Anyone else notice the dems have lost 12 tossups in just the last 10 days???

WTF are these guys gonna do when they get nothing from the midterms?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_2018!INdm1IBY!gejhO0u9PpBOZd2DfZwVxg

Which ones did they lose?

it seems their pretty flimsy Kavanaugh lies pissed a lot of people off
And no one cares about the establishment faggot Kavanaugh himself. They're tired of the "process"
> jews inject lies
> media amplifies lies
> democrates amplify lies
> republicans repeat and bow to lies
trump might have just broken this cycle


>>WTF are these guys gonna do when they get nothing from the midterms?
Without power, they'll do nothing, even during the mass arrests.

The question is: what will Trump do with a plurality in all three branches of government? If you watched the rallies before the election, you would know.

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most districts are not polled. so RCP just put some dem leaning closer to the reps based on their own understanding how these districts play out and the generic ballot. in other words it doesnt matter what they moved you wouldnt be able to understand why anyway without the data.

rage quit

>>Trip Trips
Even normies are calling out the manipulation for what it is. People are tired of it, and the death of social media is a symptom.

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The blue wave, aka, trail of tears

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Its a trap go vote

This proves that the liberal brand is poison.

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That explains why shills haven't been going on about muh blue wave lately

do you think there are actuall ppl on /pol who will not vote? talking about americans ofc.

They'll reeeeeeeee and do it hard

They picked the absolute worst possible hill to die on with Kavanaugh.

Sneak tactic to scare lefties into showing up and convince the complacent right it’s in the bag, no need to bother voting.

No idea. I'm registered independant, didn't vote for trump. After the
> Muh lets destroy due process - women never lie
> "Credible witness" who's corroborators say she's lying
> Midgets and transgender lunatics circle-jerking about how a microphone was institutional oppression
I am changing my registration to RNC and will vote to destroy the dems from this day forward. There is not enough room for civilization & the democratic party to exist in the same geographical area.

Theres always lurkers and newfags around and there's always going to be somebody who forgot to remind somebody else to go vote and its just the thing to do this time of year

They have no clue how pissed off that made conservatives. They smugly act like they are the more offended party, and think the right is celebrating their win, but almost everybody in my family is still fucking LIVID over what the Dems did to Kavanaugh.

You fucking racist misogynist homophobe REEEEEEEEEE

that people exist here who havent voted for trump is amazing to me. im jsut saying for me it would be so much easier to pull the leaver for trump than for the GOP at large..

Before the Kavanaugh hearings, RCP had the dems in front 189-206. This is getting good

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I didn't vote for Hillary either - I voted for the independent guy even though though he was a loony. The Hollywood tapes got to me.

Before you do the whole "reeee fuck you for ..." - it just grossed me out listening to a 60 year old man act like a 17 year old. I'm fully aware that women who like being around powerful men often WANT their pussys grabbed - the whole point. Plus the "let" = not sexual assault. But still ....

After this as far as I'm concerned it's all out war at the polls. There are things I still won't say on this board unless I'm behind a VPN but I don't care about anything but destroying the democrat party before it destroys the very fabric of our society. And I will put up with almost anything or anyone who fights against them.

Just remember don't vote for republicans who will make us look worse in the end.

Always thought dems would net 15-20 seats, but reps would steal a few seats. As we near the end, it's looking like the most dems will only truely net 5-10 seats.

Bad advice. Now that we are past the primaries, a straight R vote might be the best way to fuck the libs, but in no way is the Republican party a bunch of saints just because Trump is in office. There are far to many RINOs still around. The future is not safe until they have been purged from office.

>believing in ((polls))

my 2 cents:
i'm 28, never voted in midterms before in my life, and i've got it marked all over my calendar, registered, and will be voting all Rs for the first time in my life, no questions asked

but, that's just me

Fucking checked

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do you mean with independent guy gary johnson or evan mcmuffin?

have these niggers learned nothing from 2016

almost all of them (last 15) have shifted towards GOP

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same almost. I am in California so I will be voting R down-the-line where possible, yes on tax raises (cause fuck this place) then im leaving. my way of drawing a dick on the wall before I move out.

