I keep seeing stories about this but I want to know this: If only brown people can get gibs then how is this even possible? I want in on this racket.
Millennials dropping out of society
Living with boomers or trading on the internet. Wait until 1945-1960 gen starts dying by the millions of old age, that's when you'll get the WW3 you wanted.
MGTOW is like setting your house on fire then deciding that living in a tent in the backyard is going to put it out.
How can millennials be dropping out of society when they're everywhere at all times spreading sjw cancer
Sponging off parents/government. Only possible if you debase yourself and hate your family/country
I am okay with leeching the government but I don't see how a fucking white male would do that
But I want America to be black.
society is so fucked at this point that I dare so its irretrievable to the way things were, social engineering has seen to that. the Advent of social media and an increased inter-connectivity has simply compounded it. there are so many factors that contribute towards the break down of the once proud society that many of us were promised to partake in. I think we are on the cusp of what could be a collapse or a relapse. guess we'll see in another decade if the suicide rates increase and the birthrates decrease or not. the way things are going its kinda like the mouse utopia experiment, if any of you know anything about it i dare say we are near the final stage in some degree or another.
A system that works only for the top 20% of society simply does not work.
In the past even bottom tier people had access to a stable marriage.
>In the past even bottom tier people had access to a stable marriage.
In the past bottom-tier people made effort to improve themselves and make themselves as suitable of a mate as they could manage.
In the past women were property and they didn't have to worry about this.
The point of the thread being how does a fucking white male get gibs
>Playing video games is dropping out of society
Maybe the fact that in the past marriage didn't come with a "destroy fucking everything" button motivated people to improve themselves instead of simply destroying fucking everything.
you're autistic, aren't you?
>gamers we live in a society
There was a societal desire to minimise divorce, only the upper echelons of society ever divorced in the past and even then it was extremely taboo. Today instead of making things work they simply end a marriage which could of been saved had both parties simply put more work into the relationship.
>If only brown people can get gibs then how is this even possible? I want in on this racket.
brown people get gibs 30 y/o white millennial live with their parents.
>and hate your family/country
Most of young people in the West were betrayed by their family and country, there is nothing wrong with disregarding these, in fact one should do so if he has even a tiny bit of self-respect.
Spreading sjw cancer doesn't exclude you from being a dropout because your delusion isolatez you
>If only brown people can get gibs
This is a common misconception in America. You only get gibs from two ways: having kids or being disabled. If you're healthy and childless, it doesn't matter if you're male, female, white, brown, gay, tranny, whatever; you won't get any gibs.
Ironically the best way to drop out of society is the opposite of MGTOW: knock up some 70 IQ white trash or nigress and then rake in the government gibs. OR be really good at faking mental disorders.
Or, conversely, we could fight to make country and family worth saving again. Kicking out the subversives who do so much to undermine our society. Reforming the laws to promote stable family relationships. If these fail, using force to fight back. I’m not ready to give up. Most of us aren’t. There is an awakening among white men. More and more of us are waking up every day.
My point exactly, there's no reason to sperg out at the guys avoiding a huge risk when the system itself is flawed. When the system is fixed people will naturally flock to it once again. Best summarized as "if marriage is so good, why do you need to shill for it?"
>OR be really good at faking mental disorders.
I think we got it covered then
Unfortunately I'm so autistic that I can't pass for autistic
> claims everyone can be the top 20%
Even I know math better than that
>Doesn't realise that by saying that YOU are the 80%
Simple lad. 80% of people cannot be fucked to improve and better themselves, thus the 20% that do, win.
Of course 15% of the 20% are going to be genetically superior but 5% is up for grabs.
Only reason why marriage worked back then was because women didn't have the government as a safety net. Nowadays, they have tons of options and they actually get rewarded for divorcing men. Marriage back then was like a ship, the man was the captain and the woman was the first mate. If the boat sinks, they sink together.
Thanks brotha
I think you're mistaken. You can get gibs if you make absolutely below the poverty line money wise. It's not a lot but you can be eligible for some healthcare and foodtamps. If you're homeless you can get a little more. It also depends on the state you live in.
>Hurr Durr reproduce so your slut of a wife can divorce your ass and take your children!
I hope the user who posted that gets killed
I soon as I finish college I plan on buying property in a rural country area and completely checking out of society. I will only come out to vote.
Why finish college if you're not going to continue feeding shlomo afterward?
I'm a semester away from graduating, too late to back out now.
Because it used to be good, "we need to go back" is kinda of the motto with with reactionary politics
It's called non-participation and its one of the few things that boomers and jews fear.
Here in Australia there are a number of ways to drop out without living in a tent with the spiders.
>Gig work but pay no taxes or super
Terrifies the shit out of boomers, they need you paying into the system so they can continue to steal from it.
Got an illness? claim your too sick to work and get those jew bucks
Enough said - it's like gig work
>Dead end low paying job
Making sure your paying as little into the tax pot as you can.
In addition -
>Internet purchases from sellers direct
Not only is it cheaper but it puts squeeze on brick and mortar stores.
>Taking over your own super or cashing out early
Nothing for them to steal if you have complete control of all your assets.
>Don't date
Let the fembots rot, not to mention - no children, no tax units for boomers/jews to exploit
>No loans...
No interest repayments to banks
>Stay inside and play games
Starves the Boomer/feminist/jew of attention.
As time goes past and more of us start doing it the system will start to collapse on itself as it counts on us to slave on and put up with the horrible shit that it deals us.
>How do white males get gibs
They work like they always have.
>Dropping out of society
Is just western female narcissism for
>Dropping out of the dating game
with the implication being that there is nothing else of value in society other then them.
"Low value" men are completely disposable to society, and young women are realizing this as well, leading to backlash in the form of ideas like MGTOW.
This. Everything goes to shit when the bottom 80% of men decide to say fuck this and flip the board. This could only work if the 20% had the army backing them but good luck with that since our boys are almost always getting fucked over by roasties
>Everything goes to shit when the bottom 80% of men decide to say fuck this and flip the board.
If the bottom 80% had the stones to stand up for themselves then they wouldn't be in the bottom 80%.
The truth is that the omegas will die alone and they will do it quietly.
>play a game that's rigged against you for all options and at all times goy!
Kys retard
>daily millenial dropout demoralization thread
sage and report spam
Without women as a motivator that 80% won't work and the rest of the system will crash without debit slaves to support it. It's when the system crashes and the Omegas dont have access to the bullshit that gives them their dopamine drip they'll find a new outlet.
This is human behavior, the future does not look bright
Yeah? So how are we going to do it? Infiltrate all schools? Do you know what a typical elementary school curriculum consists of nowadays? Kill whitey, suck poor oppressed black people cock, and fags and trannies are okay and boys should be girls and girls should be boys.
We are fucked.
White NEETs literally live off of the generosity of their parents until the parents croke. basically once their parents die these 30-40 year old man children kill themselves cause they can't intergrate into society
Best woman = woman with teeth and free of lice
total psyop. get a job and learn to enjoy being alive.
I think you mean 75% of the 20% you fucking brainlet.
This is the truest post, but you won't find any eceleb "thought leader" pointing this out because they need you earning enough cash to pay them superchats and patreon. Maybe Varg has said something similar, since he is already rich, but it is the most suppressed fact in the world: Western civilization and the concept of "civilization" in general is not worth trying to save or repair.
>2 years minimum experience required for this entry level position
This isn't an option.