When did the Left become so anti-white? Didn't they used to be for the working class once...

When did the Left become so anti-white? Didn't they used to be for the working class once? Isn't the working class usually white? What the fuck happened?

Attached: antifa is anti-white.jpg (1200x712, 161K)

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Short answer? KGB.
They had to change the narrative because the Western workers were wealthy enough not to give a shit about socialism.

Right vs left isn’t a concrete thing. It used to be rich be poor. Now it’s white vs nonwhite. It shifts depending on the dynamics of the country

coalition of the ascended. Even the poorest and most underprivileged whites are oppressors.

The goal of the far left is to destroy civilization and they associate white people with civilization

So in order to destroy civilization you must kill all white people it's very simple

Republicans and business owners in search of cheap labor did more to turn American into a non-white shithole than the KGB ever did

See Ronald Reagan

>When did the Left become so anti-white?

When the left became jewish.

Come play music with us! dubtrack.fm/join/hitler-hangout1488

They're all pasty white little bitches so im not sure what their endgame really is

I'm seeing many more Black Young Women Supporting Right Wing Organizations now, Even more so when Kavanaugh was put into Supreme Court after the Hearing.

>this thread again. Same picture.
Faggots. Stop replying to an obvious nigger teir bait thread.


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George Soros

they should begin by smashing themselves then.
really hard.


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Where was this?

Attached: smash the white man march.png (1200x712, 1.66M)

idk antifa has these kinds of rallies often

Attached: We Heart Volkstod.png (996x500, 591K)

Translate pls

I think I see Steven Crowder

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Jerome fucking their wives as they become the slaves so they can finally feel like victims.

Volkstod = death of the race / exterminate Germans

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does Jow Forums ever consider that maybe the left talks about hating white people all the time just to troll conservatives?

I am far right and against civilization. The left does not want to destroy civilization, because it's civilization that allow weak people to exist.

Yes, it's all one big "troll" haha imagine what kind of idiot doesn't "get it" lmfao

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How is that not against hate speech laws?

Outside a school in London, the Guardian ran an article about how whoever did it was obviously pushed into it by white oppressors

so its impossible that leftist journalists are in on the joke?

Yes, boomer generation democrats aren't even remotely close to the current era democrats. The problem is boomer democrats don't know this because they only watch CNN.

The proliferation of weak people will destroy civilization that's why the left supports them, huemonkey

If you are right wing you have to be pro civilization sorry but that's just how it is. In the past deformed or weak people were just left to die in traditional civilization anyway

Impossible. See They want whites gone because they hurt the jew, they built their rights and they won't give them up. Last race to enforce 40 hours a week of work. Once we're all dead, it's going to be 80, for half the wage. That's all it boils down to.

>haha ho ho its just IRONIC genocide they're preaching, fucking redneck brainlets fell for the meme hahahaha -- its just millions of people engaged in satire!
found the brainlet

Attached: Jews-brag-about-white-genocide (1).jpg (1250x1361, 311K)

See kids, this is a good example of a keyword-based bot post. Pay attention, because I've seen some of you responding to them as though they were genuine replies.

Yeah they're always vaguely related to the thread, but non-sequitur or bizarre

again, how do you know they're serious and not just doing it to fuck with conservatives the same way MAGA people troll liberals on twitter?

Communists took control of the party in 2008.

>again, how do you know they're serious
Again, the scale makes your question absurd. If it were one or two Andy Kaufman's doing it, you could get away with dismissing it. But this is now the war-cry of the Left. This is their obsession. They've dropped all talk of the proletariat or surplus labor. They now speak exclusively about ending white supremacist patriarchy. How can you not notice?

Also, even if it was a "prank" by the media, does it matter if their prank is taken seriously by millions of leftists who internalize it as real? Leave your basement once in a while, youre losing touch with reality.

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>its just a prank from twitter

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>its just a joke online


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>its just a joke no one really believes this

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>its just a prank bro

Attached: White Hatred from Twitter Verified Users 1 (2).png (5000x5000, 3.98M)

>This isn't REALLY happening

Attached: White Hatred from Twitter Verified Users 2 (2).png (5000x5000, 3.72M)

>this kind of thing MUST BE IMPOSSIBLE

Attached: White Hatred from Twitter Verified Users 3 (1).png (4470x5327, 3.9M)

>no one would REALLY do this

Attached: White Hatred from Twitter Verified Users 4.png (3229x4785, 2.64M)

>ahahaha this can't really happen

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Because white Europeans are the primary competition and threat to Jews, who dominate the media and financial sector. This is ethnic rivalry playing out.

Attached: europe jews white genocide israel open borders diversity.png (967x784, 421K)

>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

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The left ran entirely on victim narratives. It started with the civil rights movement, then went on to womens rights, then went on to gay rights, then trans rights, now pedo rights.

They need victims to get power, and how better to get votes from most nonwhites then saying "dis cracka keeping you down!"?

Jews are behind communism and they hate whites since wypipo have an IQ that averages 100. You can't build your rootless prison planet when there's a group of people that refuse to be slaves. Hitler was completely right about everything

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I guess I've always known they were doing that stuff I've just never heard of put so plainly before

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>trusting the left
>thinking they give a fuck about you when they rob you with the tax

If you support tax, you deserve to die. It's just simple natural selection if you are that dumb.

