Is this the future?

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>After I signed it he started acting really weird and I told him to stop!
The future is bloodshed, faggot.

This would never hold up in court. Hell, it's difficult to get video evidence of consent to hold up in court because she can just say "the video was recorded under duress".

nah supreme court is gonna make rape legal

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>STD Free
clearly any woman who signs this is under duress

The memeflag is right. This if a woman claimed she changed her mind and you forced her she still wins. The only solution is body cams.

Asking if they have stds is basically rape user. Why do you patriarchs think you are allowed that information? How dare you even ask? Let me guess you want to discriminate?

Reminder that this isn't Jow Forums

Illegal in some places like New York to record sex acts with a partner without their consent.

No, the future is that pre-marital sex will be illegal.

>he forced me

If you are going to have sex with a stranger don't tell her your real name or give her your phone number.
Basically give her no information about you. She can't falsely accuse you of rape if she has no idea who you are.

Yeah, you'd need to get the damn thing notarized and have 4 witnesses, plus a police dog swearing on a bible.

>mentally ill
so how is life?

If fornication and adultery are outlawed, women's lib is completely fucking dead.

no because the future is a youtube like service where people record videos alone stating their consent and the name of the person they consent to humping, then they link to each other's videos. the service would also offer independent third party verification that consent was freely given, possibly by having brick and mortar locations to record videos and then they would also be digitally notarized with a blue checkmark or something.

Doesn't matter. Record it anyway. You may or may not be able to present it as evidence but if you can you can clear yourself of the major charge and "only" be guilty for the illegal recording.

oh and if they had brick and mortar locations for video recording they might as well include a wing that's basically a love hotel so people don't have to wait after recording their videos. that could be a money maker. themed rooms and shit.

Do you doubt it?

This still doesn't change the fact she can revoke consent at any time, even retroactively. Clown world.

>Article 15
What faggoty country is this even from?

also might as well throw in a testing clinic and one of those dna analysis booths from gattaca while we're at it.

Since when has anonymity ever stopped the police from investigating and prosecuting criminals?

The US Military.

Uniformed code of military justice.

I'm glad I never fell for the vaginal jew. You can't rape boipucci

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>Possible to rape her.
>its not possible to force her to write her name on a paper.

>Leftist logic

Islam is gonna getcha

she'll just say "he forced me to sign it" and then you'll get a rape charge and some other charge whicher fits forcing her to sign it.. like extortion or some shit. you'll end up getting 20 years for rape + 10 years for extortion.

if you gonna have sex, you better be ready to kill that bitch and bury the body

>its not possible to prevent false accusations of rape

righty logic

>Hello, my name is Daniel Stevens, I’m your rapist for today. Heres my phone number and social security number in case you want to press charges. Now please bend over and keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

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yes I am totally sure that one of those will hold up in court if a dude presents one after being accused of rape lmao

Even if you record an entire sexual interaction she can say she did it under duress, or she can say that for a quick 30 seconds after the camera stopped rolling she was grabbed and raped. Nothing you can do or say can prove a rape accusation wrong. When a rape accusation is known as false it's because the girl admitted it or made impossible claims by mistake. Only these factors will prove an accusation to be fake. These factors are entirely outside a man's control. Nothing he can say or do can protect him from a rape accusation. At the very most the accusation will be considered unproven, not false. You will see people pull out statistics that only 1% or 2% of rape accusation are false but that is only because these accusations, outside of very rare exceptions, are automatically filed as unproven instead of false.

pfft, so fucken analogue Grandpa - you do know there's an app for that right?

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this is essentially going to enable rapists to get a free pass.

>guy walks up to girl
>pulls out gun
>sign it bitch or you dead
>she signs it
>guy can't be tried for rape, because the she gave consent

Male feminists will fucking do anything to have sex with a girl without it being considered rape, huh?

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Whats next you Niliilist Purtins. "Mariages?"

But alcohol doesn’t negate consent unless you’re passed out

If you decide to be a slut in your intoxicated state then that’s on u

Yeah either that or she’ll say that’s what happened. Then we’re right back where we started

Every day we stray further from god’s light.

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