They fall on it so use it

Attached: NPC meme.png (971x546, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: npc sjw.png (665x737, 458K)

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>a few spergs start circlejerking about some retarded idea their overactive/wasted intellect comes up with

>endless kvetching ensues

i mean we could be colonizing mars but this is kind of entertaining at least

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these threads are a constant battle zone. is the mossad-hater user just one guy or a collective of likeminded people suspicious about this meme?

Attached: 1539517777072.jpg (300x416, 33K)

What if we go to every blue checkmark and just spam them with NPC meme face drawn onto their real face. No words or anything, just NPC meme. Over and over and over and over. No more engagement with them other than NPC meme. No speech, no dialogue, just NPC meme. I predict many suicides.

the meme applies to both sides moron
before that kotaku article, it was just about self-awareness, not political trash

>implying they were human to begin with

Attached: DpQzhjBX4AIsQgc.jpg (640x640, 43K)

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t. Cecilia

Attached: 38720FC7-F55D-49FF-BEEF-A9A12FC6D3C0.jpg (275x183, 13K)

we know, but the left doesn't
and that's what makes this meme work

The NPC meme is the end product of a public education. All thoroughly trained to think as a collective group and rewarded for participation. Dissenters are punished for voicing independent thought.

Bro you go into every npc thread with this shit, chill the fuck out and stop sperging like a downy

Attached: 1517419671205.png (662x540, 240K)

Educators of today are socialists in action. No wonder Soros wants to reduce the voting age to 16.


The Quick Rundown of the century!!

>The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory

>Some NPC's can be saved

He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))

THIS DAMAGING VIDEO TO THE NPC'S is a must see...,.,.,.

Attached: received_165391831065429.jpg (971x800, 59K)

Make Antifa NPCs, the salt would be glorious.

This one article is what told the NPCs to be angry.
The only people offended by the NPC meme are the people who think it applies to them. Just like the amerimutt meme.

No real person is suspicious of it, a real human knows its perfect instinctually. Anyone saying its not isn't human.

The amerimutt meme isn't organic. People can tell instinctually that amerimutt is a forced garbarge meme. The npc meme is organic. People can tell instinctually that npc meme is absolutely perfect.

The Real NPC science not anecdotal psyc study bullshit

Attached: NPCAREBAD.png (440x540, 201K)

the npc meme is for sociopaths and psychopaths looking for a good mental life hack to stop seeing other people as people.

go into your bathrooms and swallow as many pills and cleaners as possible

Too bad the memeslayer is after your beloved meme. Once he's done your meme will be turned into cringe garbage, my fellow kemistanis.

Attached: 1539571108670m.jpg (1024x577, 77K)

No god please no

Attached: 1508364972828.gif (225x249, 808K)

gys you retarded nigger. Here is a secret this meme is nothing new, free thinking intelligent people have always known 99.9% of the rest of the world are drolling barley sentient fuck wits, this meme just updated it it for the current times so other fuckwits that aren't complete droolers but still uneducated fuck wits about philosophy and intellectual quotes on thees kinds on these things would be able to understand this with their tiny pop culture addled brains the fact that you don't know this means you are the NPC nigger and need to be gassed with the kikes

Attached: nietchze.jpg (640x640, 88K)

Can’t believe how pissed off NPCs are over this meme! Make more!

Attached: B6005216-468D-4711-9BDF-AB9B85E37DC5.jpg (1136x639, 116K)

Literally every person in history that wasn't a complete drooler like yourself has commented on niggers like yourself being dangerous worthless droolers

Attached: buddha7.jpg (500x500, 56K)

NPC nigger fuck off back to pleebit, milk for babes meat for men, never cast pearls before swine

Attached: plato.jpg (720x720, 81K)

any user have the CNNPC logo?

Attached: pncbrainlet6.png (882x1025, 246K)


What is the difference between an NPC and a Sheep? I'm asking because I think people are confusing the two.

There’s also already a twitter account apperantly


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In its early stages it was about nonwhite people.

Attached: npcs.jpg (376x401, 98K)

And that's a good thing!