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An hero


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Hang on to that calendar son, it just might save your life one day.

yeah the rinos need to go but one should remember how some of them left so far. mc cain died flake and bob corker just dont run again cause they have been bullied out of the party. i think people can vote straight Rs this time, just need to keep an eye on utah and arizona. as long as trump is in office the rinos are on the sidelines.

nice one, i almost boofed in my pants.

this, us boomers need to unjade ourselves from the bush-era. down-the-line and NO on everything that isn't expanding freedom

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I am hoping the Left gets so violent, our society just has enough of their shit and we can legally start shooting them.

i think that whenever polls are brought up here by non-NPC's/shills, it's to illustrate how even the rigged polls are shifting towards the GOP, which means the dems are more fucked than it's being represented in the media

i recently heard on a CFR podcast that even the DNC secretly recognizes that they need to maintain a +7 to +7.5 lead on the generic ballot polls to even have a chance of breaking even with the GOP...but that doesnt stop Nate Plastic and others to give dems a 4 in 5 shot to take control of the House

>WTF are these guys gonna do when they get nothing from the midterms?
They're going to go die for Israel after drump drafts them to fight in Iran.

This. I thought my fire was fully risen in 2016 but this changed the game. I usually try to pick candidates carefully but I might just flip the bird and go straight ticket this time.

This has got to move beyond Trump. A larger change in culture needs to happen. More than 8 years are needed. Trump will make a hell of a good first step. But how these tariffs and US and global economics play out are going to have a huge effect on things, and nobody really knows how. If we get an overdue recession in '20 are people going to shit all over what trump has done - certainly the libs will. Difficult to see the future.

look i would be on your side if it wouldnt be for the special elcetions that we had so far. the dems showed up there in full force. and actuall election results can not be spinned into bad polls.

Polls aren't real, they're trying to make Republicans complacent (and it's working)

i think GOP will win th senate easily and probably pick up 1 or 2 seats
i also think they will keep the House, but lose a few seats

youre underestimating GOP voters quite a bit

well even if you feel down sometimes about the future just think about a possible 6 to 3 majority in the supreme court cause that goes far far beyond trump.

i have to admit i never followed a midterm election in the us so far. i hear reps show up better than dems usually. the worry is just that trumps presidency is pretty unusall.

oh im a lefty, and i expect well lose. ive warned as much for a while now. were always too cocky, never get our shit together, and our strategy sucks because democratic party leadership is so out of touch.

who do you prefer as the leader then?

I hate the neocons man. But the dems as far as I'm concerned have pushed me into a corner with a knife & given it to a bunch of insane people they call heroes. Anyone who didn't watch the kavenaugh hearings in their entirety absolutely should.

Gary. Fuck neocons ... I'm tired of wars none of us want.

I am not really down. In the us we really do have the power of the people, and so politicians and laws slowly follow the will of the people. It really is a war of ideological control atm. Is a right that is debating just how racist and fascist it wants to be going to control the future, or will it be a bunch of blue haired gender confused liberals under communist influence. By god, I'll be on the right, but hopefully a more nationalist right than some here want.

I cannot be more happy about the level of debate that is going on, certainly here. This is 100x better than just blindly trusting a party machine to come up with an actual good set of ideas, and really just for that I have reason to hope.

I am a leftist and fully expect to lose this election. It is practically unwinnable given the current left and our candidates

Pisses me off that I'm being forced into being partisan. I try to elect individuals, not parties, but this shit is a fucking joke. I don't want the Republicans to win, I want the Democrats to lose. I've given up hope that we will ever get decent candidates for state offices, since there's too many retards out there.
Not like it makes a difference anyways. Here in Texas we had the RRC, one of the most important positions in the state, being contested by a retarded Democrat and a retarded Republican, with a very qualified libertarian candidate running as a third party. The retards in our state, that likely don't even know that the fucking RRC regulates the oil and gas industry, voted for the O&G corporate shill Republican in a landslide, who didn't even know what the fuck the position did himself. Stupid people can't be allowed to vote, they are hopeless morons that don't even know what their own interests are.

dems are for a backwards civilization harmful for the future party

It's OK, neither has most of our country either. We just have a bunch of NPCs that have never given a shit about politics getting involved because 'orange man bad'.

You seem smart, why are you a leftist?

YES, I got a massive boner when I went on RCP yesterday.



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Would be funny.

What about people that don't speak English? Should they be allowed to vote? Because that's half the state of Texas.

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stop highlighting this shit you mongs, we need to meme the democrats into a false sense of security, not give them urgency to get out and vote. the opposite is true for the right. polls don't matter, elections matter. we need to be spamming every poll on Twitter with (D) votes to make them think it's going to be a landslide.

Hey you! Yes, you. Sickened by what the Left did to Judge Kavanaugh and his wife?

Realize that they could do the EXACT SAME THING to all of you if the nomination dies, because it would legitimize their life wrecking tactics.

Send them a message on November 6! Get every single right-leaning person you know out to the polls! Drive them to the polls, plan an election night party, do anything to create as high a turnout as humanly possible, because you need to know that the Democrats are still buttmad over their loss in November 2016 and will do their best to have their revenge.

