Who won?
Anyone got a QRD on what happened in Portland yesterday?
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America won because the deep state is degenerate and they hire degenerates to fight each other and nobody gives a fuck.
>well, we lost so everyone must've been glow niggers
>well, we lost so everyone must've been glow niggers
Nobody cares.
"Nobody cares" about Antifa anymore?
So we win by default?
I was there...the normal people were outnumbered 50 to 1. It was all antifa and a handful of normal people. The police were told to stand down. All of us were assaulted and beaten and the police did nothing to save or protect us.
It was horrible....we were nearly killed and the police didn't do a thing to save us!
police have no obligation to protect you
The mayor is fucking cuck leftist and is using the Berkeley playbook by demanding the police stand down so chaos can break out. Then they get the (((media))) to write articles about how the right is inciting violence.
Who cares, all this street fighting is literally LARP tier
Nazi Antifa got their asses kicked.
Sounds like something a kike would say. Did any talking wolves help you escape?
>police have no obligation to protect you
Of course they do! They are there to protect people against crime. ASSAULT is a crime and the police need to ARREST ASSAULTERS!
Of course they do!
Police are here
Are you serious? That’s kinda their whole fucking point.
nah m8, this is larp tier
They literally don't they aren't here to protect you they're here to assert authority.
>Sounds like something a kike would say.
I'm a WN and I have been on SF since 2003.
Go FUKKK yourself mooslim!
I'm a delivery driver for the Portland Metro. I'll remember to stay clear of that he'll hole for a few weeks.
Stop larping you faggot this is pathetic
No the Supreme Court actually ruled that the police do not have to protect you. That’s why the 2nd amendment is so important
>Antifa walking among us.
You're here forever.
Ok. I agree that’s what usually HAPPENS. But thats not what they’re SUPPOSED to do
I’ll await that citation
Ok skeeter calm down you beat up a couple college kids
>Stop larping you faggot this is pathetic
FUKKK off and die, you FAGGOT!
Antifa ARE the Nazi party. No matter how they try to spin it. Their fucking flag is even the same. Nazis were always LEFTISTS. It’s time to kill these people before they kill us.
Patriot Prayer is just a bunch of boomers, doesn't have much to do with us.
I don't pay attention to any of this complete and utter nonsense because "taking to the streets" is NEVER going to work in the technology driven society of today. Anyone's attempt at change by being a hooligan will just lead to a heavy crackdown once they interrupt daily lives.
However; hiding your face makes me think you're in the wrong. People shouldn't hide their face if they want to be heard. This coming from a normie.
I re read this in a Jewish accent. Loled then got sad
Pretending to be someone else on the internet is dumb
Oh fuck off you boomer, Hitler opposed these same violent bolshekiv practices when they were happening in Germany
They are more like violent communists
No where does it say they are supposed to protect you
The police’s whole point isn’t to “protect and serve” the public, but to protect and serve the government and its interests.
Wrong you uneducated little child. He opposed any THREATS. They are the same fucking people. If you actually had a real education you’d know this. The governing principles of Nazis and communists are damn near identical. They are the same fucking people. Two cartels with everything the same except who runs it.
I missed the whole affair. could someone give me a quick rundown of the whole thing?
They were both violent authoritarians who wanted to control people's lives. They just controlled them in different ways.
You're actually retarded aren't you boomer?
>the absolute fucking state of this board
Castle Rock vs Gonzales
Warren vs District of Columbia
You dont anything about National Socialism you fart sniffing moron
It was about the strengthening of the Gaermanic peoples and putting your race above all else
These bolsheviks hate you for your race and want your kids rapedband enslaved
It’s true user...
>National Socialism
>They are the same fucking people. If you actually had a real education you’d know this. The governing principles of Nazis and communists are damn near identical. They are the same fucking people
This kills the Jow Forums
change monk 1 to cleric and you good
You faggots literally get your shit kicked in every time though. Like it’s a matter of extremely well documented fact
>Are the Nazi Party
Contrary to mainstream belief History never repeats itself, but from time to time it rhymes.
Both sides disengaged when pepper sprayed and police involvement put a stop to the brawl before it got entertaining. Nobody really won.
was this kid ever ID'ed? (the punchee)
Second video, originally I had thought the guy in the corner was an injury on the Patriot prayer side but it looks more like they had snagged one of the antifa guys and handed him over to police.
Apparently no one on the opposite side came to rescue their comrade.
"Men" who do not own guns are the biggest fucking joke
I take back what I said, Patriot prayer clearly routed antifa again from this view.
Yep. He was arrested and released without charges. Guy who got knocked out ended up with a good stay in the hospital with some brain bleeding (hemorrhage). He's fine now though. Recovered 100%. Shame really.
idk but I doubt he even remembers who he is after that
>air force boots
portland is what happens when you don't have a wall around california.
>Warren V District of Columbia.
Look it up.
God that place is such a dump. I have to go there once in a blue moon for fisheries negotiation meetings, really need to glass that place
Are you sure? Last I heard was the guy had bad brain damage.
source on him recovering
some say those shades are still going and have recently left the solar system.
Warren V District of Columbia. Police have zero obligation to protect you, or even respond to your calls.
Go ahead and cry about it faggot, it's already been appealed and lost in the SC. So goodluck getting it overruled.
I can't find any good solid info on his current status, but last I heard he was out of ICU and was expected to make a full recovery. I know for about a week there he had some pretty bad brain bleeding going on from the swelling. Who knows, he's a liberal, no telling if the brain damage was from before or after the punch
That brain damage was there before getting his brain slammed in.
>that meme flag
>cops are for protect you
really nigga?
Oh good, finally at one of these things someone was bright enough to get an elevated angle.
who brought the paintball gun? is he trying to get him self killed?
imagine liking anything PB does. watch their "initiation ritual" lol
Police officers. Those paintballs are filled with pepperspray.
Shareblue bot is broken again.
Good Work Patriot Prayer
Victory in The Streets
Victory at The Polls
no but do you realise how fucked this is?
the algorithm is trying to detect fucking sarcasm- and responding with inane bullshit - which they stupidly believe is the driving force around here
it's fascinating
> Posts screenshot of article
> Too lazy to read said article
The absolute state of /pol.
Anyone who still plays the red/blue game is a retard and deserves worse than the holocaust.
How are those guns holding out in the civil war?
Oh, wait...
>"t-the mean mayor is doing this!"
watching american right-wingers larp and get knocked out while refusing to hit back just to respect "free speech" against a collective of parasites is exactly why you're gonna lose. you might as well crack their heads open. who gives a fuck what the media think, crack their heads open too
>Recovered 100%
I like to think that just outside of the frame another antifaggot got nailed by the sunglasses
Upvoting this comment because it's based. Red vs. Blue is a game for retards.
Liberal shill detected. You're a disgrace to that flag, kill yourself faggot.
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
Oh, how cute! You believe the government is here to protect you.
Go to bed Cernovich. You know that your wife told you to stay off Jow Forums.
we win either way, leftist violence is how the right wins
Imagine getting your ass handed by those guys
Imagine shilling for antifa
LARP detected
The same 30 people as always had a skirmish downtown and all media is reporting it ad nauseam to make you think there's an impending civil war and the other side is evil
Fpbp. Manufactured outrage.
legend has it that the sunglasses are still flying.
this was happening.