We have been the most evil people in world history and never hesitated to just genocide people if we could get one up on them. Most of our history is just sailing around and shooting native people who had no real means of defending themselves. We are the most racist people, we deserve to be bred out.
I am white myself and I 100% support this, every asshole I have ever met was also a white person. White people tend to just be horrible human beings in general. You alt-right kids are the worst of the worst, it's good that you aren't breeding.
Jews are good people, I have some Jewish friends. Since when did Jews try to genocide you? They didn't, where is the Jewish third Reich? Doesn't exist.
But you tried to kill them, piece of shit. I may be born white, but I don't identify with you idiots.
Christopher Howard
I considered it, but arrived at the conclusion that the results would be sub-optimal for all.
To be safe for all eternity: A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening. Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8) Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs) J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be/UK4b6tGThI4 )
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be/zRrkUymeST4)
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
Could you compare chinese and western history please?
Camden Moore
Here as Monash there are some good people, but the only good white person is a far left like me and others. Anything other than that is just a pure vile racist who is a threat against humanity.
F off with your Jesus BS. Jesus was a Jew from the middle east, Christianity is an Abrahamic religion and not European in origin. Stupid racist.
Matthew Smith
She lives terrified. Every day. She's terrified. It's every other word out of her mouth. It's every other thought in her head. She lives in a constant state of fear. She's right to.
Monsters are hunting her.
Josiah Miller
Let's see, became the world's most powerful land under the Ming, barely invaded anyone. Have proof that they at least found the top half of Australia and have it on ancient maps, never chose to invade Australia and kill them.
Never tried to wipe out the Jews. Never went over to Europe attacking people there (despite European attacking the crumbling Qing dynasty like cowards). Never enslaved Africans, in fact are in trade deals and mutual development right now with African countries, Kenya has developed a lot under them.
European contact with Africans = massacres and enslavement and putting them on plantations, in the Congo alone Europeans killed over 10 million Africans. Go to hell you fucking criminal evil piece of shit!
You carry guns around, shooting up schools. You are a sicko, white people need to come to a systematic end. And I am a white guy and I 100% support this. Just because I am born into a race of evil assholes doesn't mean I have to support you fuckers.
Nathan Butler
>shooting native people who had no real means of defending themselves.
Are you serious? you need to learn some history. It's way more complicated and these innocent native people being shot. And what do you think would have happened if China go there first.
this is some powerful shilling man. You must really like these jews.
Matthew Robinson
>It's way more complicated and these innocent native people being shot.
That doesn't make grammatical sense. Also Europeans factually invaded their lands and killed them, you were not invited over you fucking excuse making evil piece of shit. You stole other peoples lands and wiped them out, shot them down just like you shot many Africans down. Fucking evil cowards.
Landon Hernandez
I agree! You go first and I’ll be right behind you.
Jason Sanders
The simplest answer is that it doesn't matter whether what our ancestors did was good or not. The reality is that we only have one life and living it with guilt and without self determination is idiotic.
As far as what our ancestors did, I think what happened in America and Australia were bad things, but it is what it is. One could argue that that's just how things were back then and that other powerful nations would have done the same if they could have. Besides, settlers didn't go to America with the intent of conquest, that's just how things ended up working out.
Chase Price
>Most of our history is just sailing around and shooting native people Monkey see, monkey do..
John Thomas
you are going to accept responsibility whether you want to or not.
You think other groups are waiting around for your evil fucks to admit that anything you did was wrong? Of course not, they all know you are evil inhumane pieces of shit (just look at your behaviour and history). Actions speak louder than words.
It's payback, and your time is up. I strongly supported the South Africans destroying that racism apartheid state in south Africa also. Good on them for fighting back and getting their own land back from European invaders.
I am white, but I don't identify with you subhuman immoral scum.
John Nelson
>every asshole I have ever met you're in fucking australia, cunt. everyone there is an asshole
Jacob Baker
Yeah. Cuz I used to be a leftist. It’s an awful way to live your life, thinking that way.
John Davis
So you are a loxist?
Colton Smith
You're a fucking idiot. A lot of the places we went to we full of savages. You'd turn your back for one second and they'd be going through your baggage and stealing your stuff.
The great filters purpose will be served. Humanity will never reach the stars. All that has been built will crumble. Humanity will cannibalize itself back into primitive savagery.