Trump saved this country from certain death by stopping Hillary, but the struggle didn't end there. I don't think we'll get a second chance if the Democrats take back power!
>Reminder that this is the thread that shills want to slide
>Reminder that the midterms are arguably MORE IMPORTANT than the 2016 election, because there is more power in Congress than in the Presidency
>Reminder that The Left is absolutely bloodthirsty for their Blue Wave and will stop at nothing to crush you and have their revenge for what happened in 2016
>Reminder that they’ve shut down Alex Jones and other online right-wing figures BECAUSE of the fact that the midterms are coming up. Are you going to let their plan work??
>Reminder that the survival of Jow Forums itself is at stake. The Democrats WILL shut down this site if they take back power. COUNT ON IT!

>Partisan State-By-State Guide to the Midterms

>Extremely Comprehensive Non-Partisan Guide To The Midterms,_2018

First things first, realize that November 6, 2018 is going to be upon us very soon! That means you are going to have to commit to being as passionate about this as if your life depends on it. Trump won in 2016 partly because people knew what the stakes were, and voted accordingly.

Here are a variety of things you can do. I’m going to update this article as regularly as possible to optimize things, so check back every now and then.

-Make a list of every right-leaning friends and family members you have in real life. These people are going to be the most receptive to vote against the left. Make it your personal responsibility to get EVERY SINGLE ONE of them out to the polls on NOVEMBER 6 (that’s a Tueday). Making this list should take around 5 minutes. Make it now

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Chances are, you have made right-leaning internet friends and acquaintances through your time on various forums, message boards, image boards, social media sites, IRC, chat clients like Steam/Twitch/Discord. Make a list of all of these people, and IMMEDIATELY message them to tell them about the 2018 Midterm Elections. Tell them that because Congress is arguably more powerful than the Presidency, defending Congress from the left is arguably more important than electing Trump. Tell them that if the Democrats take back Congress, they could be further suppressed by the Hate Speech laws the left is salivating for. Tell them they NEED TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6! Tell them that they also need to SPREAD THE MESSAGE to everyone they know about the IMPORTANCE OF THE MIDTERMS. Tell them that the same leftists who want them dead, want their children brainwashed or dead, or at the very least want them persecuted to the point where they might as well be dead – all are spending lots of effort on getting Democrats elected. It is likely that over a BILLION dollars will be spent on getting them elected. Hillary had no problem getting that kind of money. Hundreds of Democrats all around the nation won’t have a problem either.

Attached: GeorgetownProfessor.png (1178x1288, 693K)

nah, you're going to win every race by a country mile. the republicans are doomed.

-Look up the websites for your local Republican candidates (see the articles for each state on this website for more info) and volunteer for them if you have the time. Turnout is perhaps the most important thing. Democrats like Doug Jones and Conor Lamb have managed to win in deep red Alabama and PA-18 because turnout for their side was high, because the left is so asshurt over getting their ass kicked in 2016 that they are spending massive amounts of time, energy, and money to attain the Blue Wave they’ve been dreaming about. OUR SIDE NEEDS THAT SAME LEVEL OF PASSION AND COMMITMENT!

Attached: VoteRepublican1.jpg (864x944, 785K)

-On Twitter, look up the hashtags: #RedWave2018 , #RedWave , #VoteRed . Retweet and like the tweets from people on our side (not the leftist trolls who use the hashtags to derail us)

-Do the same above thing on

-Seek out right-wing users on Twitter and gab and Facebook, then reply to any of their tweets/posts (even if you’re going off-topic) to tell them of the importance of the 2018 Midterm Elections, the importance of stopping the Blue Wave, the importance of voting for the Republicans no matter what. Get every right-leaning internet user you know to join you in doing so

Attached: VoteRepublican3.jpg (936x1063, 984K)

-Sign up with your email and number at: to get emails and texts about things you can do to contribute to the cause

-Sign up with your email and number at: in order to spy on their efforts

-If you have meme making talent, post anything you make on the hashtags mentioned — #RedWave , #RedWave2018 , #VoteRed .

-Post anything you make on any right-wing internet space you’re a part of.

Attached: VoteRepublican5.jpg (792x725, 632K)

Go check out the Red Storm Armory:

Download the content, and share the content on the relevant hashtags ( #RedWave , #RedWave2018 , #VoteRed ) and on every single right-wing internet space you are a part of

The 2016 Presidential Election was Meme War I, which culminated in our great victory on November 6.

