Meet NPCJosh

He's the one who "protected" the internet from all your "dangerous" twitter NPC accounts.
Literally made a spreadsheet tracking ALL of you.
Got @twittersafety to ban your accounts.
Laughed about it.


His Bio states he tracks "russian bots"
You've got to be an NPC to believe the russian bot narrative..

Like a good NPC he enforces anti-freespeech without question.

Attached: NPCjosh.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1539550278787.jpg (938x974, 165K)

Glad he's verified so when we get twitters records we'll know where to find him.

Just use your inner-voice faggot. It's not a false flag

Attached: npc jew internet.jpg (960x960, 171K)
Everything he disagrees with is from a 'troll factory'

piss off a bunch of user npcs? this guy is fucked!

Attached: josh russel npc.jpg (652x1760, 121K)

The shill npc speaks

Attached: 1539480432249.png (1000x685, 1.36M)

Yes it is.
>artificially pushed npc meme
>political sides and identity attatched to meme once roots of meme seeded
>victimization and group identity founded in now sprouted "dehumanizing" meme
>destabilization groups stage false flag shooting where radical rightest kills "npcs"
>right wing further pacified to not want to be associated with violence and disarmament push furthered

Righties are too passive to kill those who want to kill them.
Besides theres just as many maganpc's as there is lefty NiggerPCs.
But be a good goy and pretend this isn't all obvious.

Attached: 1514940784692.jpg (749x426, 90K)

>Besides theres just as many maganpc's as there is lefty NiggerPCs.
This part I do agree with.

>lefty nigger pcs
Oh so you're just retarded

Attached: index.jpg (200x200, 6K)

Promoted by the (((media)))

>Josh Russell has been hunting Russian bots since 2016 and has the results to show for it. Indianapolis Star

>His part-time job is Russian troll hunter

A computer systems analyst explains how he created a database of Kremlin-linked Russian troll accounts.
Source: CNN

Attached: npc josh cnnpc.jpg (1121x483, 114K)

looks sorta like a jew.

Attached: 719e07f1-f8e8-415d-9938-31a79c4827c9-RussianTroll_RS_13.jpg (520x345, 16K)

>predator breaks down
Nein nein nein

Anyone else think this guy is a little too buff to be a " computer systems analyst"?

Operative Confirmed.

delete this

Attached: jewmadnpc.png (501x585, 72K)

>puts twitter accounts into an excel spreadsheet
>writes script that analyzes keywords of what a sampled size of the users talk about
le hackerman

Attached: 1538455108019.jpg (250x250, 7K)

this guy is pathetic lmao

Why? All the gray accounts are doing is just drawing :^| faces on things and repeating dem hashtags. It's like looking in the mirror, so why do they recoil?

And a little npcish with those blackend soulless eyes

Attached: josh russel npc confirmed.jpg (1107x485, 76K)

Attached: 1537299640348.jpg (680x680, 71K)

tell them to shove this up their cunt asses

Attached: 45.png (500x317, 116K)

i liked npc meme like 2 weeks ago
thats how long it took normies to ruin it
my bad lmao

This guy is a dangerous idiot

Attached: 7B2D9A00-5ADD-46CA-9A9E-2E5D7D5E8285.jpg (634x800, 70K)

You've got to be an Russian bot to believe the NPC narrative.

>nonprescription glasses black_plastic_frame.fb
>social interaction fatigue -5%

I love how they used this shitty camera angle to try to make him seem buff

sum 1 shooped his eyes bigger lmao

LOL, my NPC account made the spreadsheet.

is he a confirmed OY VEY?

Oh shit, San Diego is in Russia?

Also, it seems creating accounts literally called NPC gets you banned faster.
Try something like National Progressive Coalition, or something similar

New account made today already got banned

Oh look, another NPC thread.
This stupid NPC meme needs to end now.


They've never seen themselves before

You're wondering why the political elite is shitting themselves over the NPC meme?

people vote for these self absorbed narcissists because they are too fucking lazy to think things through properly.
They have been trained from birth by a consumerist, convenience society to expect everything on a plate with no effort, and include their politics in this.

The NPC meme works because it shames them into not wanting to be a fucking zombie robot, and any habitual defence of their mindset is a confirmation of their brainwashed condition.
It's a call to action disguised as an insult.

This meme offers the hope of a real future for society because it has the potential to swing autobots into a radical new de-programming mode where they will stop just jumping through flaming hoops for bowls of cheerios every morning.

Apocalypse means unveiling. The demisting of peoples minds.
And about time too...

topkek the guy is obsessed

well said


I'm one of about two dozen of the top architects, managers, team leads, etc. in the Indianapolis IT world. I get to select people to interview and then determine if we proceed with an offer. If I've never heard of a local or if their references are people I don't know, I reach out to the "boys club". Same goes for the rest of the group.

This dick has been working at IUPUI for 10yrs. To me, that's a red flag. I want to know why someone who's talented would work for the USG. earning about the same as a new grad for 10 fucking years. University tech moves slowly and is always very sloppily implemented. Why is he there 10yrs?

Before I ever asked him, I'd run his name by the other two dozen people. One would say, "Check out his facebook/youtube/twitter. It appears he's quite the activist!" That will be an immediate decline for my company. I'll let his recruiter know that he's got a poor rep and she'll shop him to the shit-tier places in town that pay garbage and produce garbage.


This dipshit is going nowhere in his current career in my town. The awesome power of marginalization takes care of these sort of people.

Kek. I'm fucking dying at these profiles

Attached: DphKyvwXUAY6Mdu.jpg (873x1200, 138K)

You just exposed yourself with these two words, shill.
Also, you're an NPC.

The NPC meme heralds the beginning of the Second Meme War

Attached: IMG_1629.jpg (567x448, 59K)

Fuckin top bantz anons. SpaceX couldn't reach my fucking sides

Attached: DphKyvwW0AUgzDf.jpg (840x1200, 144K)

>checks out this guys twatter
>13K tweets
>motherfucking 108K likes
>not even over 10K followers yet

Jesus Christ. Either he pruned an enormous amount of his old tweets or has utterly no life what so ever because that is an absolutely fucking massive disparity.

Fucking crazy how anyone who holds conservative opinions can be labelled a Russian bot by the full force of the mainstream media for two years straight

Yet the NPC meme is decried as outright "dehumanizing" after two weeks, with a huge social media crackdown to boot

I know it's a pretty basic observation, but shit man.

Attached: 1485553308790.jpg (250x221, 10K)

daily reminder this scares the shit out of them, which is why they are desperately pushing for the ban

Any tips on improving career prospects?

>Try something like National Progressive Coalition
Good idea.

THIS. Agreed.