Xavier Kelly
Enjoy your last days, gross white babies are now a minority in the US. I relish in the figure dropping more and more. It's like seeing a cancer shrink. How wonderful, the entire world have had enough of you.
>A lot of the places we went to we full of savages.
Don't invade other peoples land, it isn't rocket science you morally inept fucking retard. No race trusts your ass anymore, you have run all out of luck. It's game over, you are paying for your fucking sins against all the innocent people of the world.
And I am white and I fucking love it, it's my moral duty as a moral white to fight the filthy racists and criminals who are my own race.
>Don't travel to other lands, they don't want you Wow you sound like a bigot.
Christian Martinez
I want you idiots to keep your guns, keep shooting each other and shooting up the schools. The more you kill each other the better, less criminal pests around.
Landon Cruz
>Don't travel to other lands, they don't want you
It wasn't just a friendly visit with you take over the peoples land and displace them, that's called a takeover. And you wonder why people hate your race? here you are using the most mentally retarded attempts at making excuses for your crimes against humanity.
Enjoy your own genocide, because you are the only group in history that has ever truly deserved it. It's just payback.
Brody Miller
implying that blacks, indians or asians never did horrible wars or landgrabbing etc. lol
As for america when the europeans arrived. They found a land that was inhabitated by indian nomad tribes that were as savage in terms of fighting and war with other tribes. They never were peaceful like hollywood movies make them out to be.
Connor Kelly
$50 says that in college she had more white men inside her than a Brooks Brothers outlet.
Yes child...let the feminazi hate flow through you.
Hunter Wright
Fuck off kikes (((we))) SAGED for lies
Carter Price
>implying that blacks, indians or asians never did horrible wars or landgrabbing etc. lol
They didn't do 5% of what European imperialists didn't. Stupid fucking asshole. Go ahead and claim a man who punched someone is the same thing as a man who killed someone in cold blood, that's the comparison you are making.
All of the America's was invaded and the natives attacked and killed by you. Australia was the same, Aboriginals attacked and killed. New Zealand also. Africa was invaded mass plantations and takeover, at least 90 million dead Africans in this era thanks to being killed and enslaved. South east Asia was invaded by European imperialists, where in the Philippines they ordered the killing of everyone over 10 in an attempt to change their culture more easily (Somar massacre, 1901).
Then you tried to even wipe out the Jews. There isn't a single group you haven't committed mass crimes against humanity against.
Your time is up, time to pay for your actions. The world all remembers and no one likes you, I have Kenyan friends and they hate your asses also. Enjoy your last days you criminal racists.
Kevin Rogers
>everyone everywhere butchers each other since the dawn of time till 1945 >Somehow white people are to the only ones blamed
Liam Barnes
Using your money, influence, devisive action, philosophy and tampering to get the same result. Seems like you have no idea how effective those means can be to exact control. Ordering a killing is the same as pulling the trigger
Eli Robinson
Fuck off back to Plebbit
Jaxson Cook
>We have been the most evil people in world history Yes you have, Shlomo.
I'm sure you think everyone outside of Europe was living sustainably with mother nature singing kumbaya till the white devil showed up, right?
The only thing white people are guilty of is doing the same thing as everyone else, but better.
James Taylor
Fuck off back to Plebbit
Bentley King
Fuck off back to Plebbit
Julian Davis
>(((White people)))
Luis Kelly
Ah yes the myth of peaceful aboriginal triber or american or native americans, mayans etc. They fought each other as bad as europeans. You only don't hear about it because all it happened before there was written down scriptures. Also what about all the muslim sand niggers? lol peace my ass humans are trash doesn't matter which race or country
Gabriel Sanchez
>everyone everywhere does it.......
No they don't dumbass, quite the opposite actually. Keep trying to make excuses, trying to make out minor things equalise your mass genocide and racism.
How many animal species have you also wiped out? You wiped out the dodo, thylacine, Passenger pigeon, Steller's sea cow, Pyrenean ibex, Great auk, Elephant bird, Pinta Island tortoise etc.
Great fucking job dumbass, not only do you attack and murder and genocide people. You also murder totally defenceless animals and drive them to extinction (but go ahead and tell me how they weren't innocent and how they were threatening you). Pathetic, enjoy your genocide (the only justified genocide in human history).
I am loving it.
Charles Sanders
Pagans were living in mud huts before Christianity came along. Face it, Christianity is the only surviving link to the Greek philosophers, period. So even if you’re a pagan, the only surviving inkling of Plato and Socrates is Christianity.