Attached: VoteRepublican8.jpg (792x792, 497K)

The 2018 Midterms are Meme War II.

Here is your armory:!INdm1IBY!gejhO0u9PpBOZd2DfZwVxg

Spread these memes to every corner of cyberspace.


this. we need to focus on reinforcing the blue wave meme.


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This is why one of the NPC news outlets was trying to argue that, "This ONE district in Kentucky is going to tell you who wins the whole election."

Cuz that one race is undoubtedly going well for them, and they're having to use some SERIOUS spin to make the situation look good.

they weren't here in 2016, they're all plebbit faggot NPCs from T_D

you sound like a shareblue shill


I've been told for ages "vote for lesser of evils" blah blah blah when literal regards are on both sides. But I feel like I was finally pushed to war & it was the dems that did it. Kavenaugh is literally partially responsible for the patriot act which I'm deadly opposed to.

But after watching the hearings, I see so much red I don't care anymore. Destroy the dems and ill be on your side.


AZ-Sen: A video released yesterday shows a 2011 speech Kyrsten Sinema (D) gave to a Democratic Party organization in Texas where she mocked her home state of Arizona calling it “crazy” and suggested that it was because Republicans run the state. The routine, which seems to be intended to be humorous talks about how “to stop your state from becoming Arizona”.

TX-Sen: Here’s a good discussion of the ridiculously overinflated interest and expectations people outside of Texas have for Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke (D).


AZ-2: It appears the NRCC may be triaging this race. The NRCC has canceled ad reservations on TV in Tucson in support of Lea Marquez Peterson. The reason may not just be that ex-Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D) is leading in polls, Marquez Peterson also seemed to stumble at times in her first debate with Kirkpatrick.

Pollster here

We have been overpolling democrats nearly 3:2 for the past 4 months

Blue wave?
Lol it will be a red tide
Sit back and enjoy

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KY-6: President Trump is speaking Saturday night in Richmond, and it seems that the fact he is appearing there is no coincidence. Madison County, which includes Richmond, is considered the swing county in KY-6, having voted for the winner in every election except one since 1990. Rep. Andy Barr (R) has won the county in every election he has run in-the one time it didn’t vote for the winner was in 2010 when it voted for Barr, who narrowly lost that year to then-Rep. Ben Chandler (D) before defeating him in a 2012 rematch. Amy McGrath (D) celebrated her primary win in the county and both candidates have spent a lot of time there for the general election campaign.

OH-1: The Ohio Elections Commission is continuing to examine allegations that Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Aftab Pureval (D) improperly used money from his Clerk of Courts campaign account on his congressional campaign. At issue is $30,000 Pureval spent from that account in the first 6 months of this year, despite not being up for re-election until 2020. Among the expenses that were charged to that account were for polls that didn’t ask any questions related to the Clerk of Courts office and for a photographer that took pictures at Pureval’s congressional campaign launch.


LA-Gov. 2019: Eddie Rispone has become the first Republican candidate for governor. Rispone is a wealthy businessman and longtime donor to Republican and conservative campaigns and causes and plans to self-fund his campaign. Sen. John Kennedy (R), Rep. Ralph Abraham (R) and AG Jeff Landry (R) have also been mentioned as possible candidates to take on Gov. John Bel Edwards (D).

MS-Gov. 2019: AG Jim Hood (D) has already announced a run for governor and LG Tate Reeves (R) is considered sure to run. But some Republicans are apparently concerned about Hood’s popularity and that Reeves may not be the best candidate to run against him. Some are looking for a candidate with a business background like the late ex-Gov. Kirk Fordice (R), who in 1991 became the first Republican elected governor since Reconstruction. Names mentioned include Bill Lampton, an energy industry magnate who was said to be considered by Gov. Phil Bryant (R) for the Senate appointment to replace Sen. Thad Cochran (R), and billionaire Thomas Duff, co-owner with his brother Jim of Southern Tire Mart and other companies, labeled by Forbes as the “richest people in Mississippi”.

PA-Gov: A debate last week between Gov. Tom Wolf (D) and Scott Wagner (R) made news not for anything the candidates said, but for the performance of the debate moderator-Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek. The performance of Trebek at the debate was widely panned because he spent more time talking than the candidates, and actually shared his own opinions on policy. He apologized for his performance later, saying he misunderstood his role as debate moderator, expecting that he was to provide a “light-hearted approach while still being able to challenge the candidates on their record or positions” instead of just asking questions and letting the candidates go at each other. Trebek had expressed a desire in the past to moderate a political debate and said his goal someday was to moderate a presidential debate. The frustration over the debate was compounded because this was the only debate that Wolf had agreed to participate in.

