God's hand?
God's hand?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gingers are an embarrassment to white people.
That's a good wingman
>orange man bad
>christians bad
>christian voters of orange man must be punched because nazis™
You can see the second his AI crashes and he reverts to a wandering walk animation with no purpose.
Based christ-fag.
You can wax on, wax off all you like. I'm still kicking your ass.
I've left church and all, but I really do believe in good people. I also believe aliens made us. Upgraded from niggers.
Then who made aliens?
I believe white people are from outer space and I pray every day that our mothership comes and takes us home
Beta blocker.
Other aliens. Also, it's turtles all the way down to more turtles.
>chad trump supporter vs virgin butterball antifa
Protecting with one hand.
Preventing with the other.
the guy on the left literally saved the kid from getting beaten to pulp
>tfw we will never get another game like it
Easier to believe that we became this way on our own. Same with building the pyramids without ancient aliens.
Try this my dude.
Holy shit, doesn't becoming a christian give you superpowers??
How do i signup again?
Might be a bit hard to see with the motion blur, but you can see the guys face ripple when he gets clocked.
I honestly did not know you could catch a punch IRL. Just thought it was movie bullshit.
what a chad
the kid isn't even worth laying out
Can someone give me a quick rundown? Who's antifa and who's Proud boys? I'm genuinely surprised that 98lbs Zach would even try something that dumb.
Yeah, that's why I'm partial to the randall carlson stuff
Original Space Force
Have a (you)
Do you really have to ask?
Oh you..
I like how his sun glasses went sailing off.
It's easier from an angle, but yeah it's a perfectly fine move in combat. Obv. that guy executed it to perfection though.
Parrying is also regarded as shit tier but I've found it effective.
Best to make the guy miss though.
>halllllllllllp hallllllllllllllp halllllllllllllp
The guy who caught it didn't even look mad.
The dude that threw the punch should feel embarrassed, if he had landed it, he'd have gotten slammed to the floor, he looks like he weighs 120.
You know there are these kind of redheads and then the higher bred ones. These ones look like they have been getting drunk and interbreeding for millenniums.
This made me kek.
That is one powerful man
and it takes even that much more strength to show restraint in heated situations like that
That grin at the end lol. "I got you fucker, better luck next time."
here is my reaction to the comments in this thread:
wow nice reaction time lol
haha trump is so based
this haha!
NPC meme is so based lmao
wow he looks dumb
I don't think he's a fag
what anime is this from?
aliens are scary bro
probably other aliens or god
that would be cool KEK
lmao sweet pun
i liek turtles xD
cool video
woah that was BASED
haha CARL from ATHF so funny
the pyramids were built by slaves
haha no thanks
nice reaction pic saved!
you're kung fu is not strong enough lol
antifa is the jews new fag
whose that?
can I have one too?
ask what?
cool dog
>You can see the second his AI crashes and he reverts to a wandering walk animation with no purpose.
you described that so well i made the comparison right away in my head
>and it takes even that much more strength to show restraint in heated situations like that
If you watch the whole video, it's just a little kid trying to look badass in front of his skater friends.
It doesn't give you super powers but God loves you and that is better than any super power imaginable! It also doesn't mean we have to let White people and their places suffer from what others do!
Christ Cuck 10/14/2018
the fuck is wrong with you you autist?
>"what is wrong with you"
I wonder?
No cure
I care!
No! Who's who IN THE VIDEO!
those fuggn shoes need to chill TF out they're losing control from all this laughter
Thanks Joe Rogan
link to the yt video? I want to hear what he's saying
The pointing finger on his shirt makes it so much better. I wonder if that's his signature.
All crisis actors will suffer in Hell for eternity.
those faces are gold
ginger spotted
this is the most insane reaction ive ever seen on the internet. the combination of speed, timing and accuracy is off the charts.
>A leaf.
Reminds me of the sims when they’re given nothing to do.
This NPC should be thankful he displayed how much of a weakling he is, if he was a threat he would’ve got his ass kicked.
His smile made me smile.
no reCaptcha made me smile again
link to full video
Autism is a hell of a condition
>literally doing the gesture that's on his shirt
based and sinpilled
Dude threw a 20% right hook and still knocked that faggot out cold
Turned him into a vegetable.
i think it was his head bouncing off the pavement that did that.
wtf is that thing?
i love how afraid the women looks after seeing that
you're in the wrong place, sweaty
Now that. Is a shiteating grin
It was more like "oh no no you didn't really just try that did you, little boy? Don't ever do that again"
Holy shit, npc meme is real. Trump needs to unify the empire so we can take the fight to the (((Thalmor)))
Hahaha just like in my animes
asking the real questions
Yep this is going in my BASED compilation
See how the guy looked down and the faggot went for the sucker punch? DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE SUCKER PUNCHED.
If you are EVER in an argument with another man, you keep your fucking eyes on him. NEVER LOOK AWAY. EVER.
Cowards will take that opportunity to sock you as hard as they can if they see that kind of opening. I've had it happen to myself twice before my dumb ass learned my lesson.
Many men, in fact, MOST are fucking cowards who will not hit you if you are looking at them. But the second you turn away, or look away, here it comes.
You'll notice the little faggot here didn't keep throwing punches once men were looking at him.
DO NOT LOOK AWAY. EVER. If you're going to walk away, walk away backwards facing the guy. Do not turn your back. Do not look away. Ever.
Holy fuck this is based.
That guy is pure alpha.
lvl100 cultural marxist
Are these guys Western Baptist or just some utra religious dudes? What ever happened to those crazy mofos or were they just a CIA psyop?
What's next step boys, we gonna kill some antifas or no? (Don't seriously reply to that, that's probably illegal. Just think about it)
If they start throwing punches after it was us who won the discussion so hard they had to censor us from the internet, I think its only fair we begin returning the favor.
>Christians using the NPC meme
The irony.
The best part is that he completely stopped this little guy's assault then sat there and laughed at him. The manlet didnt even know what to do, he just walks off.
Had to be God. Too much symbolism to be accidental. I mean really, a finger on the shirt, an accusation combined with smile of restraint. And then the repent sinner warning preceding the future Hell awaiting both.
God showed up, he doesn't pick sides. He loves and pities all of us. He knows we are tricked and deceived by great powers. But when He wants, He can truly amaze. I hope maybe the young antifa bro will abandon the path of Babylonian blood sacrifice unto oligarchs.
Has Beta McSuckerpunch been ID'ed yet?
umm thats just a white dude stopping another white (wimpy) dude. nothing to see here...move along
Why do you think (((they))) have been so quick to throw up these 5G towers?
God's plan
Why haven't we doxxed the cuck, yet? That was assault even if he got blocked.
>>orange man bad
>>christians bad
>>christian voters of orange man must be punched because nazis™
>You can see the second his AI crashes and he reverts to a wandering walk animation with no purpose.
They have no better programming than a GTA3 NPC