What about this is so difficult for you fuckers to comprehend?
What about this is so difficult for you fuckers to comprehend?
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers rape
>see a thread you remotely disagree with
>dunno what to reply with
>hurr durr
>float away to reddit
What a fucking leaf.
>ask if they want tea (want to fuck)
>they say they want tea (want to fuck)
>you make the tea (you fuck)
>then they say they didn't want tea anymore (you're fucking, it's too late)
You're now a rapist.
No, dumbass--you stop just stop fucking. Not complicated. You didn't even finish the video, did you.
>see a thread you remotely disagree with
>dunno what to reply with
>hurr durr
>float away to ifunny
What a fucking burger.
>you ask them if they want tea
>they say yes
>they drink the tea
>they go home and realise they didn't want tea in the end
>they call the police and you get, at worst, sent to jail and at best, your entire reputation ruined because they changed their mind about the tea after drinking it
consent isn't the problem, female power is.
>you make the tea
>they drink it and say it was nice tea
>a few months later they claim they didn't want any tea
>now you're out $12,000 in legal fees
>go up and shake someone's hand to be polite
>they think you want to serve them tea
>you don't even remotely talk about serving tea
>still get slammed with $15,000 in legal fees and everyone now views you as a tea-crazed retard
It's as simple as tea
Also take off memeflag kike.
well, you whined, but didn't say he's wrong
Were coming back to gas you jew.
>still using those memes
fuck off autist memeflag
i've been sexually harassed by plenty of women and once even sexually assaulted by one, and never once by a man
i also have no interest in sex or relationships of any sort and avoid all physical contact
go bitch at someone else
They drank the tea and decided they didn't like the type of it. Grats your a rapist.
A significant minority of rape allegations being false doesn't make nonconsensual sex not rape.
First example:
>In the end, the investigation served James well: He was rightly found innocent.
Second example:
>"I'm gonna pretend this is representative of most rape allegations. I'm definitely not being facetious."
That's...not what the video said, buddy. Way to strawman the analogy.
Who do you think cute little videos about consent are aimed at? Violent rapists? You think that’s going to stop them? No. The entire purpose of these campaigns is to give power to women to trivialize regrettable encounters or minor unwanted advances as RAPE so they cash in the card whenever they feel like, and further infantalize adults who should be able to take responsibility for their behavior but would rather the state do it for them, and hey, if they can get petty revenge or maybe a gofundme payday outfit, why not?
Retroactive consensual sex is a huge, huge issue. It's time for binding contracts, agreements in some sort of digital signature at this point. The problem with all that; it can be tracked. Imagine seeing a woman's real number, imagine that being released.
That's where we are headed. There is no protection.
Then you have things like Kavanaugh, where he literally didn't touch her. A total disgrace, disgusting. It's ruining it for women that actually have been raped and molested. Weaponizing lies about sexual assault has ramifications.
Or maybe...
just maybe...
the target for this video explaining consent...
is people who misunderstand consent...
I'm on a university campus and I think there is certainly a difference between the rape/ sexual assault targetted by these awareness efforts and more traditional definitions of rape. Like over the last year there were probably a coulpe dozen accusations of rape that never really stuck, generally stemming from someone grinding or trying to kiss someone while drunk at a party, and then there was one or two violent sexual assault cases that dwarfed everything else and sort of defined what rape actually was to most people on campus, these would involve girls getting their noses broken or arms dislocated in the washroom of a house party and being violently assaulted sexually.
It is important to distinguish these things.
No one consents to sharing anything with you. Government, land, money, respect or rights.
Then the video is a lie and the analogy is invalid.
My super feminist landlady made me watch this years ago. It struck me then that the video is too short. It omits the most common case of misunderstanding, where a young lady eagerly gobbles down several king size mugs of tea, passes out, wakes up with "tea tummy" and then calls the police.
In 2017 the US population was approx. 326 million, 160m male, 166m female.
In 2017 there were 99,856 rape cases.
0.0006241% of the male population have potentially committed rape. (Now, this number will include the tiny sliver of false accusations, it will also include the number of rapes individually, versus men that commit multiple rapes. It will not include "unreported" rapes, because lets face it, you'll just use the first big number that's going to come in to your head.)
So, you're making out like men don't grasp consent, when the reality is that 99.9993759% of men fully understand it.
Stop making noise about what is essentially, a very (traumatic, awful to be sure, but still) small problem.
There, I said it. Fuck off.
Yeah, but you can't rescind consent the next day after the fact, faggot. That's the real issue.
But what if they accuse you of rape?
Remeber kids, only straight, white men and corpses can't withdraw their consent retroactively, so plan your sex lives accordingly.
Boy I wish I could say "stop" in mid assrape when you use our child support money to get your nails done every week.
Get raped.