I don't have a TV so I wouldn't know when they were programmed user. Any TV people out there have an answer for this?

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That doesn't necessarily translate to white-hatred

There was a march by nationalist called "The White Man March" and they have a flyer saying "Smash the White Man March".

They still get the rope for opposing it but let's not pretend they are on a march called "Smash the White Man".

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I like to fill glass bottles with bleach and throw them at these faggots.

>literally named their march "smash the white man march"
>literally a counter-protest of a pro-white march
>banners include emblem "good night white pride"
>hur dur they don't really want to smash the white man
kys for being this autistic

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Look, I know what you're doing and you're not dragging me into it. You're pretending to be a full blown retard to annoy me but I'm not gonna bite. Peace.

Leftists have an incredible lack of self awareness. Like the white dude in Portland that was screaming at the driver for being white. They've become a political movement without a shred of internal logic. They exist scream and march because they want praise not because they want change.

>meritocracy allows bad actors
That is literally the opposite. Why left is so delusional?

White communists believe that by shouting "KILL THE WHITE MAN," they will be able to succor the favor of mud-people in overthrowing the bourgeoisie. But, in actuality, the mud-people just end up wanting to kill ALL white people. So they are signing their own bullets.

>You're pretending to be a full blown retard
No, you're pretending that its some kind of semantic accident that antifa staged a "smash the white man march", like the choice of prefix "smash" was just coincidental. You're actually autistic, aren't you?

Around the time Black Lives Matter, Trayvon Martin, and tranny shit was getting trendy. Like 2011-12, Obama's second term, all that social justice progressive idpol stuff was really taking off and the left really ramped up the racial and gender politics after that.

You are either trolling or severely autistic.

NPC generators changed programming producing current gen NPCs.

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Long story short frankfurt school memers who didn't understand Marx and thought that ideas create material reality instead of vice versa hijacked the left

>Tomas David Schuman

>When did the Left become so anti-white?

Around 1850's.

>be right-wing
>wear faggot polo shirts
>be left-wing
>wear faggot edgy hot-topic clothes
>be centrist
>get called a faggot for not being a faggot

I'm just gonna put myself first in line on the day of the rope. I'd rather be dead then a dumbass partisan.

The social justice movement was/is one of the most successful psyops in history. Kgb planted seeds and Jews amplify it

Somewhere around earlier 50th. Commies understood that there will not be global worker revolution, bringing revolutionary war will not work - USSR was broken and nukes put full stop on that. So they went on including minorities - fags, retards, mentals, niggers, junkies. Antifa is just scum, noisy distraction, lefovers from militant groups, they can be removed in moment. You shall fear perverts, junkies and psychopaths in government.

Real question is

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>When did the Left become so anti-white?

It really went into high gear after we led OWS. After that, the URGK did everything in their power to try to make sure that white men will never stand against them again.

>I am far right and against civilization.
Considering your flag then I have to congratulate you for a job well done.

Scruffy, scabby gobshites against civilisation.
Right on.

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>I'm just gonna put myself first in line on the day of the rope. I'd rather be dead then a dumbass partisan.
Thanks, how thoughtful =]

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because illiterate idiots on Jow Forums thought it would be cool to be racist one day

so they fought back you fucking dickbag

you created them and thanks to fakebook's viral fucking spread system

they're now an army

you total fucking morons.

The left isn't anti-white. It's anti-white supremacy. Race is a social construct.

because only depressed self-hating non-whites have the muscle it takes to grind

they also happen to be the only people easily tricked into working for the globalist commy protest networks

>sjw army

I’m scared...

user, have you not been paying attention? like, at all?

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what the fuck kind of response is this to your own creation?

every time you perpetuate bullshit racism which cannot be substantiated

you create more of them

how.... intelligent.

>Stalin pushed for international hate speech laws to protect marginalized groups all the way back in 1940's
>hurrrrr 4chun did it

>race is a social construct
Forensic sciences absolutely blown the fuck out.


I bet she was a "Diversity and Inclusion" hire.

What does that make a Volkswagen

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>Volkstod = death of the race / exterminate Germans

But I don't understand, they are Germans too, so is the plan to kill themselves?

imagine a "smash the black man" march
imagine the media coverage
remember how the media covered the "unite the right" rally? now imagine it's called the "smash the black man" rally.
compare that to the non-existent mainstrea media coverage of this shit

>you created them
No, they've been around a looooong time

Attached: Antifa-Conference-1932.png (800x575, 547K)

shut. the racism. down.

subhuman behaviour.


you coward. ANTIFA = your creation.

cant take responsibility?

(((I'm))) white too, right guys?

>so is the plan to kill themselves?
Out of guilt, yes.



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>ANTIFA = your creation
I wasn't alive in the 1930s, go wash your penis bucko

Attached: KPD antifa march 1932.png (890x550, 295K)

>because illiterate idiots on Jow Forums thought it would be cool to be racist one day

Ah, yes. I remember that day. It was a cold and snowy day in January 2004, and moot had just decided to bring back the lolikon board, /l/. We were all sitting around, requesting torrents when suddenly someone decided to call someone a nigger. After that all hell broke loose. Soon, we were calling each other faggots as well as niggers. And this is the story of how Jow Forums became racist one day.

Lmao is that a real sign?