Why is it that the LGBT+ community keeps trying to push their damn agenda on media such as cartoons and movies...

Why is it that the LGBT+ community keeps trying to push their damn agenda on media such as cartoons and movies? By adding more LGBT+ characters or changing already established characters (Such as Disney making fucking Lando pan to pander to the LGBT+) wouldn't it just be pushing the general population away from some of these movies or not affecting the general population? It's ok to have a homosexual character somewhere in a story, but it shouldn't be so important that their homosexuality ends up being one of the most important things in a plot like what some of these far leftists are wanting. If they want the issue of homosexuality to be addressed and for their community to be accepted wouldn't it be more logical to not even bring it into the media and not talk about it often? As a heterosexual, I don't go around making a big deal out of the fact I'm straight, and I could care less if sexuality is even a thing in my media. If I'm invested in a fantasy story about some people going and purging the evil from the land or some shit I don't appreciate an out of place and unnecessary sex scene especially if it's just to pander to the minority. What is Jow Forums's thoughts on this?

Attached: Pepe is a far left symbol..png (1280x1313, 815K)

I assume exhibition fetish

so what youre saying is that the purpose would be to expose the masses most of them children to different forms of sexuality kids don't need to see that shit even if they dont know about it

That's just me though others could easily argue that kids should know about it. I just feel like a 5 year old watching a Disney movie should be exposed to that.

should not*

kike shill

I didn't even bother responding to him, close-minded shills like that don't deserve attention.

To groom children so they can have sex with them

Tryin to get laid. Obviously.

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The “lgbtq community” is a fucking golem the jews constructed as an excuse to peddle perversion onto the goy to make them more pliable cattle.

These are interesting thoughts. The idea of trying to change children and even adult viewers into gays so that way they have more people in their community could be a theory.

It's possible.

>What is Jow Forums's thoughts on this?
I have evolved on my position.
In the past, I would say, repress it.

Now I say, let it be brought to the light.
Let those who advocate for degeneracy be noted.
These are the soulless, inhuman monsters that walk among you.
Do not be fooled.
Not one of them is moral.
Not a single one in their numbers can be trusted.
Homosexuality is a dopamine based addiction.
People habituated to homosexuality will behave in completely irrational and anti-social ways to perpetuate their addiction.
They no longer have free will.
You cannot change this.

There is no hope but to out them and rout them.
Where you cannot attack, withdraw and regroup.
Remove all economic support for businesses that advocate for inhumanity.
No fast food.
No Soft drinks.
Check who sponsors your local pride parade and ask yourself if you can simply choose another company to do business with.

Remember, they are no longer human.
They are given over to a reprobate mind.
They cannot and will not be redeemed.
Cast no pearls before these swine.

Only the very desperate should attempt to recover an individual lost to sexual immorality.
May God be merciful to the lost and allow them to see.

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It would be a neat idea to let them bring their tendencies to light to see how society reacts as a whole. The dopamine point is proven, however, I wouldn't say these people are not human, they just have some issues that need to be worked out. I support the idea of not giving my money to the business that supports ideas I'm against and when the next far left meetup occurs, I will most likely look at the business sponsoring it. Thanks for your insight.

They’re an abomination and as such can’t have kids so they need to indoctrinate instead


We should point out to leftists that their LGBT+ movement destroyed the Occupy Wall Street movement from within.

Then we sit back and watch them eat their own.

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This is an idea I agree with, one of my biggest issues in accepting the LGBT+ community is that they can't contribute another generation to society. In reality, all most humans do in life is work as part of society and then bear children to do the same thing, or they make an impact on society as a whole or bear children that impact. LGBT+ is limited to leaving an impact at the very most but has no potential to leave further impacts. Kind of an odd way to word it but I think my point is clear.

It's funny how true that is.

It's funny how true that is, forgot to add the reply. Whoops.

As much as I want to be, I'm not surprised seeing that.

This. No gays really care about it. They aren't pushing for inclusion, they understand that they're a minority and don't need to be in everything. Most fags are happy with thier one shitty Oscar bait movie and some arthouse garbage.

The push in vidja has more to do with women wanting to flick their bean to gay guys than gay dudes caring.

Judging by your flag, you're actually in the LGBT+ community, and as such, I take your word with value. I suppose that may be what I hear isn't what is necessarily true and that gay people don't care about whether or not they're in media? That's an interesting concept I plan on looking further into, thanks for your insight.

I would not be so crass or foolish to wish that you would be able to see for yourself, the truths that I have experienced first hand.

It is my highest wish that you Obey God even though you have not yet seen the ugliness first hand. Have faith that God's Word on the matter is completely and infallibly truthful.

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idk but its pretty annoying

I do believe in the lord, I haven't yet seen the toxicity you speak of, however, it sounds pretty bad and I don't look forward to encountering it. I will consider your words in future interactions in which I might encounter this toxicity.

God's view on the matter is one I happen to use in my arguments and take very seriously. Most religions besides Christianity also express similar views on homosexuality as well showing that is was considered evil in older societies.

The Walking dead used to be great, then someone stepped in gay and tracked it all across the show.

Attached: The Gays.jpg (459x579, 77K)

Already got gay marriage legalized but the crazies still want that activism high and think a sexuality defines everything about a person.

Exactly dude.

It's like they already won the most important battle and they need to chill out.

yeah but leftists ultimately are parasites so they're unable to make anything for themselves, so they have to steal shit made by others and turn it into propaganda

in fact its only a side effect of jews buying up and selling out all forms of entertainment media, SJW shit is just the final nail int he coffin once they seem to gauge that a particular IP has been thoroughly sold out and cant do more with it and know its sales will ultimately die off anyway

Because they cannot reproduce naturally. They can only gain more to their side thru propaganda, lies, deceict and sexual abuse (convert them when they are young)

Big facts

The idea of increasing their numbers is very popular on this thread, could be fact.

I'm gay for really big dongs. Like HUGE fucking cocks. Way bigger than normal

they do it because it's easier to phase out the other side by focusing their advocacy on the younger generation. This makes older conservatives angry, which then reinforces their leftist narrative even more until they freeze-frame you that way in their history books

Exactly! I'd say all the rational people stopped caring once we got it, but I think a better explanation was that a big majority agreed that gay marriage was the grand prize to get. The normies would direct others into not going full retard, and the crazies were useful idiots with a lot of energy. Gay marriage legalized, normies do their own thing, crazies get robbed of their crusade. They start imitating how the normies organized them and bellowing for more to join, but the big ticket issues are already done or something they don't wanna tackle because feelings.

The grand prize they seem to want is true acceptance by everyone at all times as 'elite' (hence the "representation now AND AS NOTHING LESS THAN GODS"). Impressionable people of varying levels of faggot get caught up in being 'elite' and 'special', and then get purity-checked into being more extreme.

Sorry for blogposting, I just wanted to vent.

>Why is it that the LGBT+ community keeps trying to push their damn agenda on media such as cartoons and movies? By adding more LGBT+ characters or changing already established characters (Such as Disney making fucking Lando pan to pander to the LGBT+)
I honestly haven't been following any television or films since the late 2000s, after which the queer and nigger agenda started really being ramped up. The real redpill is just avoiding anything made after 2009

