The White Man talks about the Jesus his Ancestros believed In
The White Man talks about the Jesus his Ancestros believed In
Austin Carter
Asher Price
fake news
Jaxon Williams
Jayden Ward
dumb jew
Nicholas Flores
Agreed. Send the entire family back across the border.
By catapult.
Ryan Cooper
Pretty sure the Jesus his ancestors believed in wouldn't support the idea of tearing innocent children to pieces then from their mother's womb. Just saying.
James Harris
i think he means the Jesus they murdered
Jaxson Flores
It's funny, because the point of separating the children is to make sure that the "parents" aren't human trafficking the children since they don't have documents to prove that the child is legally their own.
>Jew telling us Christians that Jesus would have supported child trafficking.
Adrian Morgan
this kind of talk from kikes should literally be punishable by death
also checked
Zachary Sanchez
this too