Stupid Polaks contributed to Pakis military build up ...and therefore for smelly Pakis to develop nuclear weapons later on.
you fucking stupid Polish cunts, India should just nuke you and turn you into glass.

Attached: Pakistan Air Force was established by Poland.png (1280x953, 955K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder to all my Indian and Turkish bros

Attached: BVLL_poster.png (3072x6304, 1.24M)

(Hitler was right about them)

"Pakistan’s Polish Patriot"

Attached: Polish Jokes One Liners.jpg (1280x736, 83K)

one day all of you will be put to sword.
consider pakis air force a gift for yalta

Stupid Polaks known to be traitors and backstabbers.

Attached: Katyn was VERY OK.jpg (1280x927, 258K)

>quoting some faggot from Jow Forums
nice work pajeet. now go out and shit on those streets

>katsap talking about loyalty

jew detected

LOL, polish swines getting triggered.
I love it....hahahahahaha

Attached: POLISH REMOVER .jpg (600x600, 72K)

hope you won't die in your shitslide

how do you know im polish?

>getting triggered
vanya please

Attached: UKNH_pgNMkI.jpg (519x604, 82K)


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to hindus debilu

>how do you know im polish?
you are stupid and you stink with pigs shit

>tfw the polish/paki broship takes over london
scared lads

nie dałnie to ruski troll
spamują tutaj codziennie te same gówniane memy

and you smell of human shit pajeet

szwaby, angole i inni podludzie nas nienawidzą. poza tym za pakistan wkurwiają się hindusi i angole

stupid Polaks and Pakis are best friends.

Attached: Pakistan Air Force was established by Poland:> copy.png (1280x953, 1.16M)

wiem co mówie

well im not polish so suck my cock you DNC jew

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are you okay?
i have heard that you had some problems with fire in your troll factory?

consider it a gift for yalta. also don't worry we will preserve scotts after you die off to pakies. and then we will kill all the shitskins

Poland even helped Pakistan's nuclear program to counter currysmell designated shitting weapons. BASED!

fuck off with that faggot. he wanted to eradicate poland.

the only reason why they have one now is because foreign poo sympathizers do it for them... half the poo army is illiterate and cant write a coherent sentence let alone read a helicopter service manual

sorry to tell you this, but polish girls over here are the biggest coal burners there are

artificial woombs will sove that problem.

Are you retarded?

The Warsaw bloc armed both sides of the conflict. Russia continues to arm India today and China has taken over the role of arming Pakistan.

Stupid street shitters should learn their own history.

>that one Pajeet that posts blacked porn

Lol it’s always funny to see the various european ethnicities fight over the scraps and ignore the feast on the table while weak jews sit at it. Didn’t learn a god damn thing from WW2. Embrace the eternal truth

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no thank you. i won't follow ideology of some basedboy cuck who failed art school

>India and pakistan are literal shitholes full of animals
>Poles teach them how to fly to better kill each other
I can't see anything wrong with that, if they could finally glass each other everyone would be better off

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