Afternoon Polling Roundup for October 11, 2018


MN-Sen(K): NBC News/Marist has Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) up 63-33 on Jim Newberger (R).

MN-Sen(S): NBC News/Marist has Sen. Tina Smith (D) up 54-38 on state Sen. Karin Housley (R).

OH-Sen: Suffolk has Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) up 54-36 on Rep. Jim Renacci (R).

TX-Sen: Quinnipiac has Sen. Ted Cruz (R) up 54-45 on Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D).

WI-Sen: Marquette has Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D) ahead 53-43 over state Sen. Leah Vukmir (R).

WV-Sen: A poll for the NRSC has Sen. Joe Manchin (D) only leading 41-40 over AG Patrick Morrisey.


IL-13: Dueling internal polls here. A poll for the campaign of Betsy Dirksen-Londrigan (D) has her trailing Rep. Rodney Davis (R) 49-48. A poll for Davis has him leading 50-37.

NY-27: An internal poll for Nate McMurray (D) has him tied at 42 with Rep. Chris Collins (R).

PA-17: Monmouth has Rep. Conor Lamb (D) up 54-42 on Rep. Keith Rothfus (R).

WA-8: A poll by Elway Research finds Dino Rossi (R) up 49-39 on Kim Schrier (D).


CT-Gov: Quinnipiac has Ned Lamont (D) up 47-39 on Bob Stefanowski (R).

GA-Gov: A SurveyUSA poll for WXIA-TV has Sec. of State Brian Kemp (R) up 47-45 on state Sen. Stacey Abrams (D).

MN-Gov: NBC News/Marist has Rep. Tim Walz (D) up 55-38 on Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson (R).

OH-Gov: Suffolk has Richard Cordray (D) up 46-40 on AG Mike DeWine (R).

OR-Gov: A poll conducted for The Oregonian newspaper and KGW-TV has Gov. Kate Brown (D) with a small 49-45 lead on State Rep. Knute Buehler (R).

RI-Gov: A poll by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center for several RI media outlets has Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) up 48-34 on Cranston mayor Allan Fung (R).

TX-Gov: Quinnipiac has Gov. Greg Abbott (R) up 58-38 on Lupe Valdez (D).

WI-Gov: Marquette has Gov. Scott Walker (R) with a narrow 47-46 lead on State school superintendent Tony Evers (D). This is the first poll since June to have Walker ahead.

bullshit, I'm calling you out on your Jewish tricks! the blue wave is real and if we don't all meme our fucking asses off we're gonna lose bigly

Fucking die in a fire hopefully. They deserve it for all the shit they have been pulling. They aren't even a party trying to help America. They are actively trying to tear down EVERYTHING we stand fore just to win more votes. Every last one of them is a godamn traitor in my eyes.

>the blue wave is real
I'm pretty sure he's right, but there should still be no "sit there and enjoy it".

For Jow Forums, probably the strongest motivator is being able to say that we helped CAUSE all the butthurt that's coming next month.
So voting is a must.

I knew Taytay was a double agent

Sorry, in case it wasn't clear, that greentext is supposed to imply skepticism.

why? i answered his question honestly

Dems are heavily favored in special elections and even those we're incredibly tight they're usually a wash for Dems. The repubs are motivated and angry midterms are gonna be a slaughter for the Dems

They must have known her endorsing a Dem who have a reverse effect and catapult the Republican up the polls. She was secretly for Trump all along! WTF, I love double agents now!

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I believe this will tighten up even further the closer we get to election day when more republicans come home.

But the biggest thing we can all do is vote, and vote straight Republican. If you have any elderly relatives who are feeling the same way, drive them to the polls. I plan on doing this with my pap's sister who loves Trump.

Don't believe the bullshit liberal media polls from the likes of ABC, NBC, and especially CNN who show we're down by double digits. That's just ridiculous.

The generic ballot is bullshit anyway given how clustered the Democratic vote is around the urban areas, but the media is trying to use it as a demoralizing tool to keep Republicans home.

Don't fall for it, just vote. The 2016 election showed that if the rural areas and suburbs come out, we can win anything.

Republicans may be quiet and composed, but they excel in wars.

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We all are Adolf
We all are

Just saw where leftist think tank is telling Dem candidates to avoid ICE/Illegal immigration issues as most of the country, particularly swing voters and blacks are against amnesty.

If they want to avoid it...we need to keep pounding it.


Don't just vote, but get EVERYONE you know to vote Republican!!! Go to nursing homes and drive elderly GOP voters to the polls if you can. Every last vote is going to be critical to hold the House!

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