Ask a nazi anything

Ask a nazi anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hail The Golden One

It’s varg dude

Why don't you shave?

Why do you look ill?

Omg not fucking again

Do you feel emasculated by the Aryan Brotherhood?

I shave every day.

based Finnish AIDS nazi

do you eat food

I don't like prison gangs, but I'm a racist, so I guess I'd cope with them.

o dios mio finns were a mistake

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Your face isn't symmetrical enough to be pure blood , sub-human mixing is very apparent
You will be sterilized when the white armies take over

Because I am?

Show us your book.

Eat shit faggot.

Why do neo nazis always look like genetic failures. Wheres the stand up model citizen aryans at.

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Your trying is lame.

god ur hot id be ur buttslave

eipä ollu

Why do you look like a nazi?

You look skinny for an alcoholic. I'm a heavy drinker too and booze made me gain like 30 pounds.

What do you think about the irony of hitler and the "pure blood"

You look like Ulillillia with aids.

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It's an perfection. There is none, but we must all became as close as possible.

Do you love Brazil?

Someone didn't read mein kampf, or the eugenics studies the NAZI's did in the 30's

You are no nazi

kek no idea who that is but accurate at based on ur pic

nigga you aint no nazi

I saw this same inbred-looking user in an "I'm a pagan, AMA" thread. Sage and KYS nobody gives a fuck about your dumb opinions.

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My Mein Kampf ins from '39... Yours?

Nigga you're a nigga.

Finns are the least inbred people in Europe.

He's like Chris-chan but far more autistic and far less cringe-inducing.

youre giving OP way too much cred, he looks more like an inbred alcohol fetal born Varg, whose coping with an incel problem. kek

Seriously ,the eugenicists of the 1930 came to the conclusion that if a person was pure blooded their face would be symmetrical, that it was race-mixing that caused a mixed races face not to be symmetrical
Look into it, fake Nazi

>he looks like
>he is like

I'm very pure blood.

>That nail cancer
You should be gassed.

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Race didn't matter, it was purity of blood,pure blooded niggers in Africa have a more symmetrical face than OP .
The reason for this is bone structure, when you mix race, you are mixing and batching bones formations, this leaves gaps and deformities that make the face no symmetrical . Very easy to spot a mixed race individual

You can't be, your face isn't symmetrical, you are sharing bone structures from races that weren't compatible with each others bone structures

Nasty half-breed, go be a fake nazi somewhere else

I'm half Jewish. My fiancee is Indian. I don't have any nepotistic connections. I want a traditional family. I care about fitness and nature, and I'm probably going to work in either a nonprofit or as an environmentalist. I'm totally anti-drug, and I generally don't drink, though I do like good wine and beer now and then. I like reading philosophy, especially Zen. I do like travel.

I genuinely don't understand why you hate me. I wouldn't hate you, and if I met you and didn't know your ideology then I'd probably want to befriend you.

But it doesn't matter, you aren't a Nazi, you'd of known that
You are some Jewish shill, trolling Jow Forums and spamming this thread every hour on the hour for the past few hours

How fast can run 1.5km?

Jews killec christ, reson enough.

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He was a Jew, and so were all his disciples.
This vid is why.
I hate you for what your jewish brethren have done to our society.

How is your relationship with your parents?

Germany and Japan both have robust porn industries. Jews aren't responsible for those. We haven't done shit.

>We haven't done shit.
The fucking audacity.

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You're an idiot.

Don't feel bad, I don't hate your kind

Christ was Christian. It's why jews are still jews, killed the messiah and refused to follow him.
Pray for forgiveness user, stop being a Jew.

Haven't tested since army.

Good. My father has a swastika flying on his wall.

you look like a cross between a nigger and caveman.

At least make your own memes, that one's some tired shit from peddit

I think you got something mixed up there, champ.

I'm a centrist, i don't hate you.

Sure thing man

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Argentina isn't white

>soulless stare
>obvious incel

color me shocked, the nazi retard is a total failure

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do you sleep in a fucking bin or what mate

Hi sage.

Jesus what a disgrace. Don't ever identify with my party again, no fully grown, mature, self respecting man has that gay ass hair and covers his face with hair. Clean yourself up you faggot, go shave

why dont you get a proper nazi haircut?


I'm ethnically half-Ashkenazi. I've never religiously identified as a Jew. I've gotten into Zen meditation, and I've looked a bit into Quakerism, but that's about it for religion for me.

Proud neanderthal.

I haven't cut my hair since my army service.