America to impose international embargo on Iranian oil starting November 5

Eurocucks BTFO - France already surrendered and pulled Total out of the Iranian energy sector. India is next:

>US will enforce Iran sanctions, but is ambiguous on exemption for Iraq

>Beginning on November 5, the US will start blocking exports from Iran’s energy sector, demanding that such purchases end, while threatening to sanction those countries that continue to import oil and related products from Iran. A number of states, including Iraq, are seeking an exemption from such restrictions...

>The US “is committed to re-enforcing all of our sanctions,” Nauert added. “We believe that countries coming together and recognizing the malign influence that Iran has had around the world is important.”...

>The same issue exists with India, the second largest importer of Iranian oil, after China. On Monday, India’s Oil Minister revealed that two state refineries had placed orders for Iranian oil to be delivered in November... Asked about the consequences of India’s continued import of Iranian oil, Nauert noted that when the President was asked that question earlier in the day, he had responded, “We’ll take care of that.”

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Also, get ready for angry Muslims to try and hit back:

>The issue of hostile Iranian activities may soon become much more acute.

>The Washington Post reported on Friday that there is “growing anxiety in France, Germany, and several other countries,” including the US and Israel, that “Iran is planning audacious terrorist attacks.”

>It quoted an unidentified Middle Eastern intelligence official that there had been a “definite uptick” in the activities of Iranian intelligence operatives outside the country and “the Iranians are preparing themselves for the possibility of conflict.”

>The Post also cited unnamed officials as saying that Iran “has recruited people from Pakistan,” as well as “Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, North Africa and Afghanistan “to obscure” its role in espionage and terrorism.

We might have to go to war again soon to respond to Iranian aggression.

fuck jewmerica

>t. triggered Indian

Iran won't start anything because the leaders know there is absolutely no way they personally survive the fallout from it.

They know sections of the US Government and Military have been thirsting to blow Iran off the face of the Earth for years, and they have to know with Trump in the Oval Office they'll be replaced by a puppet government totally beholden to the US.

goatfuckers btfo

Keep slurping Jew dick.

Attached: jewsaudi.png (723x457, 225K)

Americans are basically slaves to jews.

The main point is that Europeans talked a lot of shit, but completely folded and surrendered when the time came for action. Typical.

salam aleikum jamal

Persians say dorūd, a word that goes back to Sassanian era.

Don't even cluster with Arabs, retard. It's like me calling you Jews for being Christian.

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we wuz zoro n sheeit

t.ali ibn jafar ali ali reza ali khan ali

Zoroastrian minority survive in Yazd, Iran, so it's not a question of "wuz". The Zoroastrians in Yazd are in an unbroken lineage dating to Sassanian era.

>durr our god emperor is playin 4d chess... hurr durrr
Make Jow Forums great again, point out that trump lovers are npcs just like a democrat.

99% of poorsians are arab mutts and the yazd are christian whites

hello my lebanese shill

>the yazd are christian whites
No, they are Zoroastrians, and all Iranians cluster near them.
>99% of poorsians are arab mutts
No. I already explained this isn't the case.

Then why do they look like arab mutts?

Attached: iranian.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Most Iranians look like pic related. Some have darker features, others have lighter features. Point is, race is not skin deep. Only a few genes select for depigmentation, and Sassanian artifacts showed varying skin tone of Iranian royalty too.

Attached: iranian.jpg (1066x1599, 129K)

again we wuzzin whatever khomenei most of u look indistinguishable from saudi arabians

I can distinguish them pretty well.

Attached: Sassanids Depicting Themselves.png (1111x835, 1.37M)

Iranians are crypto jews. They have jewed me more than jews. Both ate scourge

I tried to tell you that Trump was just bread and circus for us and that there’s no stopping the (((MIC))).
>T. Jill Stein voter

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>not knowing lebs in australia all work for mossad
>implying a leb has the intellect to use a computer

i can smell ur falafel from here u filthy mong

Kek. I like you leaf, does that mean i win?