So today the Commie Pope canonized the most famous Commie Priest of all time

If you still think the Catholic Church is worth saving after this, user I...

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The Catholic Church is worth saving. The Vatican II sect is doomed.

Good to see another Latin Rite man here

>dude you shouldn't read the bible, only a priest can properly interpret what he wants you to do

how pathetic

Just let christ talk directly to you, like I do

These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory.

Uh sure yeah...

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Why do Catholics deny that Constantine started their church, even when Jesus was referring to himself as the rock?

Jesus called Peter the rock you illiterate shit.

Vatican II is cancer

no user
Jesus referred to Peter as the rock because "Peter" means "rock"

Can they uncannon?

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The other five were OK, but Saints Oscar and Paul IV? Pathetic. Really lowering the bar.

Jesus was referring to himself as the rock. As written throughout the bible. In Dan's dream, the rock destroys the statue made out of the 5 kingdoms on earth. That rock is Jesus; the new heaven and the new earth.

The Church is worth saving now more than ever before. It needs to be purged and these recent events wiped from the records. Just because people are soft now doesn't mean that was the way things should have been.

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Jesus, you cucks are like a battered wife.

How much more abuse can you take before you realize it's the *entire* institution that's the problem?

Jesus meant both m8. They are both the rock. Why do protestants always have such baby exegesis and think God can only convey one meaning at a time?

daily reminder that Jesus was a socialist jew

quick rundown? am not into catholics and don't recognize this guy

the church has had terrible people in its hierarchy before, it's been through shitty stuff before why would this kill it?
daily reminder that socialism was not a fucking concept in biblical times

Peter isn't all knowing or all powerful. God is. There are several bible verses with comparing God to a rock. It doesn't make sense to pray to someone lesser than God anyway. Praying to the dead is necromancy. I'm not a protestant. Also, the government lists bible fundamentalists as ''domestic terrorists''. Catholics are ok by them though. A lot of the feds are Catholics too.

Oscar Romero. Killed by a Guatemalan RWDS in the 80s.

Why has the Church had so, so many terrible leaders and terrible times over hundreds and hundreds of years? Hmm, you'd think the Catholicuck NPCs would've gotten the message by now.


El Salvador

TOO SPOOKY, fuck you!

Up next, Saint Fidel.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised

but we don't pray to the pope, the pope is just the head vicar
nah we basically had a handful of popes that just tried to change the catholic doctrine, coupled with some of the popes that lead the later crusades and were deemed "failures" it was ultimately a number of popes you could count on both hands. Also you're full of shit,
the Catholic Church saved the west from invading muslims

That's how you get snake handlers.

So that’s why NPR was propagandizing today, though it was a step up from their usual schillary

You pray to Peter, and other dead saints, which is necromancy.

>caring about the poor makes you a commie

Fuck off Satan.

>a handful
There were like 15 Popes in the Pornocracy alone. Read your history

>liberation theology isn't heresy
Fuck off materialist

we don't pray to saints
>every pope during this era was in on this
"It would be misleading to portray all, or even most, of the popes of the era as worldly and corrupt. Surviving documents (and there are obvious lacunae) make it clear that many were competent administrators, and skilful diplomats in difficult and dangerous times. Some were even reformers, keen to root out discreditable practices such as simony. Others ordered the rebuilding and restoration of Rome's churches and palaces... Rather, it is the manner of the election of many of them and their symbiotic relationship with the Roman aristocracy that has earned their regime the designation pornocracy.'"

I, too, think liberation theology is a load of bs, but Christ did tell us to give to the poor. Is the reason you are upset because it overemphasizes giving?

St. Michael, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, etc. Should I list the prayers? I won't bring up Mary, because I know you're smarter than that. Newsflash: the dead can't hear you. Your only problem is that you can't swallow your pride.

The saints arn't dead blasphemer.

would agree; i'm a very new catholic and vatican 2.0 is so left-field i have to just ignore it and practice what will help remove it;
which atm is simply never attend a novus ordo;
i assume the next step above that is become an sspx priest; what are my catholic bros thoughts?