Jayden Lee
Lol then put your money where your mouth is and kill yourself you larp
>Ordering a killing is the same as pulling the trigger In which you did both of those, but go ahead and blame the Jews for white peoples actions. You are going digging yourself deeper and deeper into your own grave. You are already dead anyway, there isn't anything you can do. Now you are just making it even harder on yourself.
Alexander Gonzalez
>50%+ of murders, rape, theft, and more >13% of population >extremely low iq /thread
Brandon Ross
Nicholas King
Name literally 1 reason why every Jewish man, woman, and child shouldn't be exterminated.
Justin Williams
>We have been the most evil people in world history and never hesitated to just genocide people if we could get one up on them. wrong if that were true there'd be nothing but white people left on the planet
Robert Bell
>I'm sure you think everyone outside of Europe was living sustainably with mother nature singing kumbaya
It doesn't matter how they lived, it doesn't matter if they were more primitive. That doesn't give you a right to invade and massacre them. You don't understand this because you are fucking mentally retarded and evil. Enjoy your own genocide, you filthy immoral subhuman.
Joshua Rogers
Is this bait even worth responding to?
Brayden Williams
That depends on what your system of morality is.
Jeremiah Smith
Absent white man’s moral influence in the next 50 years Africa’s surging population will wipe out nearly every large species in Africa.
Michael Morales
>Name literally 1 reason why every Jewish man, woman, and child shouldn't be exterminated.
There isn't a reason, but a member of the psychopath race who already tried to genocide them I am sure you can do some mental gymnastics to convince yourself there is a valid read. Filthy immoral retard.
>There isn't a reason You're a disgusting anti-semite. How about this: their numerous contributions to science and culture. Fuck off nazi faggot.
Lucas Foster
So the Barbary slave trades were what? Just a misunderstanding? The Umayyad occupation of Spain? Gnghis Khan and his empire conquering everything to fucking ukraine and Saudi Arabia was by.... Talking it out, right? The Burmese genocide? Rwanda? Kurds?
I can go on. Human history is a fucking bloodbath wherever you look.
Jackson Cox
Julian Russell
You are an idiot. When the europeans came to australia or america they found a land inhabitated by aboriginal/native american nomad tribes that didn't claim any land or had such concepts. They were primitive tribes and savages who fought other tribes, enslaved them and killed them. The europeans took the land by right of conquest but so many fags here forget that. The same with africa.
Grayson Gutierrez
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
archive.is/sMsxH >Israel’s Online Shadow Operations >Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE >"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
Tell that to the slaving, women-stoning Arabs who would own all of Europe today had the evil white man not violently stopped him in Austria in the 16th Century. Trust me the world could have turned out so much worse for everyone.
Robert Roberts
There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Adam Price
>Absent white man’s moral influence in the next 50 years Africa’s surging population will wipe out nearly every large species in Africa.
African people have existed in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years, all of the species are still there and it's the most preserved land for animal species in the world. Only until you turn up to you build plantations and clear down huge forests and murder animals to extinction, you murdered several African animals to extinction just within your first filthy 50 years of occupying their lands.
And you wonder why everyone hates you? Even animals hate you. Enjoy your last days as a people, you have really earned your own systematic genocide. The entire world and all of nature will rejoice, like a cancer cured. Sorry
Angel Parker
What's that supposed to prove?
Elijah Martin
Sure, Schlomo, whatever you say.
Julian Price
>We have been the most evil people in world history Fuck off, chink. Your kind are and have been far more cruel.
Cameron Jones
Shove your anti-semitism up your ass.
Xavier Sullivan
Learn to read moron, you can't delete your posts here. >Name literally 1 reason why every Jewish man, woman, and child shouldn't be exterminated.
My response = There isn't a reason
Then you come along.
with this. >You're a disgusting anti-semite. How about this: their numerous contributions to science and culture. Fuck off nazi faggot.
All your race can do is lie about people you evil piece of shit, enjoy your genocide. You truly deserve it.
Liam Morgan
OP stop being a faggot and read up about the Islamic slave trade, the East African slave trade, The genocidal Mongolian Golden Horde invasions of Europe and the middle east and the fall of Constantinople and the Eastern Roman Empire and the various other Islamic invasions of Europe between 7th Century and the 17th Century and you won't feel so bad.
