Can any of you losers refute this? What about the hundreds of black men who were gunned down by racist police?
Why are Republicans so hypocritical?
Why are you such a stupid nigger?
Wow an actually fair comparison, too bad thats not what the democrats went with.
a white man's life is worth 100 of a nigger's
Maybe them and their brothers should stop being violent towards police?
>xd let's go over this again!
get out
>democrats pretend they aren't shilling for the 1%
Why are liberals so hypocritical?
needs to be hundreds of thousands
"unproven allegations"
>mike brown assaulted an officer
>eric garner resisted arrest and was fat
>trayvon martin assaulted a man
>tamir rice pointed a fake gun at an officer
>stephon clark ran from police and disobeyed a lawful order
you spelled "all" wrong
>insinuating every one of those idiot dead niggers wasnt a criminal
Cry harder shaqueeta.
>something unrelated to you happened to x
>you're responsible because you're white
With the amount of black people shot an killed everyday by american police why aren't there more travesties televised like the ones illustrated in your post? Oh wait, that's because most of the time when a nigger is shot and killed by police its entirely justified. So when we get 1 or 2 nogs touted by the MSM for being killed "unjustly" details are unclear and most if not every single time the nog actually was in the wrong. Hell wasn't mike brown shown robbing a convenience store moments before being shot? Showing him being quite aggressive and violent with the clerk? wasn't Eric Garner actually committing a crime and refused to reply with police orders which would have prevented his death? Or wait oh he knew he was in the wrong and knew he'd be going back to jail for a long time as a repeat offender so he thought the smart thing to do was resist.
Kavanaugh is a completely innocent man in context of the investigation who's reputation has been shit on by democrats desperate to stop his nomination to the supreme court. Especially in today's climate where men are going to jail or being blacklisted for things they've done 20 years in the past. Yeah it is rough.
False Equivalence.
They think their stupidity and criminality needs to be tolerated because they are legitimately retarded
Aren't liberals just as hypocritical, just the other way around?
>Michael Brown
Committed strong armed robbery and physically assaulted a cop. Why can’t niggers into lawful behavior?
What's the implication here? Shoot him?
We’re done here lads.
What a dumb ass post. You didn’t even try and it wasn’t funny. 0/10 FPWP
>Implying innocent niggers exist
Only two of those people didn't deserve a bullet and only one wasn't a clear threat.
As an argument its a complete non-sequiter. It's like if someone went "ah, my hand just got broken!" And you replied with "yeah well in Africa theives have their hands chopped off, so... Everything is fine here".
100% of people will call you an asshole in that scenario. Because you're a massive asshole.
refute a cartoon. the absolute state of the left.
>Lefties STILL using Michael "Hands up Don't Loot" Brown after irrefutable evidence surfaces that he tried to grab a cops gun off of him
Oh man I am laffin
Except it's not, if you're a porch monkey committing crime and you don't respond politely when the police come to bust your criminal ass, you have a good shot of getting shot. Black parents need to do their jobs.
Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin both deserved to be shot.
maybe cause most of what people listen to in Urban Cities is music that promotes all of the activities that cause whites and everyone else to fear a nigga.
>Mexican so im good
All those niggers physically attacked people and got put in their place.
>can name 5 dubious cases in a country of 300 million.
>can't name the last 5 blacks killed as a result of the poisonous culture prospered by leftists.
>having parents
>niggers get shot sometimes cause they cant stop niggin'
>that makes it ok for us to ruin this guys reputation and send death threats to his daughters lol
dems must hang
i really don't get why they still back micheal brown and travon, it's like they didn't even watch the trial
The three behind Kav look like NPCs
>OP not realizing how retarded this argument is
>gets BTFO in his own thread
>galvanizes GOP support
Not saged. I want everyone to see this thread. Vote on Nov 6th, anons.
is this that 'whataboutism' I keep hearing about?
>without a trial
Thread over. Goodnight gentlemen.
sorry to inform you that the thread is saged and closed due to meme flaggotry, goodbye :-)
Dead thread