He wasn't into liberation theology, they were into him. He disavowed them.

Stop spreading falsehood.

You worship fucking statues, blasphemer. Remember the second commandment.

They're dead just like everybody else. Mary also had children after Jesus died. Jesus is the one true living God that conquered death. Accept it, cannibal.

This, save local churches. But the closer they get to the Vatican, the more you'll find pedophiles that need to be dragged out and shot in broad daylight in the street.

The Vatican protects its pedophiles priests instead of purging them.

>the modernist Francisphile enters the thread
Fuck off

It's amazing how one of you say Catholics don't pray to saints, then another comes along and says they aren't dead, meaning you pray to them. You're like muslims, subverting and lying through your teeth.

There hasn't been a legitimate pope since Vatican II

retarded protestants ... sigh

read the Bible. When did God change people's names? Rarely. It MEANS something.
He changed Abraham's hame
He changed Jacob's name
He changed Simon's name to PETER
And He said: I will call you PETER (ROCK) and on this ROCK I will build my Church.
And he gave Peter the KEYS (Authority)

Only retarded, brain-dead, zombie protestants can't understand this.

Stop slandering saints you shithead. I don't even like Francis.’t-this-idolatry/
>I'm protestant that means I worship another person's interpretation of the bible
see? I can make retarded statements about a belief I don't like too

I'm not interested in saving child diddling commies.

see user? satan has been catholic since the greaseballs lied about peter

The New Testament was written in Greek originally. Not English or Latin. That's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of you, but it's the truth. ''Petros'' means ''stone'' or ''fragment of a stone''. ''Petra'' can mean ''rock'' ''boulder'' or ''immovable'' mass, ie Jesus.
The Catholic church only allowed the bible to be interpreted by them and them alone. They didn't allow the bible to written in other languages until people started rebelling. You would kill me right now if you could. It's who you people are, like muslims. I'm a Christian not a Protestant. I don't belong to any denomination.
Mary and the saints are dead and can't hear your prayers. It doesn't make sense to pray to somebody lesser than God anyway.
Also, you all need to start accepting the fact that you have a pedophilia problem.

Francis, a false pope, is responsible for canonizing the commie. Cuck. Papal infallibility my ass

commie rapist's obviously don't represent the ENTIRE church body; c'mon my guy

i don't doubt satan HEAVILY targets the church; i don't get the bit about peter (because you don't want someone to tell you what to do?)
orthodox IS tempting, but they're constantly being cucked by whatever political state that's closest to them

protestantism is just lazy;
... baptists are cool

The current pope is Argentinian, what do you expected

You haven't been able to establish that he was a commie.

You're idea of a commie is anyone who doesn't say 'let the poor starve in the gutter'. You're not a Christian with that attitude.

Communism wouldn't exit if Christians actually acted like Jesus told us to.

Kys idolator

The current Pope? Yes, he's gone beyond communism. He's a full blown globalist. He's the only Pope in history that allowed muslims into the church and he even kissed the koran in front of them. The Pope also hates Trump and America. But that's fine, because Americans originally never liked Catholics either. It wasn't until the Irish Catholic invasion that they started infiltrating everything. They operate like Jews. A pro immigrant, anti native, anti white shill he is. There's nothing conservative, or traditional about him, and I'm not even a blood drinking Catholic.

yer a fuckin heretic, m8

all pretty valid
i don't mind the latin because it's very accurate, but you're right; if you wanna know your stuff, you gotta learn ελληνιkα

and idk about splintering off into a new sect because the going got tough and someone in the church raped a kid;
that person should be judged accordingly
and if there were more, kick them ALL out.
but then you skip town when you don't want to handle the mistakes your community made?

Says who the Pope? Not an argument by the way. If people want to be Catholics, fine. But Americans? Sickening. I guarantee you're an Irish monkey, but I could be wrong. Move to Rome and you can worship head child molester in charge everyday.

no one worships the pope; if they did, it would obviously be heretical

There's not supposed to be any ''sects'', denominations, or religions. You believe Jesus is the Son of God, and you read the bible and follow God's commandments. God made it pretty clear in the bible.
When people are crying and trampling over each other to touch a mere man, that's worship. The pope is like John Gotti, which is ironic considering the Italian mafia always sought help from the Vatican in a pinch. Jesus and His disciples never had to walk around or preach behind security or bullet proof glass.