Joseph Perez
Samuel Brown
>You don't understand this because you are fucking mentally retarded and evil. Enjoy your own genocide, you filthy immoral subhuman The Zionist doth project too much, methinks.
Remain anonymous because millions of people would beat you to death if they could get their hands on you.
Thomas Robinson
>No they don't dumbass, quite the opposite actually. You're historically ignorant, as expected of most leftists. Another user has already provided a few examples of historical massacres that were not perpetrated by whites ().
But let's try a different angle: Imagine you pushed a button and all 7 billion people on the planet were magically turned into black people. Everyone is now black. There is no racism. Are you trying to imply that warfare is now over? There will never be any more war, forever, on this planet of 7 billion people of the same race?
Lincoln Martin
If we do not institute a national socialist regime and slaughter undesirables (like OP) en masse with the blessings and energetic consent of the people, if mass executions of traitors and jews do not happen in every town square with bonfires and swastikas fluttering, if the Fourth Reich of the white race does not rise within this century, then, indeed, whites deserve to be wiped out.
Jackson Ward
>there's no reason why jews should not be eradicated You = an anti-semite. You make me sick you scum. You utter fucking DOG. You're filth, what have you ever done? You're nothing.
Landon Martinez
>Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
All your piece of shit comments against Jews reveal is that you are even more racist and dishonest.
Landon Hernandez
"hello fellow white people"
Caleb Martinez
>I am white myself and I 100% support this, every asshole I have ever met was also a white person.
Have you ever tried to confront the self-hating liberal white guilt that you suffer from?
(of course note, because you're a kike shill....but I will humor your LARP in this thread)
Mason Moore
you still dont have a rebuttal naive shitlib faggot
Evan Jones
You assume that I'm white. How cute
Nolan Baker
>Fuck off
What are you going to do about it you little lying evil piece of shit? You aren't going to do anything, and there isn't anything you can do.
Your birth rates are going to continue to fall and white babies are going to continue to drop, you are totally fucked and you deserve this. You haven't been in control of the country for at least the last 50 years, sorry about that. Enjoy your pathetic evil race being cleansed from the earth by the collaboration of peace. By 2050 the white babies born will be below 35% at that point, that is only a mere 32 years away. And by the end of this century you will be a tiny tiny minority, eventually just gone. Everyone is glad, it's a day for celebration.
Earth is meant to be nice, it's like a party. But you were not invited, and now we are kicking you out permanently. Sorry
Samuel Hill
Your hair is pink and you live in a dorm
Carson Bell
They would have, if they could. But they are inferior.
Jonathan Walker
You're the evil one you anti-semite. You're fucking garbage.
Chase Brown
>white people have stopped breeding
What? No.
The breeding process for whites is as selective as it's ever been. Those choosing to breed within white genetics have subconsciously accepted the social and societal implications of doing so. Anyone else doing otherwise are quickly becoming victim of their choices.
The white race isnt disappearing. It's becoming more competitive. It's becoming more refined and exclusive, much like is asians. Much like asians whom are so diverse yet widespread that only the social standards of intelligence and work ethic have become markers for who may or may not breed.
you can't even stop killing each other in the middle east and africa and you want to conquer all the white countries lol
Aaron Morris
fuck off kike
Colton Walker
I bet the other kids in the dorm hear your furious typing and think someone is making popcorn. So much hate. How loud did you scream when the people chose the right President to reject your Communist, Globalist ideals?
Noah Rodriguez
I've discovered that Asian woman seem to be a little off on the inside.
Colton Peterson
>They would have, if they could.
The world of history shows the exact opposite, China during it's height could have crushed Japan. Could have killed everyone in south east Asia, could have invaded Australia (which they had parts of northern Australia on maps before Europeans ever found it).
No all people are like you, not all people find a new land and think automatically to genocide the people. Sorry that you don't understand this, you are so immoral that you cannot fathom or imagine morals or being humane to people. Which is typical.
Go kill another 200 million Africans and try to wipe out Jews and bomb cities and peoples neighbourhoods. Enjoy your last days, because this is the only true genocide justified in history. The genocide of you evil psychopath piece of destructive shit.
Logan Martinez
You can't accept the figures of both the declining birth rate and white babies becoming a minority of new babies born. The white demographic has blatantly shrunk over time as well.
But it's good if you tell yourself none of this is happening, this makes it even better for us. Tell yourself the sweet little nothings that you need to hear, you psychopaths are very good at ignoring facts and living in a fantasy.