Alpho O'Rourke Skateboards into Rally

This sure takes the fuel out of those Cruzmissiles. Cool dude has my vote!

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Nobody here is going to be swayed by this you fucking retard.

This user understands.
Fuck that spoogehunter.

It swayed me

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This November, it's Beto vs beta. Will Texas make the right decision?

Whoa now I want open borders and am willing to hand over my Assault Rifle 47s. Thanks skaterbro.

But you’re a paid shill

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seeing that skateboard riding hip cool guy makes me want to vote democrat haha blue wave rising right guys? im turning in all my scary full-semi automatic death machines and switching my news to cnn nyt wapo huffpo guardian et al. while im at it a reddit account couldn't hurt right (we did it reddit!) skateboarding is cool

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unironically this

who the fuck skateboards in BOOTS?

literally the american Trudeau

wtf I love white genocide now

Beta O'Rourke is a massive fucking faggot and liar. He also is a burglar, a drunk driver, and a hit and runner.

well memed

check yourself comrade

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Beto not even he’s real name it’s Robert “flee the scene” O’Rourke

> Robert Francis vs. Rafael Cruz

If the spics even bother turning up to the ballot box, who are the spics really going to vote for?

lmao just found out Ted Cruz only naturalised as a US citizen. His birth citizenship is leaf.

this is so unbelievably cringy

Screen shot or it didn’t happen leaf

lmao what the fuck

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Beto O’Dorke


Why a skateboard? Is he license still suspended?

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>not wearing a helmet
Pretty sure he can't do that.. He should withdraw his candidacy.

Pretty desperate, no wonder he's like 7 points behind Milk Toast Cruz. Trump declared that he'll be campaigning for Cruz, I can't wait to see what Beto will do then.

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can't even commit a crime, how can we trust him in the senate

is he 12?

tens of millions of Soros-bucks poured into this wannabe mexicant now and this is the best he can come up with

hahaha fucker is gonna get whacked

He's trying to pull a Romney. Pretending to just be one of the guys, a real down-home type of dude anyone should want to elect!

Which, incidentally, didn't work for Romney either.

deserves recognition

38 million between Soros and the Hollyweird kikes.

Bretty good

bet he cant even ollie. fucking posers

muh Texans

The absolute mad man!

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faggot should run and hide in Nepal or something, this isn’t gonna end well

>1 post by this ID

cringe. fuck off you carpet bagging idiot.

what an asshat

Cruz had dual Canadian-American citizenship, he applied to formally renounce his Canadian citizenship and ceased being a citizen of Canada - nice try shill

He must be from the Cruz camp fishing for free attack memes.

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>DIY skater punk rock scene

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That absolute madman

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"DIY" lmao even worse than skateboarding.

Going to enjoy watching him lose by double digits desu.

Dems need to be encouraged to pump more money into this hopeless cause.

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ur still a nigger and will always be

america of niggers


Wow! This dude is totally rad! Gnarly man.

lmfao poser faggot. Imagine falling for this shit

Skating in those shoes? He wouldn't last 5 minutes


I’ve been tripping pipe for the last 13 hours, my body feels 30 years older than it did this morning and now I’ve maimed myself from laughing until i cried. What is this faggot even doing?

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wat lmao.

Enough of this fake skateboarding faggot. Dude is a fucking degenerate criminal.

take this black hot woman as gratitude
>don't respond to 1 postters

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>skateboards in 2018

these gainz will trickle down to my legs

>skater “DIY” attitude
This is a fucking lie
For years now (((skating))) has become least punk, most capitalist NPC-tier hobbies now

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Call me swayed. This dude gets it. I'm voting straight BLUE! No offense to people who don't identify as "straight". One world, One race, One love.

Is there anything as fucking cringe-worthy as politicians using meme transportation methods?

>I'm going to show up on a horse!
>I'm going to show up on a harley!
>I'm going to show up on a skateboard!

Just fuck off.

The guy looks like Anthony Weiner. Is he a crypto jew?

By the way what's up with all the niggers I see skate-boarding now? Like not even the token oreos I remember from when I was younger that emulated white skater culture, but straight up hoodrat looking niggers with skateboards.

Part of me feels like it's a scheme to hookup with white chicks.

Native Texan here and I’m voting Beto!

Don't forget to stay in your fucking containment city faggot

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Imagine being this much of a newfag

No wonder you retards think shills are endemic

> being this openly proud of your stupidity

Registered to vote just to get Cruz out of office. I fucking hate that rat, he's not even a Texan.

if he woulda rode in doin a nose manual i might give a shit

You can't skateboard your way out of a fucking DUI you retard

My dude. Exactly what I thought when I saw that cornball roll out.

"cool dude" runs with people who want to take away your ability to speak your mind, rob you of your labors to feed, clothe, and house people who don't want to work, remove your ability to defend yourself against criminals, tell little children to cut off their genitals, and sell the US to the UN and China.

Native Texan here, ask me why I'm voting for Beto.

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the Chad zodiac killer vs the virgin bart simpson

npc hipster

Teenage acting retarded Democrat
Teenage acting retarded Democrat
Geezer with a DUI and burglary charge

But he sk8tes bro.

Democrats require illegal immigration and voter fraud to win elections. If they actually gained some morals and values they wouldn't require that to win elections. But if they got morals and values they could no longer promote forced immigration to remove whites and replace them with low IQ sheep.


Needs a 'how do you do fellow Hispanics' edit.

Wow, I'm a #CruzMissile now

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>native Texan
go back to cali faggot

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One World
One Race
One Love

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>In 1991, the 19-year-old O’Rourke reviewed the Broadway musical “The Will Rogers Follies” for the Columbia Daily Spectator, the university’s student newspaper. Writing under the byline Robert O’Rourke, he panned the performance as “one of the most glaring examples of the sickening excesses and moral degradations of our culture.”

>He went on to bemoan the bevy of “perma-smile actresses whose only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”

Some more lefty hypocrisy.

>Dude Bro He skates!
>ya wanna hit this?
>did you see what he just did? sheeeeiiiittt
>he'll definitely be able to run a government with those skills!
>I heard his screenname is Ollie420 on PSN so I'll make sure to friend him.
>but first I have to cut off my dick

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Is that why voter turnout is so low? In Texas it's the lowest across the country, especially for midterm elections. Are you saying the only people who turnout in midterm and small elections are doing so fraudulently, or by some mass-signed illegal immigrants bused in from Venuzuela? If that were true, why are Republicans winning all the elections?

Jesus what a retard

American Trudelliban.

Did anyone else think this was a video about some random idiot accidentally skating in to a race car track and getting killed?

now this is epic