>God told me I'm good and that everything I do is right and that those that oppose me are bad and that I should help end the world in an apocalypse to prove him right.

Now that's a cute pupper

you're correct
i find the history of the church encouraging and its resources helpful
i'm a pretty dumb guy; i need all the help i can get; i can't always accurately interpret 2000 year old texts of languages i don't speak

the pope is a weird concept; i don't doubt people get excited over it; if they worship him in their heart, it's heretical and should be adjusted; if he's corrupt, kick em out


>I can't always accurately interpret 2,000 year old texts of languages I don't speak
We shouldn't have to resort to reading the Old Testament in Hebrew or the New Testament in Greek. The bible is to the common man. Catholicism revolves around that one verse in the bible, all over somebody's name. The meaning is clear, that we're nothing without God. He is the chief cornerstone. Michael, in Hebrew, means ''Who is like unto God?'' Jehovah's Witnesses think that means Jesus and Michael are the same thing.
>the pope is a weird concept
It was a genius concept back when the Pagans were feuding with the Christians after Jesus was killed. Constantine had to keep order somehow.

also jesus DID have to leave from crowds many times for fear of being trampled or being imprisoned
when he got to jerusalem, people were going apeshit; the jews feared the romans would punish them for disturbing the peace

i don't disagree the church needs a purge of those types (commies and rapists)

the only way we can save the ones we love from jehovah's witnesses, is learn those ancient languages, because they will not listen to you otherwise

but yea, english bible, can't complain, luther gets a lot of flack in catholic circles, but it simply had to be done (the translation).

>worshipping a globalist kike on a stick
Why? Why reject your ancestors and join some universalist sand nigger cult? You cannot call yourself both a Chr*st**n and a nationalist.

user, you're so right

No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Nemo potest duobus dominis servire : aut enim unum odio habebit, et alterum diliget : aut unum sustinebit, et alterum contemnet. Non potestis Deo servire et mammonae.

You Jew filth want to destroy all the unique cultures and religions around the world and replace them with one centralized global pedo kike order. Fuck that.

Jesus was making a fucking joke you god damned idiot. Jesus was the ultimate roast master and couldn’t stop ripping the faggot Simon 24/7 including changing his name to “rock” and saying “you are a rock”

“Pope” Frank is an imposter

Listen to the retarded protestant:
>The New Testament was written in Greek originally. Not English or Latin. That's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of you, but it's the truth. ''Petros'' means ''stone'' or ''fragment of a stone''. ''Petra'' can mean ''rock'' ''boulder'' or ''immovable'' mass, ie Jesus.

Jesus was SPEAKING in Aramaic, not Greek
Also, so you mean to say that Jesus was saying, YOU are PETER, the Male Rock, whereas, I am PETRAS, the Female Rock.

Further retardedness:
>The Catholic church only allowed the bible to be interpreted by them and them alone. They didn't allow the bible to written in other languages until people started rebelling.

Is there a retarded test that you have to pass to become protestant?
First Spanish Bible: 1280
First French Bible: 13th- 14th centuries
First German Bible: 311–80; Frankish Translation 9th century; German Bibles in the present version were available in the 13th century. (In other words, before that faggot Martin Luther was even born.

declaring someone a saint was infallible under the Traditional procedure: there had to be 4 miracles, and a critical examination of the person's life and writings. The critical post was referred to as the "devil's advocate". This has been eliminated in the current procedure. If the pope's declaration in re: sainthood was always infallible no matter what, why did they create such a difficult procedure?
Because OBVIOUSLY, they did not.
The Vatican II church in creating saints as a means of PROPAGANDA to promote the heretical Vatican II protestant council.

Exactly, that's what I was saying

No religion is worth saving they're all dangerous cults dumbing down their subjects

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