White Lives Matter

>18 unarmed whites killed by cops
>13 unarmed blacks killed by cops
>4 unarmed hispanics killed by cops

Why do only the black ones matter?

If they want to reform policing shouldn’t they include the other groups? If more people share your plight they’ll have an incentive to enact change.

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18 > 13, so they have it worst.

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>Why do only the black ones matter?
They don't

That was one of the first things that redpilled me. Black Lives Matter was purportedly about stopping police brutality, but they focused on the racial aspect and on black victims only. They were explicitly focused on race and racial dynamics more so than actual justice for victims of police brutality. If the movement were called End Police Brutality I could support it, black people aren't the only people who suffer from police brutality and it should not be a racially exclusive issue.

White people are kind to animals. It's just in their nature.
Look at all of the leadership and hell, even the majority of the membership of these anti-animal abuse groups.
More whites than a Klan rally.
There is something deep within whites that upsets when helpless animals are being killed/hurt.
That's why these same people that get upset when animals are being abused get upset when blacks are being abused.
They don't see blacks as people. They regard blacks as helpless animals. That's why all the outrage.

As for the whites that get killed by cops, they should know better. They have all the tools to not get killed by police.

In it's own little way, the lack of outrage for cops killing whites is actually a compliment.

That's more black per population

>lack of outrage for cops killing whites is actually a compliment
For whites or cops?

For whites. Read my previous post.

Niggers are inferior....

Kind to niggers? Niggers are animals, not people.

why do any of them matter

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>Niggers are animals, not people
Which is more or less what I said.

So, proportionately, if whites were 14% of the population likes blacks there would be none killed by cops?

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>Per capita matters, until it becomes inconvenient

What I like to bring up to shitlibs is the massive gender imbalance here. Why do men get killed by police at ~20 times the rate that women do? They use the same kind of imbalance as proof of "systemic racism", so does the criminal justice system have "systemic sexism" against men? They then go to the fact that men are involved in more violent altercations with police, to which I can reply that so are niggers.

Why would you talk about this in absolute numbers and not per capita?

You'd have a point if blacks were ~35% of the population.

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Got no problem with what you said there.
but not all Blacks are violent and treating law abiding citizens as criminal because 'someone who looked like you just done summat wrong' is racist crap.
Every male Swede I have met has been a complete penis but I don't think they are all nobs, yet. I just think I haven't met a nice one yet.
I live in hope

Just a copypasta:

Men are 97% of combat fatalities.

Men pay 97% of Alimony

Men make up 94% of work suicides.

Men make up 93% of work fatalities.

Men make up 81% of all war deaths.

Men lose custody in 84% of divorces.

80% of all suicides are men.

77% of homicide victims are men.

89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.

Men are over twice as victimized by strangers as women.

Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.

Men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.

Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.

Males are discriminated against in school and universities.

Boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls.

60-80% of the homeless are men.

Women's cancers receive 15 times more funding than men's.

Men are presumed the aggressor in almost all cases of domestic violence even though the split in heterosexual couples is almost 50/50. (Domestic violence is highest among lesbian couples)

At least 10% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud.

One third of all fathers in the USA have lost custody of children; most are expected to pay for this.

You won’t get anywhere with that apologetic defensive bullshit

The message should be ONLY WHITE lives matter, nonwhite DONT

Don’t try to even appeal to the lemmings

fuck off back to your shithole, subhuman coon

niggers are not supposed to be our nations to begin with and treating them like rats via some good ol institutional hammer is the best we can do

So your advice is to be a useful idiot for the left? Damn, that's some deep, 4D chess right there.

Because blacks commit 52% of murders each year despite being just 13% of the population; and this causes niggers to claim that per capita is rayciss.

My advice is to further radicalise Whites capable of violence to begin with. Think Bessonette, Breivik, football hooligans etc
>muh left
lmao, begone brainlet. wing dichotomy is not even real in 2018

Come on user. Men commit violent crimes at about 9 - 10 times the rate women do. Niggers commit violent crimes at about 9 - 10 times the rate that whites do. If you can accept that cops are harsher with men than with women, you should be able to accept that they are also justified in treating niggers more harshly. It's not because "someone who looked like you just done summat wrong", it's because blacks are genetically more predisposed to violence and have lower impulse control.

You can't radicalize people by using arguments outside their current Overton windows. So ask yourself if more than a tiny fringe minority of whites is ready to hear that kind of message? If not, you're only putting up a gate to keep them out.
Actually no, you're doing something even worse. You're giving the left an argument to justify their lunacy. You're giving them the real deal. A full fledged actual Nazi to point and proclaim "see, we're NOT insane!"
Do you not understand that the public's perception of the left's madness is the path to victory?

>outside their current Overton windows
Potential “extremists“ worthy of note don’t have those NPC tier limitations to begin within

>path to victory
lmao, like what? “ common sense “ multiracial society where it is not legal for trans subhumans to brainwash kids? We already have Russia for that

I believe in a violent purge and IRA methods

> like what? “ common sense “
Yeah, that's pretty much dead at this point. Whatever post-conflict society emerges will need it back
Like it or not, the views of the public matter. It's the views of the public that are keeping Hungary Hungarian right now.

% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.
source? how the fuck is this one even close to true, youre saying that out on the street, 9 out of 10 guys have been assaulted or robbed?


Missed the part where it's a copy pasta? I dunno the sources, though I've read similar things for most of these.

Public doesn’t matter. You can literally terrorise them into submission. In fact, they are always eager to accept their rulers as long as comfort and entertainment are provided

>keeping Hungary Hungarian
70% Hungarian and decreasing

In case you didn’t know Orban is a subhuman gypsoid himself. Every second store, kebab shop is owned by some mulatto arab or levantine rat.

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If I accept your predisposed argument, you are still condemning good people on the actions of some people who happen to look like them.
Prejudice is a good thing, it's what stops me getting mugged at night, it's what helps me not get ripped of by dodgy bastards. Prejudice is good but acting on that prejudice to the extent where you condemn good people (and some are good) that's bullshit and you should recognise it

>fuck off back to your shithole, subhuman coon
I appear to already be in a shithole as I am surrounded my scared little cucks who read too many commando comics growing up and think that zulu was a documentary
>niggers are not supposed to be our nations to begin with and treating them like rats via some good ol institutional hammer is the best we can do
What are you so scared of? And what are you doing to alleviate that fear? Impotence must be an awful feeling.
Where do you live user?

they also have more criminals per capita so i don't know if bringing it up is such a good idea

Hadn't considered the gypsy problem there. Didn't know that about Orban actually.

Still, it's a better situation than what's happening the UK.

>The national flag of Republic of Chad (French: Drapeau du Tchad, Arabic: علم تشاد) is a vertical tricolour consisting (left to right) of a blue, a gold and a red field.[1] Its similarity to the flag of Romania, which differs only in having a lighter shade of blue (cobalt rather than indigo) has caused international discussion. In 2004, Chad asked the United Nations to examine the issue, but then-president of Romania Ion Iliescu announced no change would occur to the flag.[2]

Hungarian is red-white-green you fucking gypsy

I’m not scared of anything, dindu. I’m rightfully angry that our lands are being offered to genetically infeior subhumans like you.

Luckily here in Northern Ireland a lot of armed men do share my sentiment. Let’s see for how long this multiracial madness will last
>it’s a better situation
Yeah Hungary being less Hungarian than Britain is British is fucking perfect

Western boys will react in due time, but Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia should not neglect the ongoing infestation

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>Western boys will react in due time
Counter-pressure is definitely taking root all over, but I think we've got a ways to go before much of anything will happen. Definitely interesting that I see people on the left and the right talking about civil war with various degrees of seriousness

>I’m rightfully angry that our lands are being offered to genetically infeior subhumans
To whom do you refer? How many 'genetically inferior people' does it take to rouse your warrior spirit?

>Luckily here in Northern Ireland a lot of armed men do share my sentiment
Yes that is lucky, you must protect your racial purity and firearms will help you spread violence and fear.

>I’m not scared of anything
I think you are scared your dick isn't big enough to compete with all those genetically inferior subhumans.
Some mothers do 'ave 'em

because you keep using words like black, nigger, niglet, jew, kike, chink

action, reaction.

that's life now deal with it.

>left and right
Are you legitimately being retarded? Muh left =/= anti-White muh right =/= pro-White. If anything in North Americas environmental worker union wing of the Democratic Party have always been a home for the anti-immigration activists until recently
genetically inferior subhumans can be anywhere from 10% to 40% - doesn’t even matter.

What matters is killing the politicians, bankers, corporate leaders and your kids to scare you roaches off.

>your dick isn’t big enough to compete
No comments lmao. Imagine being a literal ape with a gook tier cock.

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That actually probably is per captia, the relevant metric is criminal populace, not society as a whole, since people who aren't doing shit don't tend to have cops called on them.

Violent Crime is about 50/50 with whites and blacks. Blacks commit more crime so as to catch up with whites, so per criminal encounter, it's about equal.

>Why do only the black ones matter?
It fits the narrative filthy goyim

It's disproportionate.

The dick thing was a low blow on my part I shouldn't have brought it up, sorry.

But really though, why are you angry to see people being helped out when the countries they come from are such shitholes?

Be happy for them, swap recipies, obviously don't let your daughter marry one but can't you just get along?

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So is their violence
So is their crime rate
So is their rate of violently resisting arrest

Why wouldn’t it be disproportionate

I don’t like that shit because I stay true to the human nature. Those “people” flee their shitholes because they are incapable of greatness as a group.

We can’t get along and never will. It will ALWAYS be easy to incite racial violence because people are tribal.

As long as Europe remains multiracial, there always will be guys like Breivik and Bessonnette doing the killings. Your parasitic (all nonwhites are parasites including all the MDs and rocket engineers too since they use our infrastructure) kind will never be safe.

no tolerance or charity for the out group whatsoever.

>lets pretend niggers dot bring it on themselves because it isn’t convenient for me



>they are incapable of greatness as a group.
Acts of greatness includes violence against weaker needy people does it?

> It will ALWAYS be easy to incite racial violence because people are tribal.
I agree but which tribe are you?
Whites aren't a tribe, never have been and never will be.
>they use our infrastructure
What infrastructure is this that is 'yours' that the rocket engineers use?