White gentile women racemix the least

The data from okcupid shows that most white women doesn't racemix. So why are (((people))) pushing the meme that white women are race traitors? Daily reminder.


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Old data

Go to a fucking college bar

and fucking say the same thing







they normally don't for marriage, but do when partying or in college.

Sorry to burst your cuck fantasies. Even most college roasties don't touch blacks. Sure if you ask if they are willing they will of course say yes. Most never actually do though.

go outside whit guys have a way easier time dating

The data specifically says MARRIED. White roasties still let Tyrone and his homies run a train on her at college parties.

>OP talks about whyte wimmin racemixing the least
>LITERALLY the gif he uploaded the post with is a woman who is a racemixer

I don't have a single woman on either side of my family thats ever fucked a nonwhite man. this includes my moms very liberal side. it's not common at all.

This guy knows what he's talking about


White men race mix more than women, from my observation.

yep. yella fever.

I don't know man, my mom is white and my dad is black. I'm dating a white woman. I have three black friends dating white women. Maybe the data you have is reflecting the mindset of the 30+ crowd? I've never met another 20 something who used okcupid, but that was the first place my buddies parents went when they divorced

Sorry, it’s just too good.


The delusion is real

>be nigger
>laid never ever
>overcompensate in all things including online shitposting
heard it all before
meanwhile I had my dick sucked more times in high school, than most niggers will in their whole life

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I know. It was some bait.

Well I certainly trust anecdotal evidence over statistics.

white incels dont even understand normal not lefties non whites would take any white guy over 4.5
and blacks dont even register with normal white girls

>Go to a fucking college bar
Well there is your problem right there, they are lying to sound virtuous, and within the college tribal system. But when it comes to actually burning the coal is altogether different.


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There are more Whites in the US so a smaller percentage of them will race mix anyway.

We know why (((they))) are pushing it, combination of them wanting cheap third world labor for corporations and apathy towards the survival of their host people.

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can someone confirm if pic related is accurate

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Terribly inaccurate
10% of white moms are actively giving birth to white babies at any given time? give me a break. They have to wait 9 months between each one

OKCupid and other (((dating sites))) have come out and said they're going to force people to racemix.

I see it all the time, but I live in Commifornia. But to be honest, the most I see is white male/Asian female.

>So why are (((people))) pushing the meme that white women are race traitors?

They also have to pay white women more money to sleep with niggers in porn.

Not even the sluttiest of our women want to touch them unless they are payed "danger" money.

Every woman on the planet knows the Aryan man is the absolute highest achievement she can get. Only shit tier white women are race traitors, because they can't get a good white man. Same goes for while male race traitors, they're always incels who can't get a white woman. We're not losing anything good from our gene pool when these people racemix.

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>not knowing how to read English
>being a retard

pick 2

The issue is the media pushes it non-stop as genocidal propaganda.
Dumb roastie sluts are easy impressionable and feed the entire made up narrative.

then you have actual paid shills promoting it.

He real issue is why do white women not speak out against it? Of course the answer is they cant.
They get silenced by the anti-white pc censors.

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It's precisely BECAUSE white women are so resistant to miscegenation that there is so much propaganda being made to promote it.

Propaganda does not reflect current realities, it's about desired realities.

anecdotal but the only white women i've ever seen with a nigger was doing it for attention

How old are you? I haven’t seen anyone say +1 since I was in highschool in the mid 00’s

White women are mostly feminist so are susceptible to it not resistant.
Thats why its being spammed.

Only Califags and rape victims race mix

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Any collected statistics show whites racemix the least, assblasted minorities only have unfalsifiable anecdotal "IN MY CITY EVERY WHITE WOMAN IS WITH A BLACK GUY BRO" to fall back on

Pretty convinced its spammed by rejected porn addict poojeets

i've literally only seen two white women race mix with a black man, and i KNEW one of them, the other couple were strangers.

i mean i can't base a generalization on my personal experience but it just so happens that my experience fits up with the "Data" i see on this site .

I want to strangle you with your own intestines you fucking mutt

To add to this. It is always - without fail - a blonde woman that racemixes. And they're either fat and ugly or a bimbo. There's no in between.

stop letting whitey take your women, stop masturbating to 3d chicks and get a wife

your parents are disgusting.

White men are more successful and less bullshit.

>college bars
who cares about thots riding the cock carousel?

So, JAPs?

You a crack den baby?

>wanting to bang an asian woman
have fun with your Hapa retard baby

He's agreeing that Asians are just too good to pass up - he's a white guy in Japan.

Why aren't you on 2ch, white guy?

Yes - I flew back from 'commiefornia' as you say, once, and /in the seats all around me/ were white guy / Asian girl couples.

white women are the most over privileged virtue signallers on the planet

whats new?

White women are literal goddesses, but they needs gods to lead them


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Correct. White women do not like other races generally.

You deserve a rope and a branch

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Fuck off jidf

Fair enough, they race mix the least when they marry.
HOWEVER, White women hook-up and "race mix" with Blacks/Hispanics ALL the time.

I think white women, as fallen as they are in almost every other way, still tend to want to date white men. If you ask them about it, 9 out of 10 will tell you they’re open to dating outside their race, but it takes a very certain type to actually follow through.

I live in Southern California and even here, race mixing isn’t as common as you might be led to believe. When it does happen, tends to be with Hispanics, goes for men and women.

The fact that they have to says it all. Remember that okcupid users are the bottom tier of women. If even they aren’t dipping into the lesser races you can bet any women of quality are not.

Nice try Jew, a wet hole shouldn't be the motivating factor in your life and it should never be your ultimate goal

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i love blacking white girls, the saying is true once they go black they NEVER go back

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The problem is when the rubber hits the road. Women will talk all day about being open to other races but when they think about actually getting close with them things change quickly.


This guy knows what's up/
Why take OK Cupid's word for it with their millions upon millions of data points?
Go to a bar and gather some anecdotal evidence from a minuscule sample.

Silicon valley is the only area where this is plausible

Jewish women do but white women aren’t into beastiality

They never go back home because they get kicked out!

Once you go black, we don't want you back

My wife is from slovenia, she and all of her european family and friends absolutely disdain niggers.
That quote from superbad the cop says about never meet a chick at bar because they're all whores always stuck with me.

Dna testing has demonstrated that this has been the case in the USA for hundreds of years. All of the significant race mixing occurred in the colonial days - white men bleaching. It’s remarkably consistent. (((They))) do not report this widely but the information is out there.

Jow Forums is full of basement dwellers who never leave the house and whose only exposure to society is through the jewed media that pushes race mixing
also shills and liberal trolls trying to demoralize the racists here by taunting them with the bbc meme

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What moron chose those colors?

>My wife is from slovenia
Trump is IN this thread, right now guys.

Barack, is that you?

Except feminism in America was almost exclusively white for decades. Black women had to create their separate parallel movement. This was something academic feminists had to address in the 70s - 90s, leading up to third wave feminism and Intersectionality, the core of modern identity politics.

I would argue most white women are still 2nd wave feminists at heart. Their concerns are the concerns of the white majority, they have little concern for blacks or others not of their class. They'll happily welcome any black women who join their cause, but they basically never bother with the specific concerns faced by black women in matters of race.

would be amazing if this had footnotes with sources at the bottom for SJW to try and rebuff and then ultimately get redpilled by.

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>literal goddesses
Stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

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