ALL of white people's problems would literally be solved overnight if you just fucking reproduced

ALL of white people's problems would literally be solved overnight if you just fucking reproduced.

This is the last and final redpill. None of you have the balls to take it.

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we were literally, explicitly, and in no uncertain terms told not to for most of our lives. and having kids was made to seem trashy. good job jews/boomers.

>We were told not to!
"Ok, now you know that was wrong, why don't you ignore them?"
>W-well b-because we uh..."

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inertia. that kind of thing sticks with you. and you're barking up the wrong tree if you expect the dejected internet crowd to start having loads of kids.

Got two kids. Working on #3. C'mon man I'm trying.

>High rates of violent crime by non-whites is solved by making more white kids
You must be 18+ to post here

Theres no excuse not to. I'm 5'4" and spent half my life on WoW, taught myself social skills and have a great talking about marriage now.

I know you're larping, but if you're not, good, keep going.

Ok OP I should become a fucking nigger then.
Fuck getting a decent job so that I can provide a good life for my family and be an actual fucking Dad to my kids. No I should pump and dump 15 sluts, never let them no their father other than the ocassional child support check paid for by welfare or a ware house job.
Youre a fucking retard and are worse than a nigger if you want to pull this shit.
Fucking kys you giant fucking faggot op. Go stick your dick in parahnah infested waters

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i'm probably out of the game. late 20s still live at home, no real career prospects, it's over.

I have not yet found a woman that loves me.
When I do, I hope she's white and attractive at my level.
Kids will be had when I'm financially secure.

>If women were barred from the workplace and the voting booth
FTFY. Don't put the cart before the horse, user. Literally everything will take a 180 if woman's influence is confined to the home.

Pero no onions gringo.

correction: It would take all of them to do that, not just the people on this board. So it's not really solved without changing culture.

Wins Jow Forums for the week.

Well without balls it’s hardly our fault if we don’t reproduce is it


There are no white women to fuck!

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if i reproduced, i feel like it would just compound my problems tenfold.

Reproducing won't do anything until the kids are 18 and able to vote.

White women no longer want to settle down and have families at all. They want to fuck hundreds of men, have babies with any of them, and become single mothers relying on the welfare state. Thirsty men are all too happy to play along. There are several things that need to happen to reverse that, including but not limited to:
>no more welfare for single moms
>contraception pill is banned
>abortion is made illegal
>adultery is made illegal
>porn and other media promoting degeneracy is strictly banned
None of which will happen until after the collapse.

>why don't you just stop being indoctrinated

That's not how it works. And even if you do, good luck finding a loyal partner.

Anyway it is impossible for the average family to pay for kids with one parent working, child care is shitty and expensive, and we are taxed to pay for all of the fuckups.

This is not the environment for people that select for having a couple kids and investing in them. Right now we are selecting for fucking moron parasites that don't think thirty seconds into the future and just live off of the free resources the government takes from everyone else at gun point.

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This is clearly a Kike attempting to increase the amount of useful debt slaves so that the system doesn’t collapse.

Forget growing our numbers, rather, we should be lessening their numbers.

>creating a clone of myself i can mold into the perfect yuman been is a problem because im too selfish to give up vidya and masturbation

I'm trying, nigger, it's not easy when you searching for the right eugenics.

OP is right we need to interbreed with niggers and jews to eliminate them.

Get your shit together and date younger women. You're not doomed.

i agree, but feminism has taught most white women not to, many of the rest already have been knocked up by niggers

Make abortion illegal!!!!!!!! Are you fucking with me?

nah mate u'd still be retarded enough to post shit like this

and wonder why ur hated.

Preparing to get married now.
Planning to have have 3.
I'm doing my part.

In America you cannot find a white female unless you make at least 100k a year

I have reproduced, my wife took our child and sued me for custody and support after we hit 3 months of hard times.

Whites are 6% of world population. Never has and is not going to happen.

>ALL of white people's problems would literally be solved overnight if you just fucking reproduced.

you don't think the jews are trying to make sure that doesn't happen, do you?

I have a white baby on the way spring 2018. Unfortunately I didn't find out about it until after I started dating a different girl.

What do Jow Forums

Don’t wait. You’ll never feel secure and time is limited. Speaking from experience.

OK 10 billion retarded degenerative freak whites now born

>well this is now still ok

damn that scene in Skull Island was iconic