Jim Stream: Get in here lads!


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>over 18,000 viewers
We must stop this guy. He is seriously grooming people to toxic & BAD IDEAS right now.

He got BTFO by Sargon, Metokur is in full damage control right now

>mr reddotur

Meh, no thanks OP.

take this camwhoring shit to /soc/

I hope I can join gamergate 2.0 and make some money off this too.

child no

but fuck whatever faggot made this thread

Fuck off Jim. Stop shilling your shit. I'll watch your stream when I goddamn feel like.

If sargon has a smug chuckle whats jims called? Groomer chortle? You guys know what im talking about when he does it.

I was also hoping for a betterhealth stream than more furry and sargon drama.

What's the contest?

Donga fanart in front of a computer

u wut nigger?

Every single youtuber is doing a bettershill video atm, do you really need Jim to tell you that Philly D is a fag?

It's a Camel cackle.

This goi has his head firmly wedged up his own ass

Any time (((they))) get exposed for shekle farming is good but i see your point cunt

I think Jim is a sociopath


Jim gets fisted by Somalians.

UK is burning and radical right winger Sargon wants Gamergate. Bongs are fucked.

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You can sort of tell when he gets super pissed. The coach red pille saying his work was sub par is a good example.

Find out something interesting about Trafficking Networks:

>Jim doing a twitter recap

have they figured out how to get trump to tweet about gamergate yet

If he was a sociopath he wouldn't get so upset by people abusing or raping children or animals.
He's got antisocial tendencies (as do most in this area of the internet), but he doesn't seem to exhibit full blown sociopathy.

Attack him on a live stream and observe.

This but unironically.

Sociopaths can still care about that to some degree.

>He's got antisocial tendencies

>Jade is liberal asian redditor
>takes the dick of Jim
>Jade starts browsing Jow Forums
>she becomes a Hitlerist white supremacist
So, is that the power of /pole/?

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Jim 'sign me up' Metokur

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Jim would never attack the masons he knows where his bread is buttered

Jim's Bully Cabal pls go

metoker is a fucking faggot.


all his shit is limited hangout shit i can't see why people don't see that

this guy is a rude dude
>i dont like him

>tfw groomed by Jim and was forced to join his bully cabal.

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Jim bullied confirmed

used to be, in 2011-2014
hard to belief it still works like that.

zoomer groomer

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Im not jim you faggot. I love how you morons think OP is always the guy in the stream or video being posted. shows how fucking retarded you are.

Mister "The Zoomer Groomer Boomer" Metokur

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Plz no bully me Sweety Squad, i'm a fragile good boy

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Jim is too cool for school

This furry shit is boring but free bux so i understand

We NEED to stop the bully cabal known as the sweetie squad immediately

Which one is better guys?


>after the liberalists we are next
How do we save ourselves from kiwifarms?

This furry shit is getting boring. Its like beating a dead horse for 15 years straight.

Not Jow Forums related.
Take this to /cow.

What is 4chans view on the farms anyway? do we all hate them? or are they friens?

why does nobody talk about pizza anymore?
did jim talk about pizza?

fuck off faggot. its political

They are autistic retards who do their own autistic retard shit while chans do their own.

Dont know what it is to be frank

We won't be laughing when we're in their spotlight
Farms is a centre-left doxxing server that will eventually have a thread for every youtuber or twitter account that has existed or will exist

We like them. They got most of the retards who follow other autistic retards like uillilia and cwc to fuck off.

>We like them
No /leftypol/, we don't.

Sort of mentioned it when this months furry topic happened. Called them lgbt jewish furries than dropped it to be safe for streaming.

>Attack someone
>"Wow guys! He's hitting me back wtf?"
Dead Air D, is that you?

It does, bucko. Just did it to my Thai waifu gf

Jim sounds like a chink

Yea butt crp criticized him for a dumb reason and i felt jims seething.

Its just a clip show of The Kill Stream. I've already heard all this stuff.

One thing i gotta ask since Jim always dodges that question, is he really 40 years old? Because he sounds pretty young.

Jim is a total faggot who stopped being entertaining when he stopped doing the TGWTG series.

What have you done for me lately? Nothing. You’re just the mirror image of sargon, neither one of you have any self awareness, but you wage this idiotic internet war, and drag it all the way here, as if it’s relevant.

Fuck off, ecelebs will never matter in the long run. Your only value is watching other people tear you down.

>Jim just reads straight from kiwifarms or replays killstream
Really? Thank you Captain Obvious.

that doesn't count

I'd guess based off of jim81jim. If you assume 81 is 1981 birth year, it adds up.

Killstream kinda tame now too that they avoid certain topics afraid of the stream being demontized

>t. furfag in need of a good dose of gas

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Hint Jim81Jim

friendly reminder that furrys are white too

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The Quick Rundown of the century!!

>The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory

>Some NPC's can be saved


He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))


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Trout pls

Nope. gas.

Furries aren't human so them being white doesn't matter

Who is this and why do i care?

pic related its you

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Sargon of Onions's chuckle haunts me in my nightmares.

You're retarded, Metokur uses kiwi and others to make videos to laugh at people.
He attacked SJWS
He attacked Tumblr
He attacked DeviantArt
He attacked Furries
He is attacking the Rationalists/Skeptics/Liberalists/GamerGate 2.0
He will attack the Alt-Right
He will attack Jow Forums
Don't associate a desire for reform, defeating evil or political leanings onto Metokur. He just wants to see everything burn.
There are retards in pol that think he is our friend. No he's a wolf around retarded sheep that keep falling for him, and you're the sheep.

Yiff in hell.

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Furries are disgusting degenerates

It was also because CRP just did it out of nowhere immeditly after he got BTFO and called out for being an opportunist. I dont think Jim actually cared he was just more confused and trying to figure out why he'd play that card after getting called out for doing exactly what he just did. CRP starts shit just because he wants attention, that's his entire career's lifeblood, Jim was not wrong in pointing out that stance.

Yea but what do you call jims chuckle?

Assuming his fans aren't just looking for entertainment.

Do sociopaths forum a little bully cabal or are they just broken normals following a sociopath cult leader around

He is a little low effort now. All he does is recaps of stream fights with retards.

I need a rundown; is Metokur actually sick and if so from what? Like, does he have cancer or something?

The choke

>Jim is a newfag

That's why I said Jow Forums user. They think he's /OURGUY/ and literally pulling a sargon "You should have been the leader of GG" etc

I did notice kiwi farms is ran like a huge safe space by the owner. any small thing can get you instantlly banned by the retarded furfag mods. yes a majority of the mods are fur fags.

Pic related is one of the furfag admins at kiwi farms.

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He's from kiwifarms
For the kiwi 'elite' it's literally resetera tier, but that's jims main audience

hey Jim

>sargons on drugs

Andy is a super coke head if thats true

>A furfag AND a diaperfag


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