Oh I don’t want to have any kids, they’re too much work I’d much rather get a dog

>Oh I don’t want to have any kids, they’re too much work I’d much rather get a dog.

What do we do about these people Jow Forums?

Attached: 21C39260-E6B1-4DC2-8EA3-2F86AAD611D1.jpg (301x276, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Please fuck off whiny bitch

Seems to be a problem that will take care of itself.

There is no "we", and you cannot "do" something about what you wrote unless you make men manly again. Just saying.

This. They will generally commit suicide around 40 usually via alcohol.

>What do we do about these people Jow Forums?
Nothing. Because the problem isn't with just a few people, it's with all of western society. Our society is a rotting corpse. And the only way to fix a rotting corpse is to burn it to ash. Then start over.

Ignore them and live your life. It's a free country bro.

"NPC" the post

Cannibalize them so the calories don't go to waste and we can eliminate the continuation of their carbon footprint. Imagine an organism that destroys a gratuitous amount of resources and doesn't even propogate itself or contribute to the evolutionary project of life on Earth.

I also enjoyed Darksouls

Attached: 1538105581737.jpg (321x321, 26K)

fuck off with your degenerate hentai you manchild.

The “woman child” meme will be the next news making meme to come out of 4chins. Digits confirm

Their tax revenues help other people raise kids and they make shekels for their Jew overlords so they do perform a function.

Nothing less retarded babies.

The only people caring about breeding are pedophiles and the child sacrificing elite.

>kekistani flag
i would maybe pay attention to your shitty post if it wasn't for these factors

>do with these people
As if you have a right to do anything with somebody else's life. If you are so worried about the species making copies of itself, well then have no fear because these types are self selecting themselves out of the system to make room for breeder fags like yourself.

that is literally a cry for help, stupid virgins

How is she not an NPC saying this?
Your meme is old and stale but could be fresh and stale with a simple change

Dogs are harder than kids. They don't grow past toddler stage.

>these people
You mean whites? Dont worry they will soon go extinct

Dogs aren't even that easy. At least by age 5 a child can take care of itself a little. A dog on the other hand is always dependent.

I have a dog and hate these girls that say I'm its dad. No I'm its master.

Um sweetie, it obvious. Knock them up silly.

>Every fucking libtarded woman in Seattle

Attached: 1506865506247.gif (259x259, 1.75M)

quick, post the cool wine aunt

Go home faggot.

Attached: reddit logo.png (2374x1958, 134K)

You use them like cum sleeves. It's only a matter of time till you witness the point of no return for women (30s+) in the flesh and chuckle to yourself as they weep about how all the good men are gone, while being caked up in make up trying to hang onto their 'good looks' like when they were younger

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How many centimeters do your flaps extend out to?

>What do we do about these people Jow Forums?
Ignore them, and then read their obituary.

Attached: 1468113452971.jpg (2223x4606, 1.22M)

>Our society is a rotting corpse.
mindless NPC meme = Dark Soul Hollows

Attached: Dark Soul Hollowing.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

Let them rot

F*males tend to be net extractors in terms of tax revenues. It's literally white males keeping society afloat right now.

Reminder that this isn't Jow Forums

>low-value women don't want to have children
It's not a problem, it's a solution.
Literal eugenics.

Put them in Tech

Attached: girls who code - updated.jpg (1628x814, 409K)

>muhh furbabbys

Attached: suffragette.png (491x750, 727K)

>"I enjoy traveling and food."


Pair them up with male virgins and give them official governmental 10 year carte blanche over how to discipline them. If they can make them into an ok wife in that period they get married and produce children with while paying only 1% income tax. If they can't, they get assigned another woman, the previous one is sent of to the gulags.

Attached: very fast bread.jpg (800x522, 96K)

>picture of them on a hike
>picture of them with alcohol and food
>picture of them with dyed hair

>muh cummies
god dammit Jow Forums is full of redditors these days

The hidden Jow Forums discord is UpMcQmT we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

Attached: 4716978.jpg (1011x1000, 153K)

Attached: men are collective, women individual.jpg (617x1024, 122K)

the only way to lead is by example faggot

reporting to discord now

this is r/nu/nu/pol/
where do you think you are?


This. They're obviously not going to breed so there is no issue.

sure la chine public francaise



Attached: o23.jpg (800x600, 18K)

That's pretty funny to see that it's ALWAYS been this way...

Attached: Feminazi 3.jpg (1068x1653, 254K)

Nothing. They'll pass into history leaving no children, no legacy and no one to follow their shallow ideology of self gratification. This is the best possible outcome.

Attached: 1538601491227.jpg (1280x4200, 538K)

>that cool wine aunt who you are pretty sure would let you fuck her

We starve 100 poodles for days, then We feed those assholes to them.
It's like You never Heard of poetic justice.

Its like 80% of the British female population right now.

What kind of fucking moron makes a thread like this? seriously?
>durrrr what do we do about bluepilled stupid whores xD
What the fuck do you think you colossal dumbass? redpill them or let them destroy themselves by having black children and being welfare queens.

Fucking Christ, OP is a total dumbfuck with way too much spare time or a shill. Probably a shill.

Because You were a moron

Based wine aunt story courtesy of Jow Forumsmde renegade.

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Yep that's NPC Behavior

you shouldn't want a person with this mindset parenting to begin with

gas them

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Only happened once in my life when I was a senior in high school. I was so oblivious to this. Every now and then I think about what could've been.

dahm boi she fertile.

There's nothing you can do. This is the new normal for young western women, and there's no shortage of dudes just as vapid who will hit on them/fuck them/Tinder hookup with them, so they get constant validation.

most of them get 20+ cats to fill that empty void in their life

You share a board filled with men who have the exact same opinion as pic related. There’s 2 threads up right now asking why any man would ever get married or have kids.
People on this board legitimately think that they’re helping our cause by never having sex with women. That is the kind of board you are on right now.

>What kind of fucking moron makes a thread like this? seriously?

What kind of fucking moron takes memeflag bait so personal. You bit, user. You bit.

Attached: Mind blown.gif (640x480, 1.91M)

I'm not like the other npcs

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