(((they))) are shutting it down
will probably be gone soon
just one example

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The amerimut meme is fucking hilarious. It's a great Jan at statistically illiterate plebs that think stats on the average apply to individuals vas a bonus. It is probably a psyop, but it's a quality meme.


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It doesn't make though. It implies that every so called "white" American is only 56% ethnically white. When in reality it means 56% of America is white.

Stop being a retard.



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>Bring posters of them to protests

I see the meme is working.


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How many times is this kotaku article gonna get posted here, kotaku?

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Lol I love all you little fuckers

antifa be like:

Attached: vijdinrzfzmuaxbzd0vy.png (636x673, 93K)

Attached: frens.png (689x473, 97K)



Attached: 1539589987913.jpg (2698x1668, 268K)

Some of them are definitely top notch. Anyone got the deportation ones? With the amerimutt powering up to a higher %?

The left literally cannot meme.

Attached: 1539417243190.jpg (1024x513, 77K)


they are, fucking negro lover

I saw that article on (((Kotaku))) and even though it's about a week old now, I only saw it a few days ago and I love how the NPC meme is triggering the fuck out of SJWs because they know it's true. We need to continue to aggressively push the NPC meme and I also suggest that we completely replace the term 'SJW' with the term 'NPC', because I don't like the term 'social justice warrior' because of the word 'warrior' - those weak, idiotic cowards do NOT deserve to be called 'warriors' even in a sarcastic way. That's why I'm only going to call SJWs 'NPCs' from now on.

Attached: sonicthehedgehog.png (320x500, 161K)

neck yourself

Attached: genius.jpg (328x154, 7K)

>2hrs hunting and confining.
This meme is breaking them.

>Sims diamond over the NPC's head

That's good


> the Russian bots new meme

Like clockwork.

Attached: NPCs.jpg (680x802, 62K)

I mean lets be honest... you're really not people. People are capable of thinking.

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Attached: leftj.jpg (472x527, 99K)

They are right you know

Shuddup cunt

My brave warrior was banned from Twitter today

Attached: npc.png (416x435, 155K)

I don't think I have seen a meme have this much impact in so little time.

Attached: Worry.png (492x425, 207K)

But SJWs literally are not rationally thinking humans, so what's wrong...

>people come to a logical common conclusion based similar info in a rational way


>believe stupid bullshit for no reason just to be a contrarian

This is okay, wow they're so cool.

hungry: need eat

Attached: wnbc.jpg (416x870, 47K)

read this shitlords

Attached: npc-theory.jpg (1546x1222, 1.7M)

You know when a meme gets to them when they kvetch and scream at the kikes to start banning accounts.

thought it was lame like why would i tell anyone that they are this fucking cartoon
now i am using and abusing it

As many times as necessary


Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.jpg (550x550, 24K)

Bug report: Unit Description: Can't meme
Severity: Critical
Recommendation: Terminate

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Attached: 1065832-plumbob_keychain_photosculpture_p153385835534233601u7j7_400.jpg (640x640, 13K)

TARGET: Confirmed

Attached: 1539510301483.jpg (1000x999, 184K)

I dictate the words in my head and I'm a fast reader

/high functioning NPC

Attached: 1532020931173.png (512x512, 36K)

This meme is more potent than i first realized. Any person that has seen it will immediately associate whatever progressive sjw talking point they hear with it no matter where they are on the political spectrum themselves.

that's a bingo

Maybe that’s why they hate the npc meme so much, they absolutely DESPISE being called a mob though so definitely refer to an angry mob of democrats as mobs whenever possible

top cuck those comments

Attached: 42B8AC5A3B5642658D78BCD77B0A45AB.png (622x459, 102K)

>logical consensus is bad


Attached: 1539361673155.jpg (1036x627, 137K)

Damn, this female NPC meme is too on point i tried Tinder once in my life and EVERY woman was the exact same:
Age 18 - 32, likes food (literally they write that they like food as if that does not apply to every biological lifeform) red wine family dogs cats and "travelling", is very "spontaneous".
The pictures were ALWAYS the following
>1. Heavily edited & filtered selfie with a mountain of makeup
>2. Doing something sporty like skis or biking
>3. Standing on a sunny hill with arms stretched up, photographed from behind