Elin has started a revolution

this will keep happening.

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europeans need to be killed

she is a goddess

I'd beat her to death with a hammer, then rape her corpse until there was nothing left..if you know what I mean

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I wish I could see the NPC look on her face when someone tells her she got jail time for defending a gang rapist. I doubt she repented, as usual when confronted with reality, she must have momentarily crashed and rebooted into "it's the principle of the matter because hx900000mn-35: Black Skin" mode.

As I have said before, women subconsciously seek an effective reproductive strategy. They will support letting in swarthy hordes and rapists and when logically tasked to explain why, you won't get a straight answer. This is why women were not originally allowed to vote or run countries. What, did we really think our ancestors were just being dicks? They KNEW what the fuck they were doing.
In the end, women will destroy a civilization. Why? When civilization is destroyed, it's down to "Warlords and Harems". That is, the top alpha male screwing the best-looking women. Much better than the "patriarchy" of "for the ugly man there's an ugly women and together they breed even uglier and dumber kids". Yes the patriarchy that built civilization also planted the seed to breed people dumb enough to make democracy the means of destruction. Hello?
None if this is a surprise. But is there no compromise? Or shall men prepare to be warlords or die as hapless cannon fodder?
(Maybe as a "Man-at-arms" you might be allowed to have a wife or two).


CHOOSE Jow Forums

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>Mudslime-dick-loving blonde whore

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>europeans need to be killed
They just need to be broken and watch their cities burn as they scream and flail only to have no warmth to come to their aid. No great parent to hold and coddle them. Nothing to make the bad things go away as they watch people melt away to tallow and ash. They require hardship. They must suffer. The weakness must be drawn out.

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Asian girl, duh. Although I would pick an SJW Asian chick over a redpilled traditional white girl too.

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we need to create groups who oppose these crazy activists. they cannot be reasoned with. we need our own version of ICE. a legal organisation that ensures those who are no longer welcomed here are chased down and sent back. those who try to get in the way will have to do so by force and will be matched accordingly.
our institutions of authority cannot be trusted anymore.

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fuck you nazi

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I voted for the mudslime dick loving whore because she's still more attractive than that chink

The only thing more pathetic than the modern left is all of its so called heroes.
You have this visibly confused NPC
and a fucking land whale who got run over.
No ideas
No speeches
No symbols
No leaders
just impotent, empty, signalling.
fucking npc mating calls.

Why deport them if you can just summarily execute them?

They were able to lure her to a private location which resulted in her rape.

Should we really be supporting a girl that willingly goes off into the woods with mudslimes?

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please tell me they just deported him on another flight

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I will always choose a based minority over a white whore

give it a rest. it's boring now

t. one of the activists stopping deportations

lol deportations are already so rare that anytime someone actually gets the boot it's some kind of violent criminal they are protecting usually a rapist so it always ends up blowing up in their face. Also she didn't actually stop a deportation. She just delayed it by a couple hours and ruined everyones day in the process. Oh, and everyone here except the media and some left wing splergs thinks she's a fool, just so we're clear.

90% of Swedish women think just like her though I bet

You're right. Power is necessary in a time of rampant anarchy.

90% of left wing women aged 18-25. The rest not so much. Even most of her supporters are laughing at her, like she "had her heart at the right place at least". Alt media is great domestically, but when stories like these go international MSM still have their monopoly.