perception through their families, i.e. the voters.

Fuck off newfags, he has always been the most popular cabinet member on Jow Forums


For anyone who is interested. Mattis was the only reason why we didn't bomb Syria more heavily after Assad's (((gas))) attacks. He's the only thing standing in the way of war with Iran.

is mattis really gay?

>seeing self-proclaimed patriots sellout their country for a few attaboys from a tranny-loving, globalist puppet

>he has always been the most popular cabinet member on Jow Forums
that would be T_D

>supports trannies in the military
>lowers standards so women can pass
>doesn't want to bomb Muslims

Mattis is so based goys.

>Liberal desperately trying to pawn based Mattis as one of theirs.

Pathetic desu

>>doesn't want to bomb Muslims
wanting to bomb muslims for killing muslims is retarded

>deployed troops to syria as spearhead in small numbers
>dudes are low key running around iraq and fucking up ISIS
>afghanistan is still going on

The man is good and qualified at his job.

Yes goy sending white american to be our hitman against the persian is in your best interest.

>doesn't want to bomb Muslims
The only reason why we care about Muslims in the Middle East is because of kikes.

I care nothing about homosexuals and trannies at this point. The priority is keeping us out of fucking up the middle east.

>kills 300 white Russian mercenaries
>Tom Cotton brags about it on TV

So based. They really showed Russia what America is made out of.

>not wanting black women to die for israel
user please